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NoOneSpecial's picture

This is going to get long so for those that hang on, thank you!
I have 2 SS that live in our home, along with my 5 kids. My oldest SS just turned 12 and has been a problem from the get go. To sum up just a few of his problems, he still wets the bed (which he does not get punished for) but forgets to throw his pull up away (which he does get into trouble for) and I will find them stuffed into drawers, closets, under his mattress, etc. He also steals food (why I do not know, all he has to do is ask since I run a daycare and buy what I need for a week at a time) and will go to great lengths to hide it by putting it under his pillow/mattress, under the bathroom sink, and has even started to flush things down the toilet. He's been caught stealing his BM's phone and staying up all hours of the night looking at porn and skyping girls, telling them to take off their clothes. This is just a few.

I don't get along with him at all, but I do look after him. I watch his grades, take him to the doctor, fill his meds, talk to his teachers, etc. His BM and BD do none of this. But when it comes to his discipline, I have no say whatsoever. I'm good enough for everything else, but apparently, not that.

My other issue is this~ My oldest is my daughter, 15 years old, and I have to clear EVERYTHING with him before I let her do anything, and if I don't, I get treated very badly, and I'm made to apologize for not talking it over with him. I don't understand why he feels its necessary to have such control. From what she wears to her boyfriends. She passed her drivers test today (look out everyone haha) but I was told she is not allowed to drive except for to school or the store, that's it. I didn't back him up, he got angry, and told her "well I guess you get your f%$king way like you always do" and now won't speak to me until I apologize and agree with him. I told him if you didn't think she was ready, why didn't you say something before she took her test??

Please, someone help me, I don't know what to do at this point!!

SMof2Girls's picture


stepmoms tears's picture

Don't be anyones door mat! Your daughter is watching you, please for both your sakes go mute and take charge of your and her life. He is messed up and so is his son, they need to change. You are your daughters most important example of how weak or strong a woman can be, good luck and stay strong for both your future happiness.

allinall's picture

Stop doing stuff for your SS. If your husband asks you why you didn't do something...tell him he never "cleared" that with you and throw him some attitude.

apljax3's picture

Honestly? Talk it out or leave.
I know it seems extreme to go from talking to leaving, but you need to get your husband to understand that you are NOT the slave to his children, and that if you cannot discipline his kids or have a say in how they live/behave, he CANNOT discipline your kids or have a say in how they live/behave. If he does not understand or threatens you, becomes violent, goes mute, anything negative, I would LEAVE. His behavior towards you, your children and what you can and cannot do with his kids, is damaging more than just you. The kids (especially your oldest daughter) can see the difference in how things are being handled, and it IS going to cause damage to them.