Now they ask for my help
Long story short.
After tons of problems with SS (15), and after seeing psychiatrist due to SS's behavior problems my wife and BioDad decide to send him to boarding military school (psychiatrist thought was the best option as my wife and BioDad can't set and stick to limits). SS (15) does not want to go so he runs away from home (was staying with BioDad) which then makes my wife and BioDad question the decision ot send him to boarding school since they are scared he may pull some of this shit there. Psychiatrist now comes up with the idea that SS 15 should stay with us and that I should be the one setting limits as SS would actually take the rules from me since I can credibly commit to them and he would face consecuences.
I have dissengaged for the last 1 and a hlaf years as anything I would say about SS would be taken as me not liking SS, and on more than one ocassion being told to stay out of things when SS had done something wrong.
Any thoghts?
Oh, hell no. That's not your
Oh, hell no. That's not your responsibility, he's not your child. Your wife will likely undermine you, and your SS will get resentful of you being the bad guy.
Don't agree to that. That psychiatrist is an idiot.
That's one of the dumbest
That's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard a Psychiatrist recommend. Go with your instincts and do not engage this chaos. He's not listening to his own parents and perhaps doesnt care much about you so why would he change if you implement consequences? He needs a new therapist.
Nope. Don't do it. You'll get
Nope. Don't do it. You'll get sucked down their rabbit hole and blamed for everything.
At most, agree to transport the monster they've created to military school. It just might turn that boy around.
Whhaaaat? Look I'm the last
Whhaaaat? Look I'm the last one to argue for disengagement, but this sounds like a real s&&t show. Has the psychiatrist actually spoken to you about this?
I don't think this is a winning situation for you. You say no to save your own sanity. Your wife is sure not going to like that. I wouldn't (even though it's what's best for you). She's in desperate mode. You say yes and it's hell on earth for a couple of years. Maybe you get through to the kid. You may or may not get thanks for that. Or more likely even if you do the best job you possibly can - you fail at turning this kid around. It may well be an impossible task. And you probably get blame for not trying hard enough when the psych pinned his last best hopes on you.
In my opinion this is medical malpractice if the psych didn't speak to you first and get your agreement before suggesting this. WTAF?
Tell the psychologist that
Tell the psychologist that you've got a better idea. SS can live with him. He can set the rules and enforce them.
Of course, he'll say that that won't work. After all he has no legal authority for school, for doctor, for dentist, etc. He has no legal authority to require SS to do anything. Oh, wait a minute. Neither do you.
Let me guess... this
Let me guess... this psychologist has no experience with step situations.
Don't say No. Say HELL NO!!!
I read parts of your other
I read parts of your other posts and there is no way you should be in charge of SS. I can't understand why his parents won't step up if that's what best for him. I would think there would be consequences from the military school if he tried to run away right? I'd say let them handle it.
Do NOT do it! I fell for this when my SD was 14. All hell broke lose! Say NO. Stay away from this if you want your marriage to survive.
Thanks all for the comments
Thanks for all the comments. Just needed confirmation as I expect that me saying no (well as you all sadi I will say HELL NO) will bring some problems but it is for the best.
The problems it brings up
The problems it brings up will be nothing compared to what doing what this idiot suggests!
This is palming off the parenting/responsibility and discipline
to a stepparent. This is the bio parents responsibility solely. If they actually effectively parented and disciplined this child/son of theirs, outside help wouldn’t be needed.
Often at times there is no medical issue with the child, they’ve simply never been taught the concept of consequences and repercussions for your actions and parents don’t want to parent and so they take them to a psychiatrist when in reality this ss has no respect for authority and boundaries
the running away is a manipulation tactic. A few months back i watched a dr phil episode and a teen girl was screaming abd physically punching/kicking her parents because she never got herway and smashed holes in doors.
Dr phil recommended she be put in one of those schools where she is stripped of privileges and parents don’t see her for a month. She thought she could get her way out. About 4am security staff entered their home and dragged her arse out...
the running away should further encourage the parents that their son needs professional help but the professional help means bugger all if they won’t parent their son together but instead palm it off to others
my husband has told me if there are issues with ss20 dumping crap around the house and making a mess then i can tell him off etc. I refuse to and message or tell hubby what said issues are and he must address them.
for several year it was pathetic excuse after pathetic excuse. So i told hubby what said issues are and he needs to rectify it immediately and no bullshit excuses or answering back. He says what needs to be done and if not done there are repercussions. If hubby allows ss to treat me and our kids like shit and hubby justifies it with the same pathetic excuses and ss imaginary stress syndrome, i am out the door with our toddlers because hubby is incapable of change and is enabling and encouraging this cycle of abuse to continue and telling his wife to sucker up that shitty treatment...
HELL NO!! Its so liberating to say these things and stand up for yourself. At times i have to be so sarcastic because thats the only way hubby understands
Where did ss15 run away to?
Where did ss15 run away to? Personally I would give ss a few options of schools that I would approve of, either military or some other type of all boy boarding school. He gets to make the final decision but has to make a choice or the parents get to choose. This would create a win-win for all and you wouldn't be on the hook for enforcing boundaries with ss. That is unreal, can't believe a mental health professional would think having you enforce boundaries rather than bio parents is a good idea. Of course psychiatryis a completely different type of therapy than counseling or family therapy so his suggestions may not be appropriate to the situation.
