5 step kids driving me nut destroying us
First time on here but if I don't find support somewhere.....I hate to think what will happen to us. I love my fiancee very much he completes me. I've never been so honest and open and just raw emotionally with anyone in my life so to lose him would destroy me.....The problem well his 5 kids which I knew about when we got together so truthfully I guess it's my fault you know I didn't walk in blind. I swear the kids were different when I first started coming around dating their dad. We fight constantly over the kids not minding me and disciplining them. Honestly its the only thing we fight about.
In their defense I was the cool gf who took em shopping with me and let em get a toy or candy bar or we'd go for ice cream or shakes and with 5 I done that one on one instead of as a group and now when I go out I jus want 5 mins of peace so I prefer to go alone while their all screaming I wanna go or crying cause they don't think I'll come back.
I guess I should give a lil background info my fiancee offered his ex of 10 years the house and he'd pay all bills so long as she stayed and raised the kids well she announced she was leaving the kids they've been split year and half. I been dating their dad a year, living with him and them 9 months (I quit my job due to travel where i lived in another county and to help with the kids) and engaged 6 months. Their mom kinda dropped em then done some babysitting she wanted paid for then finally this past may got an apartment and started keeping them weekends which they come back wont love on me and just act awkward towards me for a while. The middle child use to sit in my lap and rock 20 mins and I mean furiously rock thumping me in the head which i cant allow now or she may hurt me...so now I barely get a hug once every two weeks from her. The younger 3 were calling me mommy which i didn't encourage but after their mom started coming around regularly has stopped which I understand. I don't want to take their moms place but I kinda have I live in her old home with her ex her kids and cook with the same dishes she used since she only took her clothes...I moved away from my family my friends my pets(because I couldn't bring them and one of my dogs is 11 and could die this winter) I feel as though I dropped my entire life to move in here to be with him and to take care of them and I'm just disrespected all day every day Sad
5 Stepkids
The oldest is a boy 10 and has serious anger issues and in all honesty sometimes scares me....
The next oldest is a girl 8 who loves to steal and lie and in no way feels guilty as in candy money form desks at school, school text books and getting other kids detention for not being prepared, 20$ mascara out of a teachers desk anything she can get her hands on.....
the middle child is a girl 6 and is totally stuck in her own head zoned out not on meds you can yell n scream and talk nothing when you finally get her attention she'll giggle and give her cutesy smile cause it warms daddys heart and lets her by with murder.....This is his favorite child by far and he say no but that he cuts her slack because he was the same as a child....Did I mention she has a lisp and has never gotten speech therapy and speaks nothing but baby talk because they allow her to and think its cute. The lisp needs therapy but the baby talk could be cut out now the 3 & 4 year old talk better than her.
the next to youngest is a girl 4 and she wets herself constantly use to be when mom showed up to get her and when mom would drop her off now its all the time pee panties hid in the closet toy box and shes developed a tendency to whisper everything to dad while eyeing me no clue why this started
the youngest is 3 (yeap she left him at 18 mos in diapers what a great mom) wont listen to me a bit but i think that's normal for his age and he lies alot....is you r room cleaned (that he shares with his 4 y/o sis) yes and ill go check and no its not which is probably also normal.
He claims I hate the kids because of the way I describe them but I think I see them through non rose colored glasses.....
Anyway daily life is a struggle I'm pregnant 15 weeks with our baby with complication and I just need them to listen to clean their rooms and do their chores daily but they wont and really I'm not able and it has to be done we've had social workers out 3 times in the last month due to the oldest girls actions and lies.
How do I get them to mind me.....I ask and that don't work ....I yell and that don't work... I ground them and that don't work.... I made a chore chart with stickers to reward them (5$ a week allowance) and that didn't work.....I beg and that don't work....
Before I'm asked what my fiancee says he tells me I have to make them mind me because he wont all ways be here to make them mind me I think if he was to back me up when he is here and make them mind me then thye would when hes not around.....any opinions
I would leave. Seriously. I
I would leave. Seriously. I would not live a miserable life to appease anyone else. You are right, you are not their Mom so that means your fiance needs to find daycare for them when he is working. When he is not working, he needs to be the one taking care of those kids. He had them, you didn't. If you marry this guy, it will only get worse.
I couldn't do it! Best of luck to you. I hope things work out.
I don't wanna leave I love
I don't wanna leave I love him so much I wanna make things work if only he could see things my way and help me....
Okay so, first off, the kids
Okay so, first off, the kids need some help. There are some major problems going on. Between the anger issues, the hidden peeing, and things like that, there's something worse than just a bad split up going on.
Do the kids have health insurance of any kind?
I'm always one to say stick it out if you can, and put the kids first, but taking on 5 kids with severe emotional and health issues is quite a task. There aren't many people who would be up for it.
Is your husband/fiance "okay" with you disciplining them? Does he get mad when you do?
If he's okay with it, then it's a matter of finding a way that works, and that may end up taking a parenting class or something similar. Some people have that natural authority, and others don't. Consistency is a MUST. You absolutely cannot make an idle threat, etc. One time can ruin all progress.
I think he needs to get some kind of formal custody agreement that will allow him to seek help for the emotional and medical needs of the children. And fast.
I'm trying my best to stick
I'm trying my best to stick it out because I love him and I love the kids all 5 with all their problems. The kids do have ins and are in counseling but I don't think its working. I should see improvement in their behaviors and don't.
I try to discipline but i might as well be talking to a wall mostly i'm ignored....I just don't know what to do
Your DF needs to be the one
Your DF needs to be the one disciplining HIS kids. You're not the momma.
5 step kids and now you're
5 step kids and now you're pregnant :jawdrop: Glutton for punishment. I hope you figured out how that happened. You need to be spayed and he needs to get neutered.
I feel for you.