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Single Only Child Now a SM of Two Girls...AHHHHH!

SingleGalTurnedSM's picture

I just stumbled upon this site today when feeling a little low about my situation. The girls are rude, ungrateful brats...and i feel like the bad guy! My life changed SO fast & I can't deal with their annoyances.

I am 27 years old & am engaged to a 40 year old man with two daughters...10 & 12. They drive me INSANE! I am an only child, so I never had to share or deal with brothers or sisters or kids in general. Before my fiance, i was an independent successful real estate broker with a townhome in the city and a great life perfectly content living alone in peace & quiet. My fiance moved in with me and along came the kids. We get them Wednesday-Sunday every other week. I love children. I've always wanted to get married and have children. I never ever thought i'd get involved with someone who already had children. And i'm really not even old enough to be their mom!!

They have no manners and smack their food and chew with their mouths open and walk around with food on their faces. It may not sound like a big deal but it infuriates me. They are getting better with time, but my issue with it is why in the world have they never been told to wipe their mouth before?! How are they 10 & 12 and don't have any table manners?? The 10 asks "if you don't eat that can i have it??" every time our food hits the table at a restaurant. When we have an appetizer of cheese sticks they always want to know who gets how many. It's like they're worried they're not going to get something. It truly makes my skin crawl.

They also have no concept of money. They have been given everything they've ever wanted their whole lives. The ex wife never cooked so they ate out every single night for dinner. They expect to go to Melting Pot on a Tuesday night for dinner. They don't understand that not all kids wear Abercrombie and go out of town every weekend on fun trips...they take everything for granted because this is their norm.

They cling to me and hug me and want to sit on me and lay by me and i am just not that type of gal. I'm like that with my pets though. Their BM doesn't care anything about fashion or makeup or hair and i do so they love that about me and i like sharing that stuff with them.

The 10 year old used to drive me insane. She will go brush her yellow teeth and come back with plaque still on them. What the heck?! When her daddy says something to her she just laughs about it. It's disgusting. She also refuses to wear a bra. She really needs to, but her mom never pays attention to those kinds of things and her dad forgets to enforce it. She has a bigger chest than her 12 year old sister who wears a bra just because she wants to.

The 12 year old is in her first year of middle school and has changed alot in this short period of time. She has her own opinions about everything and her friends are most important. I used to get along with her better, but now it's switched for some reason and i'm getting along with the 10 year old better. They are so very different. The 10 is very child like. She talks like a baby and still plays with barbies and is very emotionally immature. The 12 is very mature for her age. It's like I have to be a different person when interacting with each of them.

I want to smack them. Their daddy is truly a great father, but he is also very lax about his parenting due to his guilt over the divorce. Their BM never did any sort of discipline. She is also crazy and badmouths me to the girls constantly. Fortunately they are old enough to form their own opinions and really do love me...which makes me feel even worse for wanting to bop them upside the head. The BM will send them to our house for the weekend in the winter with no coat or clothes...she knows that daddy will buy stuff for them because he's a decent human being. The child support and alimony he is paying is outrageous and really affecting our finances.

I really wonder what will happen when my fiance and i have our own children. It will be completely different than the way he apparently raised his girls. I always say things like "God, if they were my children..." He had a vasectomy several years ago & the reversal procedure is going to cost around $10,000. I want kids NOW, but that is impossible.

This is way long so i'm going to end it here. Even if no one else can relate to this post, i feel better just venting. I get off work in 2 hours and have to go to what used to be MY home and deal with their noise & clingy behavior. UGH.

windee's picture

Sounds so familiar! We would all sit down to eat and SS wouldn't have even eaten all his food on his plate and he was already asking DH is HE could have what was on my DH's plate. Damn, that was one of the MANY things that annoy me.

