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Separated Birthdays?

Cinders1311's picture

Hello, thank heavens for this site! How validating that it's not just me having issues. So this is my first post and it's the issue I am currently facing and having anxiety about. I don't want to write an essay but I do need to explain my situation before I ask for your opinion/advice. So here's the facts:

-I have been with my partner for 2.5yrs

-I have a 3yrd old and a 6yr old

-He has a 7yr old, 12yr old, 14yr old and 16yr old

-His BM is in an abusive relationship although she is in denial - there was an incident a few months into my relationship where the police was involved and since that point; social services have also been involved. BM refuses to let go of this cretin and has shown time and time again that she puts him and his needs above her children; leaving me and my partner to pick up the pieces.

-It was ok for a time as for the first year, her bf wasn't allowed to be around the children or her house but once that restricton was lifted, it only took just over a week before the police was called out again. It took several incidents before I pushed my partner to take the kids full time.

-Since just after halloween 2023 we have had all the children living with us; it has been a massive struggle and put a huge strain on our relationship as there are now 8 of us living in a 3 bedroom terraced house!

-Aside from this situation the BM believes that she and my partner are still friends. She is quick to get on the defense about anything she doesn't like and therefore my partner has not wanted to rock the boat by telling her otherwise as he feels very different! She contacts him almost everyday; if it is about the kids, then I don't have a problem but many times it is to rant or tell him how her rotten bf is doing with AA etc and it's stuff we neither need or want to know! She seems to be constantly hovering over us/me no matter which way I turn. She's either on the phone to him or on the phone to one of the kids.

-In the beginning of our relationship I thought it was quite good that they stayed so amicable for the sake of the children but now it just feels like I need her to back off. I get on with her ok, but I don't want her to be such a big part of our lives all the time. Since we've got the kids full time they agreed on an amount that she would pay him out of the child benefit she's getting. My partner doesn't want to change the claim to his name as she's already struggling with money. Her money managment skills are shocking. She asks anyone she can to borrow money. The kids go to hers and there's no food in and no basic toilietries to wash themselves; she will ask them to borrow money from christmas or birthday money. She'll promise them things for birthdays and then they are left disappointed.  The only 2x things we've asked of her is for a set amount towards the kids each month and to pick their youngest child up from school 2x days of the week and she can't even do that! She gave us less than the amount the was set then in the same day, asked my partner for money!!!!!! Funnily enough though she can always afford cigarettes/vapes/weed.


So this brings me to the here and now. Last week I sat and had a conversation with my partner and I expressed how I was feeling. I also said that I'm not prepared to live the rest of my life with her being this involved with him as there's no need. If there's something going wrong in her life she will still contact my partner.......even thought she has this "wonderful" bf!! Anyway, I've told him HE needs to be the one to put his footdown and if it causes and argument then so be it. She needs to understand that there's boundaries.

However, due to the way BM and my partner have dealt with their separation 4/5yrs ago; they haven't split everything such as birthdays or ocassions etc. So their kids think it;s normal to have their separated mum and dad at their birthday parties etc. I have tried having a conversation about it as when my mum and dad split when I was 9/10yrs old it became the new norm that we would celerate separately. The thing is the kids still see their mum and dad as mates, because my partner has made it that way so if that was genuinely the case then to the kids, they wouldn't see it being a problem. So now it feels like if I ask to celebrate these things separately, it looks like I'm being cruel or trying to push their mum out.

My biggest anxiety right now is that I'm trying to plan a birthday party for my partner who will be 40 this July and I already know that she would assume she will be invited. I have no idea how to navigate this as I'm awful at confrontation and end up shutting down and crying. BM is very much a loud mouthy person and is selfish so she won't even listen to reason. So do I put up and shut up and invite her or do I stand my ground and say no; this is a celebration for my partner and the people invited are his CLOSE friends and family, she needs to remember that she's his EX. 

Just as an FYI; I have no doubt at all or suspicions that anything untoward is felt or happening between them both it's just more, she still relies on him so heavily to the point that I feel like I'm putting more stress on him when I need something from him if that makes sense.

My partner understands the situation and wants to keep her away as much as I do but he just doesn't want to cause a big drama. For example if he just said it outright that he doesn't want to hear from her other than about the kids; she would turn round and say something melodramatic and make things as awkward as possible with passive aggressive comments and even causing grief with the kids too as she would probably say stuff like "oh I can't tell your dad this news cos him and her don't want to speak to me anymore". So how do you handle someone like that!? Please help.

ESMOD's picture

I'm not a fan of the joint birthday thing.. but I do get sometimes when it is for super young kids in a very amicable situation.

