Stepmom biological vs. stepchild
:(Hi, SO sorry for the novel in advance. I am not a Stepmom (grew up with one though) and was hoping to get some advice. My ex and I divorced just before my daughter turned 1. She was his whole world for the first 2-3 years of her life. Then he was remarried, and his wife insisted that my DD call her Mom (this began after they became engaged & my DD was 3). We had issues from the beginning and she basically wanted to take over as DD's Mom and tried to show that I was a terrible Mom. When I asked for more child support it became a custody battle and they wanted her most of the time. I ended up winning primary custody, with her going with them every other weekend from Wed-Sunday. During this time she became pregnant and they decided it would be best to have her every other weekend starting on Friday night. Her son is now 4 and DD is 9. I've recently been talking with her Dad about spending more time with her (i.e. school activities, take your child to work day), and he admits that he wants to, but his wife doesn't want this-she is in control ofeverything). My daughter now feels like an outsider when she is there and tells me they spoil their son but not her...last month her Dad went on a week long trip and asked me to take her 3 weekends in a row. My daughter mentioned she missed her little brother and wondered why her step mom didn't take her for a weekend. I relayed this to her Dad and his response was "How do I tell DD that her step mom doesn't want to be bothered with picking up/dropping off DD and sometimes doesn't want her there?". He wants to see DD more but his wife feels their son is the priority. I wish I could help or give good advice, but he is almost scared to talk to her because " it always ends up in a fight". Any advice??
I think you should encourage
I think you should encourage your DD to talk to her dad, but stay out of it. Of course SM's DS is her priority, he should be, and no one can blame SM for not wanting your DD there when her dad isn't around, that isn't uncommon. It is hard having a kid who isn't yours around, and it is hard feeling like you want to do things for them, especially if you have a strained relationship, and it sounds like they do. Your DD lives with you most of the time, she's going to miss her brother, and that sucks, but it is just her life and she has to learn to deal with it. I'm also sure you haven't been completely innocent in your influence of their relationship. I'm sure your DD heard all the things you are saying to us about SM from you and so your DD probably isn't always nice to her.
Overall, my advice is to be there for your daughter, but stay out of their house and the way they do things. It isn't your business who wears the pants in their house, all you can do is support your daughter and help her cope. Her dad is going to make his own decisions, even if it is to support his wife's feelings about things.
This. Very Well Said.
This. Very Well Said.
Yeah, I second fakemommy's
Yeah, I second fakemommy's advice. All you can do is offer the time to your ex (like offering to let him do the "take your child to work day") and let him decide (even if it's "allow his wife to decide") whether to take it. Don't mention it to your DD unless dad says he's going to take her, you don't want to get her hopes up.
I agree with the ex Bsing you
I agree with the ex Bsing you and blaming SM. If a father wants to be involved, like REALLY wants to, he's going to be, end of story.
The exH dare I say it, sounds
The exH dare I say it, sounds "pussy whipped"
I don't think the SM needs to be your babysitter OP. It makes sense to you, to the SM. but it understand it's confusing for the child, both kids even. They think of everyone as their family. That's her brother, she wants to see him. Unfortunately Adult issues are all shitty and poor innocent kids get hurt.
No, he really doesn't have
No, he really doesn't have the balls to stand up to her. My daughter is very nice to her and since it's a bit of military type situation by not doing anything to step on any toes. I agree, it's not her responsibility to pick her up if BD's out of town. He did mention she wants my daughter to bond with her brother, but obviously her child is her focus. It's just strange to me that she was so wanting to take over as 'Mom' until her son came along...but I am sure that happens to a lot of blended families.
No, he really doesn't have
No, he really doesn't have the balls to stand up to her. My daughter is very nice to her and since it's a bit of military type situation by not doing anything to step on any toes. I agree, it's not her responsibility to pick her up if BD's out of town. He did mention she wants my daughter to bond with her brother, but obviously her child is her focus. It's just strange to me that she was so wanting to take over as 'Mom' until her son came along...but I am sure that happens to a lot of blended families.
