How to handle???
My husband and I have been together 3 years we have two girls 3 and 2 years of age. Recently his son age 6 has come to live with us, I treat as if he was my own. He is very rude and disrespectful to me and his dad he cry when he can't get what he wants. And to top it off my husband walked I n on him on top of our 3 year old. He was punished with Xbox and outside being taken for 4 days. Really would like to know how can we deal with the child without hurting his little feelings.
What do you mean by on top of
What do you mean by on top of your daughter?
Who gives a shit about
Who gives a shit about "hurting his little feelings?" Protect your OWN child!
When I say on top he was
When I say on top he was humping my daughter. My husband fought long and hard to get his son and we don't want him to feel mistreated because he is in a new environment living with us. Our girls or 3 and 2 and have more respect than him. He never listens when I tell him to do anything. My husband realize that we have a problem we have talked but we don't know what to do this is new to us. We back each other up so that's not the problem he just want listen and think he can do whatever he wants. We don't spank we do timeout but timeout is not working he stands in corner and dance and play. I lost.
Thats what i though.... IMO
Thats what i though....
IMO 4days without xbox is not the proper punishment...he didnt just not do his chore, dont fool yourself, this falls under sexual abuse, god forbid you didnt walk in when you did...god forbid it became a constant thing...think of how it could affect your girls. I agree with what HRNYC said....he cant be left alone with your girls anymore...AT ALL
He might not really be explained the seriousness of what he just did...and that in itself is a problem.
I understand you dont want to hurt him, hes been through enough, but, This is a GIANT red flag that you and DH cant afford to ignore.
I would consider putting him therapy as soon as possible. Maybe he isnt a malicious kid, but if he doesnt get some help soon, he will indeed act out maliciously, and humping his half sister will seem like the smalles thing hes done.
Therapy honey....its for his own good
I agree with hrnyc and will
I agree with hrnyc and will add that it is likely that he's been sexually abused. He needs intense therapy ASAP. Maybe your daughter needs some too. In the meantime, he needs to be kept separately from your kids.
Honestly, I don't understand
Honestly, I don't understand how you can find a 6yr old humping your daughter and you are looking for ways not to hurt his feelings.