skidsgivegrayhair's picture

Sounds so familiar indeed! My BF has an 11 yr old girl and a 13 yr old boy. I, too, do not have kids and I was never a 'kid' type of person. I love my BF but he comes with a HUGE pkg deal. The girl is absolutely CLINGY (she follows me around the house, non-stop talking) and will even want to go in to the bathroom with me while I GO TO THE BATHROOM. It's weird! My BF is the primary care giver and I feel so guilty when it's time for them to leave and I feel so elated! When it's time for them to come back to his house, I feel absolute dread... to the point where I am getting chest pains! I've talked to a friend of mine about this and she laughs and says it's 'normal' to feel this way. But, if it's 'normal' than why am I getting gray hair and chest pains over these brats that I'm s'pose to love and call my own?? I can't stand them! Sad

skidsgivegrayhair's picture

HA! You made my morning with that comment. I can't recall the last time a day went by when I didn't regret becoming a stepmom..... where the hell was that hindsight when I needed????

SingleGalTurnedSM's picture

Yes I see how that sounded now...What I meant was that he is very emotionally involved with his girls & they talk about EVERYthing with their daddy and are very open with him. He is very supportive, but doesn't do much in the way of being the "bad guy". Disney Dad...i know now

SingleGalTurnedSM's picture

No, I didn't give up my career. I'm still working in real estate, but given the current economic situation my income has drastically changed and i am relying on him a lot financially. NO, money is not why I'm still with him. I've heard many, many sugar daddy comments in my time with him...

alwaysanxious's picture

Just wanted you to know you are not alone. I was single, never imagined the difficulties in being with a man with kids. I'm also very independent and self sufficient.

You have a guilty disney dad. I did not know what this was. i thought I was the problem and I was constantly questioning myself. Its not you, its the lack of parenting by both parents. Spoiling, lack of manners, coddling. I'm dealing now with an SD16 and SS13. I have learned how to keep my distance, with a lot of mistakes along the way. We've been together almost 5 years and now I am finally having one of my own.

The best advice I can give you is that the more you say the more he feels he needs to defend them. The more you push, the less he'll want to implement rules. I'm sorry for the bad news. Sometimes there are success stories. Then there those who are like me and realize you cannot change how dad is going to parent. You can control how you are treated and how much crap you are willing to take. I wish I had kept my distance from the beginning. Instead I eased into a parenting role, then realized no one wanted me in that role to begin with (despite their words). So, I've stopped.

I wish you luck and I hope you find being here supportive!

duct_tape's picture

You are putting all the blame on the bm. Not fair. This dad is just as guilty and your glasses are just as rose colored when you look at him, as his are towards his kids. You're fooling yourself if you think this is all their mom's doing. He has his kids often enough to have made a difference in their behavior. Wake up.

SingleGalTurnedSM's picture

No, no, no...I didn't mean for it to sound like i was placing the blame on BM. I meant that when they were still married, she was the "go ask your Father" type of mom. He was the one that packed their lunches, packed their suitcases, picked out their school clothes with them, made sure they were showered, disciplined them, took them everywhere, did their laundry, etc, etc.

StubbornEnough's picture


amerz's picture

I'm a mother of SS13, SD9, and BD8. I'm sorry to say that things will not get better but in fact continue the same path or worsen. I had rose colored glasses on in the beginning thinking that everything would work out and we would be this great "brady bunch" blended family. HA! Truth is skids are treated differently in our home as well as my in laws. BD will never measure up and isn't as "troubled" with having to deal with divorced parents-as said by MIL. Skids have wreaked havoc on my house for 6 years now and I am at my wits end with their antics. There is some truth to the saying "if you can't deal with it now, how will you cope for the rest of your life?". Be truthful with yourself.....Can you handle dealing with these issues and worse for the REST of YOUR LIFE? I'm not trying to be negative....Just realistic which is something I wish someone had talked to me about years ago

Poodle's picture

It seems significant that a 40-year-old man moved in with you, a 27-year-old woman. Why could he not house himself? Why did he allow himself to accept housing from you when it meant moving in his children (even on a part-time basis) into someone else's home base so early on in a relationship? That's kind of not self-respecting. I was in a similar situation (let divorced man move in with me due to lack of finance as the home and income all went to bm & skids) and bent over backwards to sacrifice everything of mine for the sake of my husband's children. A while later we had our own babies and guess what? BM vilified mine to her children, destroyed the relationship between them, but worse, DH applied the same sort of lackadaisical parenting and, when standing up for proper upbringing and discipline with my own, I became in danger of being portrayed not only by DH but by the SKs and even my own children as the bad guy! If you don't get out now, I would suggest the following: (1) discuss the housing situation and try and see if DH can set up on his own with a trial period of separate living whilst still in the relationship. That way he can have his SKs over and take full responsibility for them without relying on you for childcare (including apparently primary emotional care of his children, why are they asking for this from you a stranger, not him, their dad? significant!). You maintain your independence from their mess and the freedom to make true choice. If it then is to stay with him and come together ultimately as equals, fine. He has been tested and found positive. (2) if stuck together in your home, make clear that you have certain house rules about behaviour and cleanliness which must be respected. If as happened with me, this exposes an underlying problem which is that he actually does not want you to have the power to make rules for and discipline them but instead leave him with all the authority and you with all the work, then all the better you learn this now before it is too late to affect that imbalance. This imbalance can be very insidious and hard to perceive when in a loving relationship. You need to discuss parental rules together, after all you are now being expected to fulfil the role of a parent as you are providing a home for children. Don't just go with his unless he lives separately from you. You would not do that with your own child and if you go with his now you will be stuck with his always prevailing when it comes to your own child. (3) talk to friends who have divorced before having children, see what age they were. There appears to be a rule of thumb that big emotional changes happen in people's lives at the age of 29 and that's when a lot of childless breakups seem to happen. I wonder if before that age one may not yet be of an age to recognise one's true mate (unless very lucky). Your man is a lot older than you and appears to not be able to offer too much finance to the relationship, not that that's a negative necessarily but when you think that you want children of your own this is an issue; he has had the snip which is admirable in one way but in another it indicates that at a deep level he does not really want to continue fathering babies; and he is not emotionally responsible even though he is of an age to have shaped up. Are you sure you can't find someone more elgible? (4) I don't know how easy it is to reverse these snips and how long it takes to conceive afterwards, but ask yourself this: what if you spend a few years sorting this medical stuff all out only to find that you and he can't conceive when you're near 40 yourself? Is this a deal breaker? Could you bear these 2 skids being your only option of parenting? Or would it make you very bitter ultimately? And, bear in mind if there are procedures etc, the girls will get wind of it, the BM will get wind of it, and they will all have "ownership" of the situation and feed into DH's thoughts about it if not yours, with the potential that your very intimate personal experience gets railroaded and parasited on by others who have no claim to it.

SingleGalTurnedSM's picture

Thanks for your response and your advice. When he & his wife split he moved out of the home & was renting a place. Obviously i owned my own home when we first started dating, but had only lived there less than a year. I wasn't going to move in with him! He moved in with me eventually, but still kept his rental and stayed there with the girls every other wknd when he had them. As the girls hung around me more & more and we grew closer he eventually moved out of his rental was crazy paying for that & my mortgage when he was only there a few nights a month! So that's how they all ended up at MY place!

herewegoagain's picture

I didn't read the whole thing...but I can say it was also around that time that I got involved in this mess. I too did very well for myself and then came into this mess. If you were my daughter, I would bribe you and buy anything you wanted just so you would leave this man alone and move on. There are WAY too many men who don't have baggage to deal with this mess at your age.

foxc's picture

I'm 25, married a man that is 34, he has a 5 yr old son. I do very well for myself and I'm thinking about leaving. He is a Disney dad that had been to parent counselling and was doing extremely well, than the BM started going on shopping sprees and my husband always feels he has to compete with buying everything under the sun for this kid. SS has serious behavioural issues that are associated with being spoiled and lack of discipline, I have disengaged myself because after talking about rules and discipline with my husband, my husband gets defensive and lands up not talking to me when he has his son. I am tired of being treated this way and I'm starting to see that my husband will always revert to the Disney dad to compete with this ex. Our banking isn't joint, he has a lot of debt left over from his ex that him and I both agree that it would not be fair to sacrifice my credit if we joined banking, nor will I pay for her hair/nails/clothes/ new this new that from THEIR relationship. It all boils down to just putting the pieces together and looking out at the future and saying.. do I want to cope with this situation for the rest of my life? I'm certainly young and I have always said.. I would never get married or be in a relationship with a man that has baggage, until.......... i met him!

foxc's picture

i also forgot to add that I am a single child, that's why your post intrigued me to reply. We are both so young and we're both so successful... do we really want to deal with this?

