One family versus the other
I honestly don't even know what I am doing here or if this is okay, but I am desperate so I am reaching out for help; any help! I am looking for any advice, input or maybe experience on how to make the most of what I got. I apologize in advance as I am a detailed story teller...
I am a 35 year old mother of three girls that fell in love with a 33 year old man of two boys. My girls are 17, 13 & 7 and his boys are 11 & 8. This is a scenario of opposties attract SERIOUSLY! Neither the boys' bio-mom nor my girls' bio-dad are in the picture. We have only been living together for a year and we are two completely different breeds of people and our family is suffering for it.
My girls were raised to be respectful, responsible and confident extroverts. They are strong-willed and embrace their individuality and love to be around people. They all work really hard in school, have set goals for their futures and are open with me about almost everything. I have raised my kids to complete their chores daily, stay out of conlflict that doesn't involve them and be a problem -solver not a problem-started. I have also taught them that nothing in life is free and so they work for their own monies to buy the things they want or go the places they want to go. Call me strict, but it works for us and i can trust my kids and do not have to worry about my kids running a muck. All my kids are treated with respect and although they are not treated the same, they understand it is because of the age difference and they are not aggressive about it. Unfortunately, I am not very affecitonate with my kids. I do not kiss them all the time, or hug them all the time, or put them to bed every night; I am sporadically affectionate but my kids know I love them very much. This is the dynamic that my SO and his boys came into when we made the decision to live together.
Now my SO is nothing like me. He raised his kids to be introverts. They lived a sheltered life in a little southern town with a popoluation of like 22 and they were not exposed to other people often. The kids were not made to go to school, they only interacted with each other and were always around adults. They did not have chores or responsibilities and dad did everything for them, everything. My SO had a mantra of "if you want something right you must do it yourself", and so he did everything himself. The boys were given everything they wanted (one more so than the other) and did not have to work for anything. My SO babied his younger son over his oldest and still does. The boys aggressively fight for attention from their dad and they both feel they should be treated exactly the same. My SO is extremely affectionate to his youner son and uses "tough love" with his oldest. This is the dynamic they had when they moved in. So fastforward a year later.......
I am losing my s***!! My SO and I had the talk about expectations and teamwork and not undermining eachother; about open communication and honesty and building trust amongst the kids, well that is not happening. I am struggling hard. I only know how to be one way when it comes to parenting and it has worked for 17 years. My SO says he wants me to teach his boys to be more like my girls. He wants them to learn respect, responsiblity, structure, etc., and yet when it comes to his youngest he undermines me and gets mad at me for trying. The younger one knows that if I ask him to do something or tell him to go to bed or try to help him with his homework when he doesn't want to do it, all he has to do is fake being sad or start fake crying and his dad comes swooping in like superman to save him. However, if his oldest does any of that then he gets punished by his dad. The youngest boy has my SO wrapped around his finger so tight that my "safe space" in our home, is no longer my safe space. My SO allows his youngest to get away with murder and the youngest uses it to his advantage. He talks back to me, ignores me, barks orders at me; he deliberately disreargds my rules and invites himself into my safe space whenever he feels like it. He just does not give a damn about me or my boundaries. I am not allowed to say anything to the youngest or my SO accuses me of "picking on him". The disrespect from this 8 year old boy is appauling.
I have voiced my concerns and been honest about how I am feeling and in the moment my SO seems receptive and will even enforce my rules for a few days; then back to superdad he goes. My girls are resentful because they are expected and required to do the same things they were doing before the boys moved in and yet the boys do not contribute to the flow of the household. The oldest boy does sometimes and he is coming around to me. He actually wants and strives for my attention, he just does it in negative ways. What is it they say"negative attention is better than no attention at all" and if that is all he has known from his dad, than can I really blame him. I am at a loss on how to approach this because mine and my SO's ideas are not cohesive. I fear that the relationship that my SO has with his youngest child is going to divide our families even more than they are and I just want to be a problem-solver.
I am not sure whether I am being a whiny little weenie, being insensitive, not having compassion or understanding or what; I just thought that after a year of living together that the relationships between our familes would be more intertwined. Am I being unrealistic? How can I be of help to my SO in this situation without compromising my morals and values? How can I be a good step parent without losing my own kids? So many questions. I will say though, my hat is off to those that have been through similar situations and came our stronger on the other side. Step parenting is harder than I thought it was going to be. I am realizing I cannot be the same with someone else's kids as I am with my own.
