Not necessarily mental..
So, if some of have read my past forums you may know a bit of the back story. But my SD6 plays softball in our hometown and BM lives an hour away because soon she will be moving to our town. Well SD has had 3 games this summer and BM has only been to the most recent game, the third one. She hasn't been there due to her child being sick, which I understand. But what I don't get is how her husband couldn't "watch" him for a few hours so she can watch her daughter play softball. We also do week on week off for the summer and on BM's weeks I keep my SD while she is at work to save her money. Well she decided the DH and I keep SD on her night so she could sleep in...again I understand, but she hasn't seen her daughter in over a week so I don't get it. Also, she jumps down my throat for being there for SD too much or doing too much with her because she is jealous and guilty for being there for her daughter, but she won't admit she just wants to blame me and accuse me for trying to take her place. I don't know what to do. I will never say no to keeping SD, I view her as my own, but I feel I am viewed as a nanny, not SM or a parent. And DH pays child support as well, even though we have her most of the time. I don't know how to handle this situation because to me it seems unfair. The only positive thing out of this is have SD all the time!
Plus, on top of that I feel
Plus, on top of that I feel bad anytime we fight? Like I want to be friends with her. I have plenty of friends, but anytime we fight I am worried that she is mad at me or hates me....maybe I'm the mental one? Any suggestions on how to not worry about BM's thoughts on myself?
BM is not your concern and
BM is not your concern and should not be. Forget her. She is the one that needs to comply with the stipulations of the CO and you and DH need to keep a big stick handy to smack the crap out of her with when she deviates from the CO or from standards of reasonable behahior that YOU set.
Take care of you. F BM.
Stop communicating with BM,
Stop communicating with BM, that's DH's job to do - she's not your friend, she would turn on you in a minute.
A lot of men seem to be in the position of having BM dump the kid on them while receiving child support, and it's a risk to take it to court - either the judge won't change anything and chastise DH for not being happy to have more time with his kid; or BM stops dropping her off because she doesn't want to lose the CS. Hard to say if going to court is worth it or not.