She's encouraged to yell at, curse at, and hit me. I am told to 'suck it up'.
SD has been in my life ever since I moved in with my fiance' when she was one and a half years old. The first time I met her, she slapped his face. I said then, "Dude. Your baby just slapped you." and he said, "Oh, no, she is just pretending she is mad. Isn't she adorable?". And that set the precedent. For the lasy six years, she has kicked, slapped, and shoved others (including the large guard dogs he owns) ordered adults around, been allowed to skulk around doorways to eavesdrop on any private conversation (including telephone calls), read my private emails without being asked to leave the room, and to comment and criticize me on the information she has gotten from eavesdropping. When we eat, she tries to make me sit by her and then waves her fork around my face, drops her food onto my plate and elbows me. It took me two years to be allowed to eat on the other side of him, instead of with her in between us. I am not allowed to ask her to obey me in any way, or to say anything contrary to what she says, even when she is wrong (for instance when she told me she had gotten lost and a 'nice man' took her to the front of the store. I told her that she should be careful to look for a store employee if that ever happened again and she screamed at me that no one would ever kidnap her and I was stupid. I got yelled at by him she waited at the door, listening, shuffling her feet and laughing at me, because he said that I should never 'argue' with her. I also am arguing if she lies outright and I contradict her.). I am made to comb the lice from her hair and pull the eggs out one by one every single visit. But her hair is very curly and thick and she doesn't brush it every week. She will go for eight to fourteen days without combing it at all and then I am expected to 'help' my fiance out by delousing her without the benefit of lice shampoo. She will not tolerate her hair being combed, and so screams and cries ("Daddy, Grandma...she's hurting me") while he and his mother (who lives with us) stand in the doorway and tell me I had better not be hurting their little girl. It took me four hours last week to take out 117 eggs and 5 lice from her hair. I was ordered to 'keep a tally' for them.
I have three granddaughters who are younger than her. I planned to make her and my granddaughters my flower girls at our wedding, but when I showed him the dresses I had picked out and asked his opinion, he informed me that his daughter will not be dressed like the other flower girls. He wants her to stand out from them and dress like him. I told him that would make her a focal point and she would seem more important than the other flower girls. But he just said he was paying for the wedding (I am not allowed to work. He controls the money and will not even let me get a bus pass to provide transportation to any job. He also refuses to drive me to any job.)and since I have been married before and he has not, it is his choice. He also insisted that she sit between us at the bride and groom's table, instead of with her new step-sisters and stepbrother and nieces and nephews(my three grown children and their children). I told him that the bride and grooms table was set aside for just the bride and the groom, not for them and one child, no matter how special the groom considered the child to be. It feels as if he wants to marry his daughter and not me.
She slept at our home on visitations in a crib until she was five years old. He refused to buy her a bed until then and he still calls his 7 and a half year old daughter a baby. Not just as a term of endearment, but because he believes she is an actual baby. He carries her physically in his arms every chance he gets, even into her classroom when he drops her off at school. She sleeps in the same room with us and does not tolerate him touching me, kissing me, or hugging me. She scolds me if I make any jokes with him or laugh at his jokes in her presence and he demands I apologize to her for offending her.
He took us to a fair last week and when she wanted her face painted, I asked her to let me wipe the dirt from her face, so the paint would stick. She agreed and I began to wipe away the dirt. Suddenly she screamed "OH MY GOD! STOP TOUCHING ME! LET ME GO! GEEZ!" and everyone turned to stare at me as if I were somehow hurting her. I was embarrassed and told him hurriedly that I needed to go, and would be in another booth. I heard him say as I left, "Now honey, let's get your face painted." as if nothing at all had happened. Then he took her to play on the trampolines. Then he bought her a sweet from the candy stand. She came running up to me to show me all her prizes and said in a snide smug tone that just oozed sarcasm, "Don't you just love my facepaint? Daddy let me get it done. I jumped on the trampoline, too. And he is going to buy me candy." I nodded mutely, trying my best not to tell him he should set limits for her. She finally threw her arms around me and said, "Oh, I'm sorry I yelled. You just need to remember not to touch me when I am trying to decide what face paint to buy.". He looked at me and I said, gently, "Well, that's fine, but I'm still angry so let me alone for a while, please.". She scowled and tried to hold my hand. When I did not take it out of my pocket, she snapped at him saying, "SHE doesn't look happy, Daddy. YOU took her to the fair and SHE should be grateful, shouldn't she. She should smile and be happy, but she isn't.". I wanted to barf, I was so angry. I left again to go see a show she does not like. When I got back, she was still at it, criticizing me and then trying to bribe me with some of her candy. I was still rather angry, so I declined and tried to walk on the other side of him, away from her.
