SD6 head lice HELP
BM found head lice in SD6's hair last night and called in a prescription shampoo today and she says she's treating her now. We are supposed to pick her up for the weekend tonight. DH offered to let BM keep her this weekend to treat her, but BM refused to make up the time another weekend! So now we're getting SD6 tonight and I have no idea how to treat head lice. BD7 has never had it. How do I prevent her from getting it too?
Also, I can't discuss any of this with BM because she won't communicate with me. Anything we get out of her is through text message to DH. Needless to say, we have a custody hearing next month.
I don't know how to tell you
I don't know how to tell you to handle this but just wanted to share that I recently went through the exact same situation. At least in this case your BM was vigilant enough to notice her daughter had lice. I didn't want SD to come back until it was treated since not only do I have long hair, the other SD's do as well and it didn't make any sense to contaminate two households. Needless to say BM still sent her back to us. Luckily she had her mother treat the poor kid since BM can't be bothered to do anything for her own children, but she still had eggs so I still ended up having to disinfect our whole house.
Follow the course of
Follow the course of treatment and don't let SD and DD sit with their heads together.
Why would you try to switch weekends over this?? Isn't part of parenting taking care of the kid when they're sick?
SMH I just love how dads want to be "parents" of their kids only when it suits them.
It's not about us not taking
It's not about us not taking care of them. It's about infecting two households. I really am sorry you may have issues with fathers in your life, but we don't here.
With FATHERS in my life???
With FATHERS in my life??? Huh??? My XH is a deadbeat AWOL father. He doesn't really cause issues because he's not around.
Just because your skid isn't in perfect condition doesn't mean she swaps weekends with you. Skids came for visitation sick and healthy, because that's WHAT PARENTS DO.
Again, I'm sorry you have
Again, I'm sorry you have issues with your ex. Some kids have great fathers. As a step mom and bio mom, I'd never want to infect any of the other children at either house, if it wasn't absolutely necessary. This is not an attack. There's no reason to be bitter. Thank you for your comment.
Honey, I'm not bitter. I am
Honey, I'm not bitter. I am stating that simply because SD isn't in perfect condition doesn't mean she shouldn't come.
Over all the years we had visitation with SD, if she was sick, she came. It didn't matter. If bkid was sick, SD still came.
That's part of being a parent and being a family. Simple.
Please, READ what I wrote. SD shouldn't be ousted from dad's home because she has lice. Continue with the treatment. If dad is such a great father, he'll be able to handle it!
Again, I'm sorry you have
Again, I'm sorry you have issues with your ex. Some kids have great fathers. As a step mom and bio mom, I'd never want to infect any of the other children at either house, if it wasn't absolutely necessary. This is not an attack. There's no reason to be bitter. Thank you for your comment.
I think it's worth pointing
I think it's worth pointing out, that switching the weekends wasn't what this post was about. It was about getting advice on head lice.
Which I responded to in my
Which I responded to in my first post.
Keep their heads apart and stick with the treatment course.
Any decent parent wouldn't
Any decent parent wouldn't send a kid to someone else's house, other parent or no, with head lice. That is just common sense. What kind of idiot sends a kid with headlice anywhere before treating it? A shitty parent who doesn't want the bother or expense of taking care of it themselves.
I would have NEVER EVER sent my kids to ex's or anyone else's house with something contagious. Ugh.
OP, I suggest keeping the kids as far apart as you can. if the SK sits down on the couch, will have to vacuum or spray the couch afterward. No sharing of towels, bedding, etc. All of the pillows SK uses will have to be quarantined.
You will also spend a small fortune, and SK will probably just get it again if BM's house hasn't been cleaned.
Been there, done that with our BM.
I think it is irresponsible
I think it is irresponsible of any parent to let their kid leave their house if they are sick. It is also irresponsible of a parent to send their kid somewhere else with the possibility that OTHERS could get sick or their home also become infected, etc. Just as it's funny how dads want to be parents ONLY when it suits them, it's also funny how BMs have no problem sending their kids elsewhere even when they are sick...yet, funny, most want custody because "kids are better off with mommy, that maternal care bs", yet in reality, it's the money, it's the control, it's the I will make the decisions...
I can ASSURE YOU that if this SMOMs kid had lice, BM would be SCREAMING that she wanted to keep her kid at home to prevent HER kid from getting infected...yet, it's ok to infect someone else's kid.