Quick google search for boys schools in the US. Hmm...maybe send him overseas >:-)
Close your door to this toxic
Close your door to this toxic crotch nugget and send his ass to Military School. He may try his usual crap but those young Cadet leaders will chew his ass up and spit him out a lean, mean, well behaved performance machine.
Military schools have been doing what they do for far more than a century and make short work of PITA kids like your Skid.
My father, my younger brother and I all attended Military school. The structure we learned to thrive within helped all three of us to thrive and prosper in our lives and careers. Sadly our school closed in 2002 after 158 years. It was the oldest Military School west of the Mississippy river. But enough about that.
When it was my SS's turn we selected a school that closely mirrored the traditions, standard of honor and history of our school. We dropped SS off a fluffy, sullen, PITA though over all not a bad kid by any means. When we visited the school for family weekend about 6 weeks later he was 40Lbs leaner, making straight As and doing great. He was 16 when he started at Military school.
While we did have some continuing struggles with the SpermIdiot's influence on SS, it did provide him with great success on a personal level and set him up for viable and successful adulthood. Next month he will have his 8th anniversay in the USAF. His mom and I are very proud of the man he is.
So, put him into the garbage disposal of Military School and watch the magic that they will perform on this kid after they chew him up and spit him out.
Good luck.
I was a pretty snotty young
I was a pretty snotty young teenager. When I threatened to run away my mom said she’d help me pack. Then she doubled down on discipline and limits.
Tossing the problem to a step parent is stupid and a recipe for disaster for all of you.
So after a few weeks of turmoil in our house SS this weekend again ran away. My inlaws where supposed to take SS(15) SD(11) and DS(6) out of town for the weekend as my wife and I had a busy schedule (work dinner on Friday, wedding saturday). SS(15) did not want to go since there was some soccer tournament he wanted to attend (hang out as he certainly does not play) all weekend but my wife had told him he could not stay as there would be noone to supervise him while we were out.
Friday afterschool onstead of getting on schoolbus he goes with friends to the soccer tournament, wife decides to go get him from the soccer tournament where once we found him security had he kicked out of the event. He starts getting angry says he is not going home, says he has already rented an apartment (money obtained supposedly from money laundering and drug deals) he threatens to have me, wife and DS(6) killed. He took off and reported a couple of times back to my wife via cellphone over the weekend.
I filed police report (but him being a minor there is not much to do given laws in México) over the weekend, and completely searched his room where I found a few troublesome things but nothing too problematic. Sunday afternoon SS contacts my wife asking her to pick him up as he no longer has a place to stay (guess friends parents got tired of him). Psychiatrist now recommends only option is to get him to a clinic to treat him for his sociopathic tendencies but wife wants to allow him back in our home while she can decide and make arrangements in treatment facility. Can't decide what to do, on one hand I want to be supportive of my wife, on the other I fear that if he gets into a mood like the one on Friday and DS is close he may (without really knowing what he is doing) hurt him. If I try and help any way but question her in any way about this matter I just get accused of not wanting what is best for the family and just caring about myself and DS, if I step away and just let her call all the shots (so far only thing that I have set as a limit is that while I do not feel that DS is safe then SS and DS cannot be in the same house without a male who could phisically protect DS in case any turmoil happens) she says she needs someone to "actually support her" (whatever that means) and not just be there.
I am torn, I know she is going through hell right now but I just can't help her, and I also need to see for the best interest of DS. Thinking that perhpas leaving and taking DS with me for a while (given history of SS lawyer says it wpould be easy for me to get custody while SS is around, and I am sure my wife would not even fight at least for now if DS came with me as she has some more troubling things to attend now and she knows DS would be better off with me for now and she could devote her time to SS's problems). Also I feel awful at what SD is going through, seeing her brother in this condition, and also seeing her mother helpless, I feel if I leave everyone she knows can be there for her and take care of her would in a sense abandon her since they have more pressing issues to deal with.
Your wife wants you to
Your wife wants you to support her doing whatever she chooses to do about her criminal son, which sounds more like enabling than being supportive. In essence, she wants you to prioritize her wants over your own son's best interests.
Situations like this are hard on second marriages, because you both have bio children you're responsible for, and sometimes those responsibilities pull partners in separate directions. Is your wife willing to address the impact this is having on your child? Would she acknowledge that you have an obligation to protect him from this mess?
Kids only get one childhood. Your son is full of potential, whereas hers is on a path to nowhere good. IMO, the game changed when your SS threatened to kill you and your son. It is no longer an option to have SS around your son, ever. Please do whatever you have to do in order to give him a safe, calm home.
I am so sorry you are dealing with this
Please take measures to protect your child and yourself. I agree that you should take your child out of the home for the time being. Your wife needs to open her eyes to this situation, it is not likely to change without professional intervention and I feel that she needs to begin making the other children and members in the household a priority. Your stepson is essentially holding the household hostage to his behaviors. He changed the playing feild by threatening to have you all killed. If he wants to make threats of this nature, he needs to suffer the consequences of this behavior. And frankly you don’t know what he may be capable of. If your wife wants to allow him to be home running the show and making threats, that’s fine, let her handle it then until she finds what she sees as an appropriate solution. You can most certainly support her by tending to the safety of your child and keeping that child away from the influence of your disturbed step son.