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We need help

Tfraley's picture

My fiance Crystal has a daughter from a previous marriage, her name is Sadie and she is almost and the coolest....... When she wants to be. I have a biological Son named Marley he is 6 and lives with his Mom during the school year i am still very active in his life. Crystal and I just had a baby boy named Avery Indiana and that has had an impact on the household. Ok the problem that i need help with is Sadie, Crystal's daughter is at that age where she is discovering who she is and what limits she can push and i know that things are frustrating for her from me being around more often than her Dad and The new addition to our new family. Crystal and i have or are close to running out of ideas on how to explain or show Sadie that i do have a say in our house.I would not say she is acting abnormally for her age because i remember going through the same thing with my son who is almost 7 now. But the problem is for a year we have set and established rules for Sadie and for Marley When he is here that need to be followed. Marley is very respectful to Crystal and he knows that i gave her the authority to enforce the same rules that Marley's mother and I have always enforced. but what do you do when the other parent of your soon to be stepdaughter does not enforce these realistic rules and lets her have her way and anything she wants? Please help.

sooodifficult's picture


I think it's great that you are so involved. I know it's difficult because she has an automatic bond with her biological parents, and therefore they have the moral authority to discipline her (even if biodad isn't exercising that authority). However, kids can learn how to act differently in different situations. They, especially as they get older, know that they can do certain things at daddy's house that they aren't allowed to do with mom and stepdad. Just keep setting realistic limits and consequences and she will fall in line, and the situation will seem normal to her because that's what she knows. When she gets older (maybe much older) she will appreciate the limits that you placed on her, but don't hold your breath until her twenties!
