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Dealing with Druggie Daddy

AnonSF404's picture

Hello everyone, newbie here. This seemed to be the most appropriate place to post my situation. I welcome any constructive ideas. I am at the end of my rope.

I live with my beautiful fiancé and her two wonderful girls, both between 6 and 8. My fiancé’s has shared custody with her ex (I'll refer to him as DD) who is a drug addict. The kids visit him for half the week, we have them for the rest.

Respectfully, I have stayed out of their business, until I was personally affected.
DD had custody of the girls that weekend and he had let one stay at his mothers (his mentally unstable enabler) and kept the youngest one at his house, where she started to exhibit signs of extreme influenza.

DD was blatantly stoned out of his mind and failed to tend to the child, refused to take her to a doctor, refused the girl’s mother to see her. This went on for hours, until my fiancé drove to his house and rescued the girl. She was comatose and in a pool of sweat. DD was babbling incoherently like a pirate, the only coherent thing he blurted was “you can’t blame this on me.

When I arrived at the ER the girl was exhibiting signs not so much as influenza, but also as if she had been exposed to drugs. Testing proved that she was severely dehydrated and had the mother not rescued her, death was imminent.

The father , DD, failed to show up at the hospital for another 6 hours. When he did he behaved erratically and stayed only 10 minutes. Between the mother and I we basically spent the weekend watching over the girl because he failed to return to the hospital.

Out of curiosity, I searched for him in Google. We were shocked!
We typed in his name before we could finish Google suggested many sites where he has been selling drugs online for years. Looking into these links, I discovered that he is a well-known designer Synthetic Drug Dealer on the internet!

I know what I’m up against now. This guy is not only a drug dealer but a junkie as well. Synthetic Drug Dealers work with unknown chemicals that cannot be detected. But drugs aside, he is an arsehole who refuses to care for his children and is nasty to his ex.

DD has someone helping him with legal issues. He claims to be broke, yet drives a Mercedes and was very “successful” last yr selling his drugs.

He refuses to financially support his children. (So I help her) He is crafty and evades police, DCF and all authorities. The kids are too young to know what’s going on. DD has threatened my fiancé and frequently taunts her that he will never be caught. I am worried more about the kids being exposed to this scumbags life style. He is paranoid that I am going to steal his kids from him.

Druggie Daddy is basically a Disney Daddy. He and his mother (his enabler) spoil the girls. When we get them back they are hyper and devoid of any manners. It usually takes us two days to get them to behave.

My dilemma is: I love this woman and her girls very dearly. The girls lack a real father figure in DD, and I and their mother are their only guiding figures. DD will never stop selling drugs and he is a terrible influence to the children, not to mention their safety.

My fiancé is intimidated by him and weary that the police and DCF have been absolutely worthless in doing something about this situation. I have become aggressive in trying to help her and keep this worthless POS in line as much as I can, without becoming his target myself.

We are seeking to change the legal arrangements and to make DD be fiscally responsible in order to keep the kids safe and sound. But we know there will be retaliations and the law will not help us.

Common sense tells me to run. My heart says to stay and defend our family against this drug dealer and his enabling mother. Should common sense or chivalry prevail?

AnonSF404's picture

Apologies for the long post. If any one can help make it shorter, while keeping to the point, its appreciated.

AnonSF404's picture

Thanks Foxie. I have been reporting him to FBI, DEA, everyone. IRS and Post Office need to be next, as he sells drugs online and ships via US Mail. What I am being told is that he is not of interest as he does not sell enough drugs.

DCF and police inspected his house and found contraband herbs to make Spice, he convinced them the spice is for wiccan rituals (hes catholic). I am dealing with idiots here.

He has someone advising him, we now think a rogue ex-cop is involved. Police tell me that they are watching him but wont make a move until he becomes big enough to be of interest.

Do I have to wait until one of my step-children are killed?

Kilgore SMom's picture

Not sure what state your in but in my state they call it child proctective services CPS. Thats who needs to be called and the police. The wife needs to file a restraining order and she needs a good attorney. But like us you may not can afford one right now. So my next advice would be to write everything down. We also deal with a druggie parent. Thankfully ours made things very easy for us. Print everything you see DD post on any site, besure you save all text and record any harrassment. Recording aren't legal but it will give cps and give attorney a good idea of what they are dealing with. The point is to always stay one step ahead of them. Cps can do on spot drug test. Alot of these druggie are all talk. Be safe and good luck.

