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Nose picking, how handle

maryann's picture

Looking for advice on how to handle nose picking. SS11 picks his nose and plays with his snot. Licks his upper lip after drawing the liquid (clear) snot down to it. :sick: He denies he is doing it. i asked him if anyone at school has said anything to him about it. And he says no because he is not doing it. Offers of giving him a tissue or telling him to get one do not work. Sigh, saw him doing it during basketball game.
I have taken to just washing my hands a lot when he is around, as he does not always wash is hands after using the bathroom, either. DH only says something to him after I point out he is doing it and show him the prodigy. This is extra icky to me, as I am in healthcare. Hard to ignore it, but I am trying.

Any tips, besides just ignoring it? Anyone done anything successful to stop the habit? I do think it is a habit and he may not always know he is doing it. I figure he will be made fun of by peers at some point and that should stop it. Also likely cuts down on his attractiveness to girls. Wink
Any former nose pickers out there? How did you stop or control it for social situations?

newbiestepmom25's picture

Just be grateful he is digging in his nose and not his butt like my SS, and asking random stangers to smell his fingers. You should have a talk with him about germs and about manners.

maryann's picture

Seriously? Ugh, I shall count my blessings.
Odd, I wonder if his BM talked to him about it, if it would make a difference.
I don't want to embarrass him in public. So, I guess it will be peer pressure. I have told him that their will be social consequensces. To another poster: videoing or taking a picture of him doing it might work. At least he can see what others will be seeing. For now, I will just keep washing my hands....
Thanks for suggestions!

checkedoutsm's picture

When you see him doing it say, "hey buddy, go ahead to the bathroom and finish cleaning out your nose and wash those germs off your hands."

maryann's picture

Good suggestion. That way he also has to stop what he is doing, so good way to teach.
Better than my "Use a tissue not your finger."

twobyfour's picture

Overheard once in the mall: "If you eat your boogers one more time, I'm going to give your puppy away!" followed by a loud, "Nooooooo!" and crying from the little girl.

Still makes me laugh. It's not really funny, I guess, but the choice of 'consequence' seemed so random!

Good luck, no advice. My daughter plays with her nose a lot, but she's two...