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mom that has every excuse to not show for visitation

mom3girls-1boy's picture

Biomom has visitation 2 a month from 10am-5pm we are lucky if she shows up. My husband has explained to her how hard it is on the kids that she is not consistent. The kids told the counselor that they don't feel safe with her. The counselor isn't sure if not safe is the word that best describes the child feelings so she is trying to get to the bottom of them saying that. This is the mother I posted about that canceled visitation to go out with friends but said she was sick. When she does show up she is late and always brings the kids back early.

So anyway she calls my husband yesterday to ask him to switch weekend because she has a Dr appointment Saturday at 10:30 my husband told her no because a little over a year ago she filled contempt on my husband for her not seeing the kids all because she finally got served with papers for child support after being on the run for 3 years so we don't change a thing that the papers say just to avoid trouble. Before she filled contempt my husband was letting her show up whenever she wanted regardless of what weekend it was. The contempt was dismissed and she has to pay her child support. My question is what would you do in this situation we have the kids in counseling but it doesn't seem to help with her not making any changes. I also don't believe for one minute that she has a dr appointment.

step off already's picture

I don't have an answer but BM once told SS - the night he was supposed to have his first over night visit with him - that she wasn't allowed to come to the visit because it was DH's birthday AND she had to go to Court on Saturday. This was a day before seperate mediation appointments.

We had SS write the mediator a letter sharing what he wanted and what his mother told him.

The visit ended up taking place. Apparently, BM was lieing about where she lived and didn't want SS and DH to find out where she was actually staying.

Kilgore SMom's picture

I would always go by the papers. If she would go long enough without visiting you could get her for abandonment. But thats not likely most BM know how far they can push things before they have to stop. If the counselor deemed BM unsafe then you could have Bm visitation changed to supervised visit. Ours is 2 Sat. a month for 2 hours each time. It cost both parties $25. If the parent misses more than three visit they take them off the broad and you no longer have to go, and where we go it is documented and used in the courts.

Anon2009's picture

That is so sad for the kids. The counselor is doing a good job here.

My SDs BM is like that too-sends the kids to her parents for her visitation so she can do whatever it is she likes to do. She likes to have pedophiles in her life.