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Weird Behavior

Smomof3's picture

My SD14 and a friend were dressed in sweats and felling kinda grungy, so they thought it would be funny to do the following: They made a sign that said, "Homeless for a day, please give $$$". They then parked their middle class butts outside of a local gas station and chanted, "Obama promised change we want ours now!"...they were of course thrown off the property.

She and some friends recently put a dead cat on someone's door step (they didn't kill, it was already dead). She's odd and her sense of humor is strange. She and her friends say random weird things and act awkward and weird...saying things like, "I wish we could make an alternate universe where we enslaved all green eyed people and all ugly or fat people were sentence to death." She and her friends also put women's underwear on over their clothes and tied sheets around their necks and posed for pictures like superheros.

I'm a girl, had a sister, have neices...even my mom who never says anything bad thinks she is odd and that her friends were different.

forestfairy's picture

Well, most of that I would say is just teenagers being ridiculous. My friends and I were pretty weird at that age too. However, the dead cat thing is disgusting and mean and going way too far.

TheoLauren's picture

That is bizarre. I did weird stuff too, still actually consider myself weird (black sheep syndrome) but never doing anything with the body of a dead animal, and never spoke about enslaving anyone and putting them to death.
Even if it is an imaginative thing and I am on another planet, its still showing signs that are very concerning and morbid. Does her friend instigate the talk and dead cat ideas like that? What are her parents like? Does she have bonding issues if she is the one coming up with those kinds of thoughts.

That kind of behavior sounds like what I fear my 5 year old SS is going to do if he doesnt learn empathy. He chased my pug, Bena, with a stick trying to stab her, I rehabilitate wildlife and while my oldest 10 year old SS was holding one of my orphaned baby opossums the 5 year old slapped the poor animal out of his hands.

The baby suffered a strange leg injury shortly after and passed, I am afraid to leave him near my rehab animals and used to live in intense fear that he was going to kill my dog.
I know what youre dealing with though. He cackles when he sees something dead. I finally got him past it enough to learn that love comes from the heart not the head and don't feel like my dogs life is endangered anymore I still flat out worry about his psychopathic behavior.

Maybe it is just her friend instigating it. Ask her what she thinks about her friend instigating those things, or ask her if she is doing it to explain it to you in passing non chalantness while youre doing something else. No pressure atmosphere and either way you can take the assume its the friend stance instead of her fault. If she feels like shes being blamed I am sure like my kids they will quickly get super defensive.

They often will defend their friend if they were the mastermind behind the plan. 'Y'know I was thinking, the other day when (you put the dead cat on the neighbors porch) with so and so why would you want to be around someone who does such morbid things?' get her to casually explain it, maybe then youll know the reason she participated in it in a casual honest way. Then depending on that conversation and the ones that stem from it you might be able to identify the root issue behind that behavior so youvbetter know how to tackle the next step in healing that sort of thing.
Thats just something I would do if this happened to me. Actually I don't think I would be able to talk calmly about the dead cat thing....
I couldnt even sit through homeward bound as a kid. Thats how chicken hearted I am. Made mom fast forward it to make sure the animals all got out ok before I finished it. Lol!

dispiritedstepmom2011's picture

agreed. teens these days are actually pretty stupid. they show no intelligence. my sd13 says stupid random shit like 'if i had a penis i would play with it' and realy dumb shit like that. i had to show her how to address an envelope...yes she is that stupid.

Smomof3's picture

At points I think it's normal teen stuff and at times it's just over the top. Her Mom actually let her get away with the cat thing since it was at her house. I chasized her for the homeless thing. My husband is walking on egg shells hoping not to tick her off because he wants to keep her with us and not the BM.

Honestly, it's like she doesn't know where to draw the line between funny and morbid or socially unacceptable.'s picture

Those things actually show a lot of creativity and imagination. A bit misdirected, but nonetheless. Just be glad they aren't trying crap like backyard fight clubs or Jackass stunts!

TheoLauren's picture

I agree. It does show signs of creative intelligence. If you can reroute it somehow to a more postive expression and tell her to write a short story instead of go do that in person. Does she paint? She can do what I do and channel all the negative thoughts on canvas. Smile

Oceanic815's picture

Sounds like mostly normal teenage stuff but I'd keep an eye on it. It seems like if she got away with the dead cat stunt then she may try to push it more, and more, and more and you never know where that will end up.

Hopefully she will learn to have class as she gets older Smile

Starla's picture

Can you talk your DH into taking some time with her & educating her on the real world? I have done some weird stuff that offended others than out grew that as I matured. Some of it was out of boredom & ignorance but to much time on my hands & wanted attention. Glad to hear that they were not the ones to kill the cat, she still needs to learn respect roadkill or not. Im sure she will come around Smile