Thank you so much for this
Thank you so much for this comment! You made my point. BM would throw a fit about SD coming here if my kids had lice. I don't mind taking care of SD... I just don't want to infect my kids AND my other SD. When she's here, she's our responsibility too... and I would hate to send her back to her BM with lice.
As long as BM is treating SD
As long as BM is treating SD and sending the medicated shampoo along so that treatment can be continued at your house it should be a non issue. Your DH can assist her with her hair just as well as BM could.
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Mayonnaise! The chemical
The chemical treatments only kill the bugs not the eggs. If you use a chemical treatment you have to go thru the hair & pick all the eggs out. Mayo or Olive oil will kill & suffocate both the eggs & bugs. When my BD12 was about 2 the neighbor girl gave us lice. I spent a fortune -- still had lice for a while. I researched and used mayo -- no more lice. 2 yrs ago the SD12 brought it home from her neighbor girl -- BM used chemical (skids still came over of course) so we had it in our household, BM's household and her BF had 3 girls so it went to their BM's household. No one listened to me until it was hanging around for a good month.
Buy a squeeze jar of mayo (even at the dollar tree) - cover entire head and all hair. Use a shower cap or light towel to cover. Leave on for at least 3 hrs and then wash hair. Wash bedding, coats & soak hair brushes (or just buy new one) -- that's it! And putting stuffed animals in bags are a good idea depending on the extent of the infestation
What is funny is you will be amazed how shiny your hair will be after a mayo treatment.
Good luck!
I also drowned my skids hair
I also drowned my skids hair in olive oil inbetween treatments because you can only use the chemical once every so many days so I would put olive oil in their hair and put a shower cap on them and let that "marinate" for about an hour and then rinse it water as hot as was still comfortable and then shampooed it. Make sure you vacuum the house more frequently and empty the vacuum bag after you sweep. And bleach the lice combs/ regular combs inbetween usage. And like others have said, bag up any non-essential bed toys etc and put in a sealed bag for a few days and launder bedsheets, covers, and pillows frequently. Best of luck in getting rid of those nasty pests.
I agree, when DD has
I agree, when DD has something contagious she stays home. No reason to expose two households.
As far as the headlice, it should be treated twice (10 days between permethrin treatments). If you are worried, it won't hurt her to treat the following day again. When you use the comb that comes with the kit either spray her hair with vinegar or dip the comb and comb it through. The acetic acid breaks down the glue that holds the nit to the shaft of the hair.
It stinks, but use this opportunity to be sure she actually gets rid of it... Good luck!!
Just went through all this, I
Just went through all this, I understand your frustration. SO refused to take his daughter for well over a month because she was infested with lice. I have 4 children at home and we refuse to put them in a position where they can get infected as well. It's a problem I really haven't got time for, it's time consuming, expensive and a headache to treat, I don't have the time to sit at a table going through 4 heads for hours on end because of something that could have easily been prevented, not to mention all the school the kids would miss. Then again with my situation it was the BM that was just majorly lazy and thought throwing treatment on the child's head was enough and they would go away. This was what we were trying to get through to BM, that we were not risking infecting two house holds (not that his daughter comes here anyways but I am sure at some point during the weekend the other kids would have seen her). Her response? Basically I want my break and if the others get infected so be it, deal with it. Not freaking likely lady, get off yer butt and actually make a good attempt at getting rid of these bugs then SO would happily take her for visits. I know darn well if it was one of my kids that had lice she would not allow her kiddos to come over, she'd fear them getting it too.
Elizabethlauren, PLEASE do
Elizabethlauren, PLEASE do not let this kid in your house! DD#2 had head lice 2 years ago, she has long thick wavy hair it was a NIGHTMARE to get rid of. The problem with her was there were so many places for them to hide in her hair, if you miss just one or two they multiply like rabbits. And where did she get it? Playing OUTSIDE with the neighbor kids! Thats how contagous it is. And she went NOWHERE until she had the all clear for a week. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy- your BM is an idiot. Your kids WILL get this I garuntee you, she needs to stay away until she's completely clear. All it takes to infest the other kids is a pregnant bug or a male and female bug to jump onto thier heads and the swarm is on. It's gross. :sick: