Hi all
, I'm new here also, I will be a stepmom/grandmom soon, my fiance's daughters , are, well one is great, one is challenging with issues but a nice girl and we get along well ( we do live in diff. states) its the children of this one. Oh my!! I have a grown son , and i have nieces/nephews, and many friends w/ children, so I am not clueless to how kids should behave in someones home! Again they are not here often and I am not grandma but they treat my home like its a mad house, I try to be a good hostess, I have a pool and plenty to do but they insist on roaming my house and its just very chaotic! They were border line cruel to my cat this last time , and that is where I put my foot down! Mom??, well shes clueless and my fiance tries but this is a family of enablers and tough love dosnt enter their vocabulary! I do not want to be an evil step, but where do you draw the line?
Get locks for the rooms you
Get locks for the rooms you don't want them to enter and put the cat in one of them.
A simple slide bolt up high on the door will do the same thing. If its at the very top of the door it won't be noticeable. Two screws to attach it and a small hole in the frame to receive the bolt:
Thank you, thats a solution i
Thank you, thats a solution i suppose, poor cat trapped in a room for 2 days or so because people cant control their own kids, pretty sad,says a lot for the mom i guess
i like your sig lol