SS9 needs counseling, a good a** whooping and serious punishment
I cant stand this little perverted nitwit. What makes it 10 times worst he never receives consequences. First he was caught looking at porn daily until 5 am, even tried googling naked photos of me and his aunt in law. then he got caught playing simon says with his lil sister 5 telling her simon says pull up your skirt WTF!! This is extreme I was molested by 2 female cousins and 1 male cousin that was my age expiermented together growing up, I told my SO this he knows the pain it caused me and even gender prefrence confusion it caused me later on in life, I asked him sometime ago if I could talk to his girls about privacy because with their mom they received no privacy from their brother. SO and I are both suspecting any molesting btwn SS9 and SD5 he had a talk with SS and he revealed he wants to have sex with a girl he's watched it on porn and friends at school talk about it. he is on NO punishment whatsoever and got a 10 minutde talking to. Heres the thing if he wants to sit back with a chance his 5 year old maybe getting molested I'm not sitting back with the chance of allowing it happen to my 5 year old!!! He needs to be disciplined and the girls need a sit down, those are not my kids but we are all under the same roof. How do you tell your SO you do not agree with his lack of discipline for the sake of his girls and mine. They say to never bash your SOs parenting skills, but when it comes to discipline he freaking sucks. This boy's childhood is ruined but it does not mean he has the right to ruin anyone elses.
What he does with his kids
What he does with his kids really shouldn't matter. Protecting your child should be your priority. Every day that you spend in that home places your child in danger. She is in danger of being molested AND of ending up in foster care. If anyone reports the mess that is going on in your home, and a CPS finds that EITHER adult is placing the kids in danger (or ignoring SS actions/words) ALL of the kids will be pulled from the home. They won't just pull the stepkids and leave yours behind.
You have to put the safety and well being of your daught first. If you/can't, then at least consider sending her to live with her father. Based on what you have posted, your home isn't a safe environment your child.
Could it be that SS was
Could it be that SS was molested and he is acting out or trying to normalize his feelings? He seems hypersexual for his age.
Password protect your
Password protect your internet router and cut SS9 completely off of surfing for porn. No access, ever. Until he is living on his own and paying for it himself. At this point I would insist on a 9 year complete control, schedule, and domination of the little perve until he is out of the house just to follow due diligence in protecting your DD5 and the SD's.
Certainly some “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” for young kids is normal but hyper sexualization is far from normal.
If your DH will not do this then your DH is as much of a problem as SS pervie is.
This kid needs help, he needs complete isolation from sexual stimulation, and he needs a standby instant ass whoopin ready to light his ass up ASAP when he so much as twitches out of line.
Good luck.