When we got home, he said he was throwing me out for 'with-holding love' from 'his baby' and 'kicking him in the heart' and all sorts of maudlin things. He said to me,, "Other homeless people would be happy to have such a luxurious life. As if I were homeless. I explained that I was angry and didn't want to interact with his daughter, because I might have said something I didn't mean right then, but he continued to yell and threaten me. He said I was a child abuser and that I would have to 'suck it up' when I was angry and hug her and kiss her and hold her hand even when she yelled at me. I told him that if he was throwing me out I didn't have to do any such thing and he suddenly changed his mind.
Now, when I first moved in with him, I HAD a job. When it was downsized, he encouraged me to stay home and clean. Then he began to pay me 20 dollars a week for cleaning his home, cooking and things like that. He stopped buying me any of the groceries that I wanted, such as soda, vegetables, fruit, or cigarettes. He said those were luxuries. (They eat no fruit or vegetables in his home)and if I wanted them, I must buy them with the money I earned from him. When I do buy myself fruit or vegetables, his daughter whines and cries and yells at me to give them to her. If I do not at least share, she tells her father on me, and I get lectured in front of her and am told to apologize to her. She smirks the entire time.
I am planning on getting a job, even if I must walk ten miles a day to get one and purchase a car. My family has a house that is vacant, but needs plumbing work done. I plan to save the money I will make and fix the plumbing and get the hell out of dodge. He and his spoiled daughter are creepy.
Stay and kick some butt or
Stay and kick some butt or glad your leaving that situation. Sadly problems seem to start with the parents. My heart hurts for you, no person should have to feel the way you are in any situation. Understand how you must feel such anger towards her now, its too a real shame how the dad is messing this girl up mentally for life. l hope you find the strength to do what you got to do in order to be true to yourself. You deserve to be happy and loved no matter who is in your life. lf they cant respect you, find another who can. Best luck on your journey.
Ummmm.... honey,
Ummmm.... honey, seriously.... Call a helpline, call a women's shelter, get the HELL out of there. You are being abused up one side and down the other by this man, his kid and his mom. LEAVE. Just Leave. They aren't just creepy, they are sick, twisted, sadistic people.
If there hasn't been physical abuse, I'd be amazed but pretty much everything you've written classifies as mental, emotional, verbal abuse.
Get Out. Leave. Don't wait for the plumbing. 1-800-799-7233 is the national domestic violence hotline, they can help you find a resource in your area to help get you out of this scary disturbing situation Now.
Thank you Aeron. I was about
Thank you Aeron. I was about to Google the national hotline but I saw you beat me to it. You ROCK girl. I just hope she calls!
Even for ST stories, this is
Even for ST stories, this is the worst I have heard.
YOu are abused.YOu think it is ok to be told what to do or not by this controlling man.He created a monster that abuses you , too.
There is no hope or therapy if you ask me.There will be no improvement if you stay there.
CALL THAT NUMBER ABOVE AND GET OUT.Nobody should be treated like that.
OK _ not going to pull
OK _ not going to pull punches here. Call the number Aeron gave you and get the hell out. THere are women's shelters all over and people who are more than happy to help you. They will help you get a job and get on your feet. Trust me - I am an attorney and I have referred women to shelters and they have absolutely thrived. Even women with kids. It can be done and people devote their lives to helping women in your situation.
If you don't want to go to a shelter, girl - you have a HOUSE!!! PLUMBING? MY ASS!!!!! You can get bottled water anywhere. You can figure out how to get yourself clean doing a "ho bath" and do just fine temporarily. If the toilet is an issue (pardon my vulgarity) use a throw-away bucket. ANYTHING is better than what you have now. Do you have any idea how many women would LOVE to have a freakin' shack - let alone a house that just lacks plumbing?????