BUT.. for your spouse?  no.. absolutely not

I would tell him that you are putting your line in the sand.. no more joint celebrations.. the kids can have one with her.. one with you.. and she is not invited to your other social occasions.. esp not his birthday.

alternately.. you take him away for his 40th.. where she nor the kids can come.

Rumplestiltskin's picture

This is a 40-year-old man's birthday. The Birthday Boy and his preteen and teenage brood will manage. 

Cinders1311's picture

I am starting to come around to this way of thinking too. Why am I putting my own needs and wants on the backburner to please people who don't even appreciate what I do!?

Cinders1311's picture

Thank you! I whole heartedly agree. I did actually look at us going away for his 40th but because we have his kids fulltime; there is no one who would have them for even 2x nights! Then because I'm not from around here; I literally have no friends or family to have my 2x children either. *sad*  it's a lucky situation whatever way I turn.

AgedOut's picture

My idle thoughts on shared birthdays: for the kids? okay but not a fan as they get older and the time of divorce for the parents gets longer. for your spouse? oh. hell. no. it's time to focus on your family and like it or not, she is no longer his family. it's weird and uncomfortble.if he doesn't understand then he needs to. 

Cinders1311's picture

Thank you so much; yes you're right it is uncomfortable and weird especially for me as the "outsider". She seems to make a point to mention things from years ago or people they knew too which makes me feel like a third wheel.

Harry's picture

I am a big believer of very limited contact with the ex.  The ex should only text, and texts should be save forever.  There should be no discussion on BM , life, happiness, sadness, financial issues ect.  Only pick up times, / days. drop off times.  Medical issues , school.   No inviting the ex to party. And I would not attend BM party's.  Only limited co events. School graduation, religious things [kids] weddings. Funeral.  

 Good  you found these boards, you are not alone.  Most of us been there / done that before you.   Anyone who get calls, the police and CPS.  is someone to stay away from.  She will screw up your life with your bio kids 

Cinders1311's picture

I completely agree with you. I truly wish he could see things this way. I try to tell him what my experience was of my parents splitting. He even comes from parents who separated but this isn't how he's dealt with things with his situation. I genuinely don't know why he's trying to be so amicable in this scenario because we are just consistently placating her at the detriment to our own feelings and wishes....why!!!? I don't friggin know anymore why we are being so feable in his approach to her. Other than him not wanting to upset the children by falling out completely with their mother.

simifan's picture

You have a serious SO problem & should have dealt with the enmeshment before you mixed things even further. Who's house is it? What happens to these kids if you leave SO because he can't let go of his enmeshed relationship with BM? 

That being said, I think the change in circumstances is a perfect reason for adding space to their relationship & a change in status quo. Especially if mom is has chosen an abusive boyfriend over her children. There is no reason for his ex to be invited to a party you are throwing. Separate celebrations should be the norm until the adult "child" is hosting events or it is a life event (award ceremony, graduation, wedding, etc.). 


Cinders1311's picture

Honestly, before finding this forum I had no idea there was a word for it. I had never heard of enmeshment but it definitely fits in this case. The house is privately rented from a friend of my partners dad! When I moved in we got a new tenancy and my name was added so it is actually both of ours but doesn't always feel that way!  And I was thinking this over regarding his children. They and him don't appreciate that his kids may well have been put into care or he would of had to give up work if I wasn't here! There's so much work to be done with the step kids though because their behaviour and lack of hygiene is shocking. Again I feel I'm alone in trying to rectify this as partner feels they are too far gone to help change. Now I've been a part of their lives and they've been big part of my children's lives I don't know how to disengage us without upsetting and hurting all the people I love. 

Rags's picture

You are in a relationship with a married man. For years.

Why are you doing this to your own kids, and to yourself?

Not only that, your relationship assets are supporting his baggage when it is BM that is supposed to be paying CS?

The questions are mind boggling.



Cinders1311's picture

It sounds too pathetic to say love doesn't it! It began with love and now it just feels like I'm too far in to get out without hurting everyone involved. I can't even afford to live on my own as I don't get any financial help from my own children's fathers. So I feel I have to just try and make the best of a bad situation but I have no idea how to do that with BM in the picture.

Believe me; I have definitely asked myself why too. Why am I putting up with this and what am I actually getting out of being in this relationship. I don't know what the answer is right now cos I can't physically move away right now.

Rags's picture

As long as he remains married to his wife, you.... have no standing or  control.  Please do what you can to end this now. Do not keep being the back door girl.

Good luck.