Very similar
We, too, had 5 kids from both families full time. It is a LOT. Like you, I about hit the wall due to differing parenting styles. We also had the pet YSS. I could go on endlessly but the bottom line is, I went to counseling alone when DH refused to go to marriage counseling. My end result was a closer relationship with DH, a more united parenting front (not perfect but better) and more self-assertion tho that doesnt sound like your prob. I eventually disengaged from YSS as a teen. Parity was a big issue for me, treating all 5 alike as far as behavior standards, etc.
Good luck.
You can't parent his kids.
You can't parent his kids. Period. If he wants them to be more independent, that's his job to teach. Parenting styles that cause conflict like this are hard to over come. As you know, it's not easy and you have to be clear, consistent and persistent to parent independent successful kids. ( girl mom and similar style here). You might need to live separately and date until the kids are gone. Not unheard of around here.
Sometimes love isn't enough to make a life out of. No shame in trying but no shame in ending it either.
The real answer here is that
The real answer here is that he doesn't actually want your help in getting his kids to behave like yours. He just wants them to magically be like your kids, but he doesn't know how or want to learn how to do it.
Based on how you describe him, your SO sounds like he has many of the same qualities that you've instilled in your kids. He is hard working (have to be in order to do everything for your kids). He is a bit extroverted (have to be in order to land a date). He just hasn't taught ANY of those qualities to his kids, and he adds insult to injury by treating one like a baby and the other like a burden.
At this point what you can do is tell him to parent his kids his way and you'll parent yours your way. Don't offer him anymore parenting advice. Have two sets of rules in the house if you have to. If his kids misbehave, tell him so he can figure out the appropriate consequence. He is a fully grown man with the same access to parenting tools, tips, and tricks that you have. Stop overfunctioning for him.
If the thought that pops into your head is "if I do that, our relationship is over", I have some unfortunate news: it's already over, you're just helping it limp along. Your kids don't deserve to live in chaos. He knows it's chaos, which is why he wants YOU to fix it. This is a prime example of weaponized incompetence, and to a certain extent love bombing. He'll keep doing jjjuuuusssttt enough to keep you hooked on with promises it will get better, then not actually follow through because <insert excuse here>, and then you get frustrated and the cycle restarts.
He's an ineffective parent at best. You can't maintain a healthy blended family with an ineffective parent. It's not possible. You need to give him all the rope to either pull himself out of the hole he has dug or to hang himself with. You can't fix the thing you didn't break.
You raised your girls right
It sounds like you raised your girls right! Good job. DH is a typical "Disney dad" and he doesn't want to be the bad guy - but he doesn't want you to 'discipline" his kids either because it hurts his ego. He needs to grow up and realize that if he continues to "swoop in and save the day" that his boys will never be allowed to grow up either. He needs to let them learn how to solve their own problems.
You should disengage from parenting his boys, and let him handle the fallout from his poor parenting. My DH is similar, but has grown up some in the last 11 years. However, I watched my DH fall into old patterns last night again. I called him from work to ask if he would like me to order and pick up some pizza's for us and the SD's, who come over Fridays, on my way home from work. He called them to ask, and turns out they are very sick so are staying at their moms. So, I bought one pizza for us and that's it. I get home and he is preparing to leave the house again. I asked why? He said he is picking up fast food and bringing it to his 16 and 18 year old daughters at their moms house because their mom said if they don't go to Dads and give her some "alone time" that the least he can do is bring them dinner. They insisted so he did. They do not live super close, either. So he asked if I wanted to "keep him company". I said no. If i wanted to play Doordasher then I would have, but I called you about dinner so I could relax when I got home, and not do this BS today. He was grumpy, but he understood that his actions put him in that position, and he missed out on time with me because of his inability to say no to his ex wife and his daughters. His excuse was "If it will get their crazy mother off their backs, then its worth it. " My response was "Let them handle it, they are nearly grown ups and they have no social skills because you do everything for them."
He didn't!!! Oh I'd be livid.
He didn't!!! Oh I'd be livid.