No, he really doesn't have
No, he really doesn't have the balls to stand up to her. My daughter is very nice to her and since it's a bit of military type situation by not doing anything to step on any toes. I agree, it's not her responsibility to pick her up if BD's out of town. He did mention she wants my daughter to bond with her brother, but obviously her child is her focus. It's just strange to me that she was so wanting to take over as 'Mom' until her son came along...but I am sure that happens to a lot of blended families.
No, he really doesn't have
No, he really doesn't have the balls to stand up to her. My daughter is very nice to her and since it's a bit of military type situation by not doing anything to step on any toes. I agree, it's not her responsibility to pick her up if BD's out of town. He did mention she wants my daughter to bond with her brother, but obviously her child is her focus. It's just strange to me that she was so wanting to take over as 'Mom' until her son came along...but I am sure that happens to a lot of blended families.
Anyone know how to delete my
Anyone know how to delete my extra comments?
My DD isn't allowed to call
My DD isn't allowed to call me Mom at their house. She has to call me by my name. Sorry that was just a vent-
Actually, it's on both. The
Actually, it's on both. The wife is a grown ass woman who should know better and have at least an iota of respect for the fact that bio mom is the mom.
I cannot stand BM and I am a Bitch, but I would never in a million years have thought to make my SD call her mother by her name. Ridiculous. Stupid. Mean. And incredibly immature.
Ehhhhhhh? That is just so
Ehhhhhhh? That is just so fecking petty. The poor kid must be confused. My DD would be weirded out if she had to call me Tobin at her dads.
Geez. Sure fire way to get your skid playing up is to make it known how much you hate the BM. Massive loyalty conflicts
goawayplz, are you saying
goawayplz, are you saying that I made this story up to make SM look bad? What would be the point of me posting for advice?
BM's are not as welcome here,
BM's are not as welcome here, I get that. But I don't see a forum for BM's, and I figured this would be a good place to get some insight.
Thank you dtzybld!
Thank you dtzybld!
Yes they are. But these are
Yes they are. But these are SMs. They are also many Americans, so to. NZer come across sometimes extremely direct and honest, I LOVE IT. It's so refreshing!
This is a forum, you can choose to take offence, or take none. Or take advice either to heart or with a grain of salt. And it's true that often when writing things down maybe your original post or some replies aren't quite what was intended or are interpreted the wrong way.
TobinNZ, Right. But as I said
TobinNZ, Right. But as I said I don't see a forum for BP's so I went under blended families and this is what I found. After reading through a few posts I thought wth, maybe I can get some insight. Just because I'm a BM and not a SM doesn't mean we don't share the same feelings or frustrations with the 'others'...after all, we are venting about step-parenting and how to understand wtf is going on with our exes etc. My best friend is extremely honest and direct too, and I'm pretty immune to brazen offensive comments, but like I said, I figured Well. Maybe I can garner some insight. If you think this isn't a place for BM's that's your opinion, which I respect. I've mostly received good feedback so I don't feel alienated. Is every member on this site a SM? If so fine, but lots are also BM's as well.
Don't jump the gun on me
Don't jump the gun on me love. I a BM. I'm not a SM. I'm in the same boat as you :). We may be the only two so far haha
I think coming here to gather some understanding from the SM point of view is a good idea.
hereiam, I agree. Btw I love
hereiam, I agree. Btw I love me some Hyperbole and a Half!
Isn't she hilarious? I love
Isn't she hilarious? I love the 'alot' but I couldn't get the picture to upload. And I can't argue about cake, it's good.
I had to put an Ally cartoon
I had to put an Ally cartoon in my profile. It's also on my Twitter account (not trying to copy hereiam LOL)
IMO you can't help your ex or
IMO you can't help your ex or advise him on his adult relationship because that would be intrusive and would rebound on your child. But you could certainly tell your DH not to insist that you are called by your first name in his home. That would a message of disrespect to a child and, frankly, would be bizarre. I've never heard of a situation on this board where that has happened, quite the opposite, on this site most SMs are keen to ensure that the mom retains all her role, status etc in the eyes of the child. A lot of us are BMs too of course. I've seen one or two say they ought to be called or treated as a mom when there is a real mom involved, but it's vanishingly rare and they tend to be very young and needy.
You can't delete entries on these threads but you can click edit and then cut them down to a punctuation point.
