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Threat of violence from Ms 11 SD to my 2 babies

surfergirl76's picture

I'm feeling quite 'lost' at the moment. My SD who I've always struggled with due to concerns over her emotional state and tendency to be aggressive as soon as her father disappears out of the room.I have closely observed her relationship with her younger half siblings, baby and toddler. The interactions appear 'normal' enough when everyone is around but recently when our backs are turned she has been pushing and hitting my toddler. I also became aware of other disturbing behaviours which show she is internalising a lot of aggression. She demonstrated that she is experiencing an internal struggle between wanting to 'protect' her siblings from being hurt and wanting to hurt them... needless to say when she visits during holidays I sleep very little as I am gravely concerned as to what's going through her head since she often puts on a very inauthentic positive facade.. I feel she needs psychiatric evaluation and support.. but this will be a long drawn out process. In the meantime, I am at a loss what to do about future visits etc and how I can support my husband but also keep my two little ones 'safe' when I'm out of sight... I don't feel that her behaviour is purely triggered by divorce/separation/craving father-daughter time although this would certainly be a contributor, I feel that her behaviour stems from much deeper seated issues.. please help Sad

surfergirl76's picture

Finally... after 5 years of pleading they are getting her to a psychiatrist. Prior to the arrival of my babies she had been trying to hurt them in-utero..

ctnmom's picture

Your immediate problem is not letting her be alone with your kids, EVER. You shouldn't be "at a loss" you should be implementing a plan that will keep your babies safe. How much of a loss will you be at when you're in the shower and she gives them cleaning fluid to drink? You really have to put your kids first and let her parents handle her.