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Christmas Cookies

Lee In Florida's picture

Merry Christmas!

I am new to the group. I am the father of an adult daughter. My first wife passed away almost five years ago and my new bride and I have been married for a year and a half. And my daughter lives in a different state hundreds of miles away. Everything seemed good between them until a misunderstanding over Christmas presents a week ago blew up.  My wife said something my daughter and her husband didn't like, I sided with my wife (horrible father that I am) and my son-in-law ended up swearing at me and telling us no more presents to or from either party and basically don't talk to them again until I'm ready to apoligize. And this was all via text messages. Whew.

So here is what just happened, I got a text message from son-in-law saying that my daughter has mailed cookies to me for Christmas.  He didn't say whether they are just for me or for me and my wife. So this is what I'm thinking about this situation... IF the cookies are for both of us, then nice, we have cookies to enjoy. But if the cookies are ONLY for me, then I don't see how I can keep them. I can't hardly eat MY cookies in front of my wife without damaging our relationship. So I would text or call my daughter and explain that sending me cookies and not including her step-mother is not acceptable and then donate the cookies to the local senior center. 

It may be a strange thing to be worrying about on Christmas Eve. Earlier this year, they sent me a birthday gift but didn't send one to my wife for her birthday, so that makes me wonder. The cookies haven't arrived yet so I don't know how it is addressed yet. I wouldn't think that my daughter would be that mean to exclude my wife from the gift of Christmas cookies, but some of the things said last week still have me shocked and shaken. 

In the meantime, my wife and I are having a wonderful Christmas together. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas also.

Phoebe333's picture

Sorry to hear you're having trouble with family. If it were me, I would share the cookies with your Wife. And thank your daughter by calling her, not son in law. Letting her know how much you both enjoyed them. Sounds like this was a peace offering and she wanted her husband to extend the olive branch with his text. 

Lee In Florida's picture

"Sounds like this was a peace offering..."

I am hoping so, the cookies have not arrived yet, but I am taking this as a good sign.

TwoOfUs's picture

Maybe...maybe not. Many of us on here with Adult Stepkids can attest to the fact that they're always trying to divide and conquer and leave us out...

OP - you are very smart to stand up for your wife. She's lucky to have you.

hereiam's picture

Well, we don't know what happened a week ago but as far as the cookies, even if they are meant just for you, you can share them with whomever you like so I would let that go.

mro's picture

I was an adult when  my parents divorced and they both remarried.  My kids were also adults when I remarried.  I got along great with both, and referred to them as my stepmother/stepfather, but honestly didn't celebrate their birthdays. Same with my adult kids and my husband. I don't expect birthday cards from his adult kids.  I may not have addressed all their mail/gifts to my parent and stepparent.    I realize it's very different when the kids are younger and the stepparent has a hand in raising the kids. I just don't think this is the hill to die on and would be more interested in the relationship between the spouse and adult kids.  Making a fuss about who the cookies were addressed to before they even arrived and saying they were going to be donated was over the top.  Is your DW even upset about this?  I wouldn't be.  You said your wife said something they didn't like.  What was it?

Lee In Florida's picture

Thanks for another way to look at it, I appreciate the comments.  

What started this was when we sent gifts via Amazon to them, and had Amazon wrap them so they would have something to unwrap on Christmas. What happened was, as the gifts arrived at their home, they unwrapped them without waiting for Christmas.  Apparently, this is fairly common, but to me was a breach of etiquette and disappointing. My wife sent them a text  explaining why we thought waiting was proper.

My son-in-law called me and wanted to know if I agreed with what my wife had said, and I said yes, I knew what she had said and I agreed with it. S-In-L said that I had failed to protect my daughter from my wifes outbursts and that we had ruined Christmas. He also sent a text cussing me out and telling me that we should not try to communicate with them until after the new year. I replied that his language was excessive but that I hoped we could all come to forgive each other. Then I received another text with more cussing and telling me how badly I had "effed" up and needed to ask for forgiveness. Very unpleasant.

So that is essentially the background, we are not supposed to talk to them until we ask for forgiveness. 

So maybe I am overthinking this, but I feel like the issue blew up when I supported my wife instead of them, like I was supposed to side with them against her. So that is how this got started.

Rags's picture

This is a sad event.  Most sad is that your SIL has proven himself to be of suspect character.  I have been known to use some colorful language in this community but I do not IRL. Particularly when interfacing with family. 

My father introduced me to the phrase "Profanity is the crutch of the intellectual cripple" when I was a young man.  He is right.  I have had people blow up in various situations and when they do, I lose respect for them immediately and rarely do they recover in my eyes. To the point that they are pretty much a write off from that point forward. That you daughter's husband would speak to you, his wife's father, that way would make him a write off IMHO.  I would have little to nothing to do with him after that.  I would share his texts with your daughter and let her know that knowing what you now know about him, you would have advised her against marrying him. His written crap would be fodder for rubbing noses in if this were my family situation.   You are the one who is owed an appology.   Though I have little in common and little respect for my ILs, I respect my wife and would never speak to her parents the way your SIL vented on you.  I also respect my wife enough to call her out if she was being juvenile with her hurt fee fees regarding a situation similar to the Amazon Christmas Gift event.  And I have.  I do not feed into the drama that tends to run rampant in the interfamily IL clan relationships.  It appears that your SIL is an instigator.

You obviosly picked the right side in this.

IMHO of course.

Good luck navigating this mess going forward. 

I hope that they can reset and be reasonable.

Lee In Florida's picture

You are quite right, if he wasn't married to my daughter there would be no reason to speak to him again. For now, I am hoping that we can reset, be reasonable, and move forward. Time will tell.