If what your ex claims is
If what your ex claims is true, and he wants to spend more time with his daughter but is letting his wife keep him from that, then he does need to get some balls.
The wife sounds like a total bitch who just wants to stick it to you and control him. And she is using your daughter to do it.
I would explain to your DD that SM is NOT her mother, so when her dad is out of town, she needs to just stay with you. Frankly, I wouldn't want DD staying there with her, anyway.
It is sad that she misses her little brother and wants to be with him but there is really nothing that can be done about that. Unfortunately.
I've tried to insist that she
I've tried to insist that she calls me Mom or something other than my name, but they insist it's so that she doesn't get us 'confused'. It bothers me to no end when she is on the phone with him and refers to me by my name. I think that's why she normally doesn't call my DH Dad, although she sometimes calls him Daddy M, and I told her she should not refer to her Dad by his name in our house. It's her choice to call my DH Dad imo. The strangest part is that SM is a marriage and family therapist, and I thought that ultimately she would be able to help my ex with his craziness. Ironic really.
dtzbld IDK! It's just so
dtzbld IDK! It's just so bizarre. Since it started 6 years ago and DD is programmed to do it I just smh, whatevs. But if she's on the phone with him and I hear her calling me by my name to BD it hits a nerve. And yeah, I would be find if she called me by my name if Mommy was in front of it, but those are her rules so...meh
Yep, pulling out the Zen card
Yep, pulling out the Zen card is all I can do most of the time. I guess I should be glad that SM isn't 'into being DD's main Mom' anymore?
No, the craziness has to do
No, the craziness has to do with his past and who he is as a person. I think she got him medicated so that's good. I just thought step-parenting would become easier when she came into the picture given her studying family therapy...she's still an intern, but I never expected that she would be so difficult.
Thanks poodle. That's the
Thanks poodle. That's the same advice my DH gave me...when the ex asked me to send an email about DD wanting to see her brother when he was out of town (so he could show it to SM and talk about it), I told him I wouldn't because I didn't want to get in the middle of things.
Yes forever Stacy he is
Yes forever Stacy he is (allowing her ALL of the power)..even my DD says that SM treats her Dad like a child and he always 'gets in trouble' with SM.
I'm sorry, is your ex not a
I'm sorry, is your ex not a man?? Where are his balls???
Apparently, the same place as where a lot of men's balls are. Some woman's purse, whether that be the wife, the daughter, or the ex. This one chose his current wife's handbag.
Exactly. NO balls. This past
Exactly. NO balls. This past spring he did 'put his foot down' when I wanted to put her in kickball on Saturdays. I told him it was only 6 games, I'd pay for everything and they'd only have to take her to 3 OR I could pick her up and take her. He ended up taking her, but SM didn't go and didn't let her son go either.
Off topic but this is my
Off topic but this is my all-time favorite Hyperbole post, hereiam:
Love that one. I think we all
Love that one. I think we all feel like that at some point.
I agree with all that you
I agree with all that you said hoggyboggy. That's why I posted in the first place...she thinks that Stepmom has bad connotations. Way back when this was implemented I suggested a nickname for her like Mommy (her name) or whatever! But NO. At the time DD was confused because she was 3, and apparently was told 'you were never in her tummy'-their explanation for this was that it was a uterus and this was why they told her was insane. I actually checked out some library books to show her the pregnancy process (kid's version) because they were basically saying 'SM is your real MOM'. Ugh. Don't miss those days.
Ha, step-mom has bad
Ha, step-mom has bad connotations because of women like her.
It is not unreasonable for your DD to not go over there if her dad is not there, but she (and your ex) have continued to confuse the hell out of your DD by making her call SM 'Mom', when in reality, SM does not really care about her in a motherly way. And even if she did, the 'Mom' thing is just wrong and making your DD refer to you by your name is, well, WRONGER (yes, I know it's not a word but I'm making a point!).
I am really sorry your DD has to go through this. I mean, I'm sorry you have to go through it as well, but it is really hard for children to understand when adults are insane.
Wow, this sm has a lot of
Wow, this sm has a lot of balls. As a sm I don't want my SDs calling me mom unless they want to. To try to force it on a child is wrong.