Nutwantstorun's picture

same with my 11 SD, I feel guilty for I don't feel the need to hug her ..or want to play with her. She seems to want to hug me at times..and although I like children I can't click with her. She tends to be a bit bossy and expects people to do what she likes so I refuse to give in most of the time. I do ask her to clean her room..i might help her at times.. wash her sheets but make her do her own bed ..but does it.

skidsgivegrayhair's picture

I am the same way.. the 11 SD is very clingy and follows me around. It annoys me to no end. I do not have kids and although I am a very affectionate person (I will hug and kiss my dog all day long. haha), I just get annoyed by her constant bossiness, talking non-stop and being my ever-long shadow! She will even follow me in to the bathroom (which I draw the line there. A girl needs her privacy on some things). Also, she is LAZY. I find that if I put her on tasks around the house (ie., vacuuming, cleaning the toilets, etc.. ) she tends to avoid me for fear of getting put to work (haha). She did not know how to do a load of laundry, scrub a toilet, wash dishes or run the vacuum until I showed her. Did I mention I don't have kids and I am the one showing her how to do all of these things?

johnmarshall's picture

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boots415's picture

I think what you are feeling is normal. You're an only child who never had to share, and as an adult you had your place to yourself. I had siblings, but I lived alone for about 99% of my adult life. My home was my sanctuary. It was very hard at first (still is at times)to have children in your house using your things, going through your cupboards, etc. It feels like a violation. You barely know these kids, so it's kind of the same as having neighbors come in and start rifling through your medicine cabinet. I think that's part of why the kids are driving you insane. The good thing is that they seem to really like you. If they didn't, they wouldn't want to sit by you and hang on you. The teeth/plaque thing is gross, but she's only 10! And if her mom doesn't care about looks, then it's probably not important to the little girl either. You said they like that you're into looks. If your talking about make-up or whatever, kind of steer the conversation towards hygiend and mention the teeth thing. Don't try to go overboard and nitpick at every little thing. If they like you, then your suggestions and corrections will go over MUCH better than if they hated you, and they're more likely to listen to you.

A lot of people on this web site are very negative. I joined because I needed advice on a few things. The older SD moved in w/ her mom full time because she didn't want to follow our rules, but the younger SD and I get along extremely well. My husband and I have an excellent relationship. Things do work out! You just have to decide if the love you have for your guy is worth it. I hope this post isn't too late to help you.

hippiegirl's picture

So...this man can't give you a child-yet you are expected to accomodate his children? You are still so young....are you sure you want this?

christinen's picture

I would honestly recommend you leave while you still can and find a man who does not have all this baggage. I cannot really talk because I am 26 and married to a man with a kid, but what I can say is that if I had to do it all over again, I absolutely would NOT. It’s not worth it. Being a SM is a thankless, horrible job and this man can’t even give you kids of your own! What makes it even worse is that your FDH is a guilty daddy/Disney dad. My DH was the same way. We went to counseling before we got married and he has gotten better but he still has that instinct I think that kicks in when he doesn’t fully think about what he’s about to do (which of course with men happens frequently lol). Seriously, you are young, you own a home, you are successful in your career- you don’t need this.

rosewinslet410's picture

She has two step twins.

My elder sister recently wed a man who has two children. She loves both the kids very affectionately. And they are facing no problem as all are living happily like family members because of the virtues and the mutual understandings. This would sum up all your behavior and the logic sot that concludes better life maintenance.