You should absolutely cold turkey never, ever help with anything related to SDs again. Hard disengagement is necessary.
Oil and water don’t mix. Don’t even try.
Shitcan this idiot and his spawn and get back to raising your high quality children and leave this failing father to continue to raise his unsalvageable spawn to live with him for life.
Were I you, my kids would never do a chore in that home and neither would I. If daddy sucks his kid's asses to the point he does their chores, he can do everything, and I do mean everything. Tell him that either his kids do a balanced chore list to what your kids do, or your kids will do exactly what his kids do and HE can be the family chore bitch and do it all by himself. And... it had all better be done right each and every day.
Why would you pollute your life with this POS and his children?
Different sex children of
Different sex children of these ages should not be living together, PERIOD. There's too much chance of abuse or allegations of abuse to happen.
Move out with your girls, and date the guy if you want. Living together is not healthy for anyone.
How long did everyone know
How long did everyone know each other before you all moved in together?
It's okay to admit that it was a mistake and that future efforts in this direction will probably be unsuccessful. If I were you, I'd stay in the relationship with DH (if that's what you ultimately want) but simply live separately to save the negative energy, resentment, etc. that will eventually continue to build should you continue to live together. You had a good thing going with you and your daughters as your own team, don't ruin that.
I dipped my toes into
I dipped my toes into StepLandia with another boyfriend before I met my DH. This guy was a Disney Dad....his daughter and mine were about the same age and weren't in school yet. We lived together and I hate to admit it even now, but I actually disliked that child. I did so much for her, but if something displeased her she always said "I'm gonna tell my dad..". I finally responded with "let's call your dad now and tell him everything about what happened..." She ended up begging me not to call him and this happened several times because I wasn't going to let a 4 year old bully me.
Her dad patented her and I patented my kids. But I ended it because she was the center of his world and I didn't feel there was enough room for me after it was all said and done.
I feel like this is more the
I feel like this is more the "norm" in a blended family. We have a distinct cut line within our family. Her kids are spoiled ass brats that are snotty and entitled. Mine are no angels by far, but they respect adult authority and are not entitled/snotty.
All things said, her kids don't really like me, and my kids don't really like her. We tolerate each other....that's the best way to say it from my perspective. I'm not sure how many blended families ever get lucky and all of the personalities and opinions actually work well together. We all butt heads regularly around here.
I have argued with my wife until I'm blue in the face about parenting and trying to be on the same page, but it never fails........situations come up and it all gets thrown out the window. There will be a fight.....and then it takes a week or more for us all to get over it. Wash.....rinse.....repeat.
What's Next
So in this instance, what have you found your relationship is like? Are you and your SO happy? Are you constantly fighting? Is there always a barrier between you or does it get better? We have been together for awhile and things were far different before we moved in together, but this is it for us. We put everything both of us had into this home and the ideation that this is going to work just fine. Everyday I find myself getting resentful for the way he just gets loud with him kids "that's not okay, go to your room" everytime they do something wrong (in my eyes). Whereas I am over here confiscating electronics, grounding to beds and other more hands on approaches to discipline.
It is definitely one-sided when it comes to parenting. I focus on change and he throws his hands up. I don't want to live like this for the remainder of our time with our kids (at least 12 years). So I am hoping you tell me it gets better!
The solution is simple IMHO.
Set the standards of behavior and performance in your home nad hold the kids accountable to those standards in an age appropriate manner. KISS.
Do not raise your idiot husband's boys for him. Post the standards, rub DH's nose in them and keep your foot to his backside to enforce them on his sons. Your girls will not struggle with them as they are already living in that standards based home.
Sadly, you are going to have to raise your own DH before will be able to raise his boys to viable adulthood.
Good luck. You are going to need it.
Please don't let your own
Please don't let your own children suffer because of SO and his failure children.
For the sake of your kids and
For the sake of your kids and your own sanity, I would move out. These two families are not going to blend. If you love your boyfriend, I guess you could continue to date him while living apart. But don't undo your years of successful parenting and lose the respect of your own kids by trying to "fix" your boyfriend's kids. He doesn't really want you to or he wouldn't be undermining you. You really don't want to expose your kids to his failed parenting and favoritism. Get them out of there.