I think you should try to bring this up in a civil way to your ex. Perhaps you could send him an email saying,
"Hi ex,
Over the last couple of phone calls dd has had in which she's talked to sm, I've noticed she's been calling sm "mom." She has been saying things to me that indicate that her calling sm "mom" is a forced thing. I would like to discuss this with you as it does not seem healthy for dd. I respect you as her dad and wouldn't allow her to call another man "dad." I hope we can resolve this soon.
Thank you,
Or don't email him. I don't know. Would either your ex or SM be willing to talk about this? You know these people better than we do.
I feel for you, dd and the woman who will become sm to your dds SMs son. Dds sm is a nutty bm in the making.
That is an awesome plan.
That is an awesome plan. That might work if her ex had any balls or sway in his house whatsoever which he really doesn't.
Anon2009 I tried that years
Anon2009 I tried that years ago and it fell on deaf the end I think DD will resent this, which is another reason I'll never make her call my DH Dad unless she wants to
Actually, I prefer Queen
Actually, I prefer Queen Hereiam. And a curtsey. And no direct eye contact.
Ha, ha. I like my toilets
Ha, ha. I like my toilets clean, so no, I never made SD clean the toilets. I made her do math, instead (she hated school).
I have no bios so I would take the neighbor children to the ball (or my niece, once she was born) and leave SD with the Wicked BM, who favored SD's brother over her.
Kidding about it all, of course.
LmaO at both of your rants!!!
LmaO at both of your rants!!!
My XH and the SM sort of went
My XH and the SM sort of went through the same phases, SM from trying to be BFF-Mom to having her own to my EX checking out of my daughters life now that he has a new wife and new baby... The difference is... I guess I feel its his loss... and none of my real concern...
I am not married to him, its his CHOICE to be uninvolved, its not my problem to solve. I get the SM, she had her own kid, she is focused on him and now has nothing to do with my daughters, she even works the weekends they are there. My XH often books plans on his weekend and I have to keep my girls - again, he is an idiot and its HIS loss, the schedule is pretty simple, every other weekend - he has a 50-50 chance to not make plans he can't have the girls attend...
I do not blame the SM for anything in my situation, my XH is an idiot, that is why I divorced him, he continues to be an idiot, nothing has changed, and if the SM is dumb like him, then its no skin off my teeth.
I worry about my own life and my girls. His life, his choices, his loss. Yes my girls get hurt, he is hurting them when he blows them off, I cannot fix that, but they know I love them, that I am there for them and frankly as they get older, they see their father through different eyes, its all his own doing and they will eventually spend less and less time there, its happening already, I do not encourage it, but I do nothing to fix it - my XH is a grown man, he can CHOOSE to be involved, to tell the SM NO we aren't making plans its my girls weekend - the fact he doesn't - HIS LOSS.
Yes, you put it perfectly.
Yes, you put it perfectly. It's just a recent development for me that my Ex admitted he wants to spend more time with DD but SM doesn't want that. So I felt like I should give him advice...but like everyone's already said he has no balls so there is little I can do. Besides the fact that I don't want to get in the middle of anything
He has a 100% chance to not
He has a 100% chance to not make plans.... He's an idiot if he thinks your girls don't know what's going on.
IMHO - The entire visitation
IMHO - The entire visitation schedule or lack thereof lies with the dad. Ultimately he will be held to the fact that he is not CHOOSING to spend more time with his daughter. One person can't make anyone else do anything that they aren't willing to do, and ultimately it is on the dad and his CHOICE to care more about the feelings of his wife. I am not saying that it is good or bad, but it is what it is.
My own father was made to feel so uncomfortable with having me around for visitation, and then told by my stepmother at the time that I wasn't really wanted there. They are now divorced, and I can't really blame my SM (at the time) for putting a wrench into the relationship with my father, because ultimately it was my fathers decision to listen to her. It no longer has anything to do with her.
This holds true for OPs situation. This has everything to do with the dad and his choice to not have a great relationship with his daughter. It hurts, trust me I know, but it is him and his responsibility and not the SM. She has her own kid now, of course her kid will always come first to her.
I agree to a point but I
I agree to a point but I don't believe the SMs get a pass for their behavior, they know what they are doing.