I may sound harsh and I don't mean to be but seriously - I do divorces all the time and I get that you "LOVE" this guy and think things will get better but that is CRAP. If you absolutely must "try one more time (how many times have I heard that ??) then ask him to go for counseling. If he won't and you don't leave then YOU have decided to have a life exactly as you have it now. Your choice girl. But don't complain down the line when it gets worse. We make our own life. What do you want yours to be?
You must know you are livin
You must know you are livin in an abusive relationship surely. Run don't walk get away from there and do it now. If he is bringing up his daughter this way now, just wait till she gets a little older God help you. Please do not stay in this you will suffer immensley if you do.
My heart hurts for you! I
("Daddy, Grandma...she's
("Daddy, Grandma...she's hurting me") while he and his mother (who lives with us) stand in the doorway and tell me I had better not be hurting their little girl. It took me four hours last week to take out 117 eggs and 5 lice from her hair. I was ordered to 'keep a tally' for them.
This is as far as I got. Why are you still there?
Unless you are being
Unless you are being threatened, NOBODY can "allow" or "not allow" you to do anything in this country. This "man" refuses to let his girl grow up, but on the other hand has made her his mini-wife. He has all the control ESPECIALLY with his own mother living with you.
Do yourself a favor and do NOT go through with this wedding. I dont' care WHAT your reasons are.
Do you have a daughter/granddaughter/neice? What would you tell them if they told you the story you typed out for us?
CALL THE ABUSE HOTLINE NOW. Here is a wonderful list from a great book called "The Verbally Abusive Relationship" by Patricia Evans. Please read it, print it out and hang it somewhere where you can reference it often. And get counseling for yourself as well. You must have a very low self esteem to put up with this treatment.
The right to goodwill from the other
The right to emotional support
The right to be heard by the other and responded to with courtesy
The right to have your own view, even if your mate has a different view
The right to have your feelings and experience acknowledged as real
The right to receive a sincere apology for any jokes you find offensive
The right to clear and informative answers to questions that concern what is legitimately your business
The right to live free from accusations and blame
The right to live free of criticism and judgment
The right to have your work and your interests spoken of with respect
The right to encouragement
The right to live free from emotional or physical threat
The right to live free from angry outbursts and rage
The right to be called by no name which devalues you
The right to be respectfully asked rather than ordered
[How many of these has he ALREADY broken? A marriage will only make things WORSE.]
Go to say no one can *make*
Go to say no one can *make* you do anything you dont want to do, there is always a choice, even if that choice is to leave and move in with your adult children. Better that than enabling your OH to abuse you, because that is exactly what he is doing.
Why are you even looking at flower dresses? Seriously? :jawdrop:
Your OH treats you like he OWNS you, like he is your master and you the puppet. We arent in the middle ages anymore, you have options and I suggest you take the advice you are being given otherwise tbh you are agreeing to being abused like you are and no one can help you. YOU are the only one who can take the first step to leave.
Do your children know what exactly is going on? Get some legal advice, ring the domestic abuse helpline and find real happiness.
I'm in a relationship that I
I'm in a relationship that I probably should not have got into. My friends and family warned me. and I ignored them. I WAS happy. But things got tough and I started to see that my friends and family were right. Now I feel stuck. I love my GF, and she has made me a better person. But the reality is that I'm not happy with our family. meaning my GF and her daughter and I. I should have listened. now it feels impossible to get out. We live together and have loans/credit cards together. I thought I was ready to settle down. Things are not all that bad for me. They just are not really want I want right now.
You clearly see how bad things are for you. unless your exaggerating or not giving the whole picture, its clear you should leave this siruation. But I don't think you will. Maybe you feel its too late, or things will get better, or maybe you just don't want to NOT be with someone so bad so you put up with it... Who knows. I think you know. Hopefully you do.
get out now please... for
get out now please... for your safety..
Your story is horrifying. You are being abused.
OMG. Please get the hell out
OMG. Please get the hell out now. Run run run and don't ever look back. This is bizarre.