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New stepmom with trouble fitting in/disrespected by 13 yr old boy

Paws's picture

I am new here. Partner has gone to out for a bit so I thought I'd throw out my issue now in hopes of some sort of way to calmly hold a discussion he wants to have when he returns. Short notice but worth a shot.

I moved in and became stepmom less than a year ago. I don't feel comfortable most of the time. I figure that is normal from what I have read.

Father does the disciplining and I try to do too much. He wants to talk about my 'animosity' toward his 13 yr old son. Well yes there is because he is a surly, ill-mannered prat. He is a bully to his younger brother, speaks rudely all the time, short tempered, knows everything, is curt with his answers to me if he bothers to answer at all. He does nothing in the line of basic housework and when he moves through the house he leaves a trail of mess! I clean all the time. Dad tells me to leave it but I cannot live in these sloppy 'batchelor' conditions.

I have tried to talk politely to the son, tried reasoning, showing how things are done by offering to show him how to run washer, sweep, basic stuff he should be doing.

Not allowed to offer incentive. Dad has clear rules. Now I have been stripped of my disciplining rights. I have no respect from this boy at all. The other is a lovely lad, willing to please and does as he is asked the first time usually. The elder boy fights everything with lame excuses, blame and feels no need to listen to me. He is deeply angry and I accept that. Lots going on and NO ONE wants to get counseling except me. So I go for me and my own health.

The dad says 'leave the boys to me.' I feel that no matter what I try, say or do, the dad finds fault yet sweetens it with, ' you are a good person but it doesn't work'.

So I am shutting down. I can't win. I feel lost and am probably not cut out for this. I know dad is very protective of his boys. So the house is a mess and I cringe at it.

When the boys erupt into a verbal (sometimes physical) battle, I don't know how to handle it because if I try to tell them to go to their rooms, the eldest mumbles under his breath, berates me, gets quite snotty and slams doors. When I tell his dad later, he says 'let me handle it' and the boy will lie about what happened. When I add my 2 cents worth, I get told to shush! I get told that I handled it wrong.

I am at the end here. I have no idea what to do or say as I am now going to have a 'talk', with my fella who will tell me much and will listen but I already know the outcome.

In his defense, he called this conference about the boys and says that maybe HE isn't doing something right, which is a huge admission from him. He wants to make it work but neither of us have the tools. I have asked repeatedly to all go to counseling, for us to take couples/parenting counseling but he refuses.

Open to ideas here....let 'er rip!


kathc's picture

I'm sorry I don't have anything to tell you except you should leave. You can't be expected to live with a child who's allowed to treat you that way. Your BF clearly isn't doing anything that is working with this child and won't allow you to say boo to him so where does that leave you?

Paws's picture

Thank you to all. I have thought of leaving and have a bit of a plan on the back burner. Yes I love him BUT I love myself far too much more to put up with this. I have been through a lot in the past and really spent a long time rebuilding myself and respecting myself to let it all be torn down.

It is just timing. He knows I have considered this and we talked about it. He knows that changes have to be made and he has actually stepped up in other areas that needed it. He knows it takes work on BOTH our parts to make relationships, especially difficult ones like this, work. And if it is not the right fit....

There are ample other reasons to go as well...not just the kids. Much of it is the man himself and his personality clashing with mine at times. Am I happier more often or frustrated? The latter....and that speaks volumes.

We have yet to have the talk but just home now and it is on the table next. Just enough time here to keep you in the loop and read your stuff. More later. Thanks so much! I AM STRONG!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

Leave and find a man with no kids or ex's. Your life will be fun and happy again.

This man sounds like an asshole.


Sunshine1992's picture

On this one. My "step son" (I'm not married and I'm 30 he's 15 so it's not really a stepparent vibe) is so useless that I'm just getting annoyed with him. I get typical teenage stuff as I have 5 younger siblings but I hate seeing this kids sense of entitlement and authority that of course is accompanied by 0 responsibility. I know teens are not known for responsibility but this kid does not even do the bare minimum which should be getting decent grades and cleaning up after himself a little bit. And his father gives him so many privileges like staying out until midnight and buying him whatever he wants it just completely disgusts me that this kid gets anything for his crappy effort. 

Sorry  for the rant, I think if you're going to stay in the situation I would completely disengage, it will be hard if you're around them by yourself, but I think based on your husbands attitude all you can do is report the events that happen and if he wants to believe his kids lies well that's his choice and will not help him. If these men want to turn their kids into useless beings then they can do that, and all we can do along the line is accept or reject how that affects us. 

good luck !! 

ImFreeAtLast's picture

This this one back. You're only 30. Plenty of men your age without these problems.