AnonSF404's picture

Yes, CPS and DCF are one and the same. Read some of my comments above. Absolutely worthless.
Let am also add that the DCF told us we have no right to stop DD from seeing children, even though proof was given to them he is a drug dealer. Anyone can look it up, hes not hiding it.

Two weeks after we complied with DCF to allow him to be alone with kids, we got one back with severe burns on her arm. DD was elusive in admitting any negligence and DCF did nothing.

I have called DCF every time a child was injured or neglected, they repeatedly claim they see no neglect.

AnonSF404's picture

One more thing, CPS/DCF HAS tested him. He specializes in Synthetic Drugs that mimic the real thing and are untestable. So he gets away with it. Thats how these drug dealers get away with it.

AnonSF404's picture

Thank You Kilgore. We are documenting as much as we can. Like I said (and realmccoy totally misunderstood) I have also documented DD's online drug dealing and posted all in public view so police and every authority including DCF can see for themselves I am not making this up.

We can not afford a lawyer, we don't qualify for a free one either. I am just fed up with this lowlife putting all the financial burdens on my fiancé and me and then selling drugs for a living.

Also, what about the children? It really is all about them. How do I handle what they are going through? When they are at DD's house, he is a total Disney Daddy and spoils the crap out of them. When at hs house, he plops them in fron of the TV all day and night so he can sell his drugs on the internet. When the girls get home, they are all wound up and bummed out cause they actually have rules to follow, like clean your room and clean up your mess, etc, stuff he definitely does not reinforce.

AnonSF404's picture

realmcoy ....what? NO! you need to read more please before you post. I flagged your post as offensive, it was. The information I posted on this facebook page is AGAINST DRUGS and for the purpose of OUTING a DRUG DEALER who is a deadbeat daddy and a druggie.

The information on that FB page is the same information that I turned over to the police and others. Posting on FB makes it more central and easier to post his drug dealing activity, to PROVE that this person actually incriminated himself as a drug dealer.

texstep's picture

Well... Unfortunately the cops aren't going to do anything, Because synthetic drugs aren't illegal. Therefore-- he is technically speaking, not a drug dealer. You would have to prove he is selling/using actual drugs. Which I believe the whole point of synthetic drugs is for the loophole....

It's unfortunate for the girls that he gets so blasted that he puts them in harms way..

AnonSF404's picture

Well, with newer laws being passed nowadays that pertain to synthetic drugs such as the Federal Analog Act, most synthetic drugs ARE being classified as illegal, which does make him a drug dealer. I been reading on this some time now and documenting all that I have found.

Yes, terrible that DD is putting his kids in harms way. He treats them more like a right (like the right to own a dog)than his responsibility (ie: the responsibility of caring for children).

And as I have found, the police are reluctant to do anything about it as they have little to no knowledge about these new kinds of controlled and uncontrolled substances. ER visits and deaths have increased threefold since this crap hit the street and the internet.

What DD is doing is bad, real bad and his insistence to have the kids around puts them right in harms way. Yet as their sf all I can do is try all I can and sit helplessly, waiting for the next bad thing to happen when they visit him.

I am very sad about this. Very depressing.

enddora's picture

You are concentrating on the wrong issue. The fact he is manufacturing and selling synthetic drugs should not be your focal point. His neglect of the children is where you will get relief.

When did SD begin showing signs of being sick? How old is SD? How soon did he contact their mother? Or how did their mother know child was sick? REmember very young children can become drhydrated in a couple hours. Did the hospital determine there was neglect?

You need to file for supervised parenting time with someone other than his mother as his supervisor and list his neglect as the reason. Cite every time either child has returned with a serious injury. Include Dr's notes as to the severity of injuries.

You stated one child has returned with burns to her arm. Did you take her to the Doctors? Is it documented?

You stated he is open about making and using synthetic drugs. Can you document that for the court. Not so much as he is doing that, but that he is uncapable of caring for the chikdren while in his care.

Make your case about neglect not drugs. What he does isn't the issue. His inadequate care of the children is.