And some have a way of manipulating their husbands to believe they are doing what's best for everybody, or for their relationship or their new family, or blah, blah, blah (insert any 'ol reason/excuse).
I mean, a lot of women on this site say that their DH's should worry more about making them happy than anybody else. So, apparently this SM wanted to go from Wed-Sun to Fri-Sun so that is what happened. Less time with the daughter to make SM happy.
I did not feel that it was my responsibility to nurture the relationship between my DH and my SD, but I felt that I DID have a responsibility to NOT come between them.
That, I get and don't blame
That, I get and don't blame you guys at all. Totally different situation.
SMs absolutely know what they
SMs absolutely know what they are doing, but the relationship or lack thereof has everything to do with the dad.
I also do not feel it is my responsibility to nurture a relationship between my dh and skid. I will be honest and say that I put my energy in the family I have created with my dh.
"But none of us want our marriages ruined because of someone elses child." - this is very true!!!!
3 weeks is a while from her
3 weeks is a while from her dad and brother for her apparently. Can you not switch a weekend so it's only 2 weeks?
If my ex or I go away we switch so that there isn't a long gap. Just a thought.
Some people have it court
Some people have it court ordered that the kids can only call biomom and bio dad "mom" and "dad." You might want to look into that.
I had to go to court because
I had to go to court because I was single at the time and my ex made 5x as much. My child was already with me most of the time. Believe me I did NOT want to go to court. I filed for an increase in child support based on income and HE took ME to court and suddenly wanted her for enough time to justify what he already paid in child support. I certainly do not think of my child as a possession LOL. And it was definitely a waste of time and LOTS of money, stress etc. If you are served with court papers you kinda have to respond like a 'petulant child' because you need to establish clear custody arrangements/visitation etc etc.
Did you see the part about how she wanted to be my daughter's mother until she had her own kid? I'd like him to just give up some time to participate in her life!
I do have a college degree
I do have a college degree and was making around 25k at the time and also paying off student loans etc. You're presuming I was a SAHM? Your condescending remarks abound and yeah, I hear ya ;-). I'm not cut from the same cloth you were apparently
I also have to ask...why do
I also have to ask...why do you presume I would look at CS or welfare as a 'job'? I've never been on welfare or had government assistance. CS is just a right based on income, and it goes to the CHILD, not to me - it is not my income. It's confusing to me where your presumptions stem from - do you think that women who pursue CS do so for their own means of living?
KIND OF cold? Somehow this
KIND OF cold? Somehow this Daddy needs to reexamine his testicles to see why he's not producing any macho fluid. Talk about p.... whipped. But you can't make him take the kid and perhaps its just as well.
My only advise is that you explain to your child, in age appropriate language, the truth just as you've told us only without any of your opinions of what is going on. Then ask if she has questions and again honestly answer them. More questions will come in the future.
Once she knows the truth and comprehends it she may ask her father herself why he's not standing up for her.
..... deleted. So Damned
..... deleted.
So Damned angry but nope.
Good thing you dumped this
Good thing you dumped this ball-less loser. The best thing IMHO is for your DD to have as little to do with her useless sackless father and his asshole wife as possible.
I can understand why SM would prefer to not have your DD there when her husband is away but your worthless POS XH allowing someone/anyone to control and limit his time with his child just labels him as the sackless wonder that he is. SM making her own son the priority over your daughter is natural but actively campaigning to keep her husband from his daughter is proof of a complete lack of character on your DD's SM's part.
Making the adult relationship at the center of the marriage the priority over any child(ren) is my committed default position in any family situation, blended or not. The relationship/marriage is always the priority but the kids are the primary responsibility. However, a spouse that would actively prevent and control in order to minimize the relationship between their partner and that partner's child is not worthy of being a priority IMHO. BioDad needs to jerk a knot in his brides tail and let her know in no uncertain terms that she will never again try to minimize his relationship with his daughter or it will cost her the marriage and custody of their son.
I suggest that you inform your XH if he does not step up and get his bride under control that you will step in to protect your daughter from the pain that XH's lack of man sack is causing her. Sadly if you must take this step your DD will likely not have a relationship with her little brother until they are both old enough to make it happen in spite of your DD's SM
IMHO of course.
Good luck.