I think that I am fairly fit and healthy for my age (mid 60s) but I don't know how much time I have left on this earth, and enjoying a good relationship with my lovely wife is my top priority. If we can stay together in harmony then I will be happy, and hope that someday the kids will be happy for us. Again, time will tell.

I must admit that since my daughter and her husband are 'adults', I thought that this would be so much simpler! Now I know better!

Rags's picture

 I hope that you are right.

Be happy. Enjoy your marriage. I hope that your daughter can enjoy hers.

Time will tell.

mro's picture

You can tell me I'm full of BS, I won't get offended lol

But here's the way I see it. The kids (DD and SIL) are adults. You sent them a gift which was theirs to do with as they wanted.  They can celebrate the holidays the way they see fit.  Criticizing them over something so trivial was not appropriate, and coming from their stepmother made it even worse.  You two men got stuck in the middle.  You felt you had to stand up for your wife.  Even if she is wrong?  Your SIL stood up for HIS wife.  At least he has the balls to do that, even though his delivery was wrong. 

Lee In Florida's picture

... it didn't seem trivial at the time. Although at this point, knowing what I do and seeing how this went, I should have handled it differently or even ignored it. 20/20 hindsight. I must say that before my wife sent the message, she showed it to me and I agreed that it was the way I felt as well. I didn't expect my SIL's response to be SOOOOO over the top. I'm still rather shell shocked about that.

Rags's picture

I think your focus is right.  You and your bride are a team.  Your children and their own SOs need to understand that.

Merry Christmas.

Lee In Florida's picture

"You and your bride are a team."

Thanks, your comments nailed it on the head.

Booboobear's picture

This is a good example of why step parents should not be texting or calling spouses kids.  they might take it the wrong way.   you'll be all ...... SM: "oh hey, did you get a new cat?"  SD: "What! how dare you!  I cant believe you asked me If I had a new cat!"  SD to DH: "SM need to apoligise because she asked me If I got a new cat!  how RUDE. Im never going to forgive her.!"

disrestep's picture

Hmmm, sounds like the adult skid mean games my DH's brood and their significant others  play.

I don't think you are overthinking things if the cookies were sent after your SIL's hissy fit about the text your wife sent them about opening gifts. Did you see the text your wife sent them? Was it rude? Your SIL sounds like he is siding with your daughter about everything and is playing tough guy.

as far as them not speaking to you until you ask for their forgiveness - who do they think they are? I'd not speak to them until they can apologize for flying off the handle over something so trivial. They are adult and need to act as such.

you know, if my DH sends a text or email to his adult children, I am usually accused of writing it for him. It is so bizarre. My DH knows how to read and write, email and text.

In my case no matter how I communicate with them or not, it is always my fault whenever my DH does something the adult skids don't like. Keep an eye and ear out for this type of treatment toward your wife as well.

it is nice that you and your wife enjoyed the holiday. No one needs adult skid drama.

Lee In Florida's picture

I am wondering just how hurt they are or if this is just some kind of manipulative game. The cookies were sent after the hissy fit and have yet to arrive. I hope they are still edible when they do get here! I did read the text before my wife sent it and it did not seem rude to me, hardly an "outburst" as SIL called it. 

I agree that SIL owes us both an apology. The kind of language he used makes me want to ignore him forever, not have any kind of dialogue with him.

I think my wife and I had a lovely Christmas together, thank you!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

It is definitely some type of game. Kudos to you for seeing that. My DH would never attempt to insert himself between myself and my mother. Well adjusted people understand that is inappropriate.

CANYOUHELP's picture

You should be very proud of yourself for protecting your wife and your marriage. It is rare, the sign of a strong man and husband. You put your marriage first. Given you require respect by all parties,  they will either step up to the plate and treat your spouse decently or move on, either way you have gained peace and control of your life by being a real man.

Your wife is blessed!

Lee In Florida's picture

I think that I am the blessed one to have such a loving and intelligent woman that thinks enough of me to marry me. "they will either step up to the plate and treat your spouse decently or move on..." is absolutely right. I do want a good relationship with my daughter and SIL, but not at the expense of my marriage. Not good to try to make me choose between them.

Disillusioned's picture

If your wife was in fact your DD's mother rather than SM, would there have been such a fuss over the fact she thought they should have waited until Christmas and said so?

I'm sure it's the fact that the SM would dare to say anything, and yes that you dared to actually side with her, that has everyone freaking out and overeacting

My DH & I are dealing with a similar situation

After years of his sister being totally out of line where we (aimed at me) are concerned, DH decided to stand up for us/me and said something to his sister during the holidays

And a complete crisis has followed - just for simply saying two words to his sister "park it" to be exact, when she started what is completely out of line behaviour and with zero justification as always

OSD in particular (who resents me because she feels I somehow 'stole' her place in DH's heart) went bullistic and sent DH some pretty abusive, foul text messages. Basically threatening to cut him out of her life

I honestly think the best behavior for toxic people like that is to give them exactly what they "say" they want - you not in their life

Disengage from your SIL and DD for a while. Let them apologize to you, not the other way around

Yes I do belive this is all about you supporting your wife, and your daughter probably feels she should always come first, most especially above your wife *scratch_one-s_head*


Lee In Florida's picture

... then they would have already been on the same wavelength and it wouldn't have been a problem, but I believe that something else would have been the match to light the fire. I think the problem was just waiting for something to set it off. No real evidence for that, just a feeling.

Since SIL said not to talk to them until after the new year, I am giving him what he asked for. I don't need someone texting foul language at me, so I can wait. Maybe I was supposed to instantly cave in and beg for forgiveness? I just don't feel like begging just yet!

Thank you for your comments, all these comments I'm getting are helping me put things in perspective. I hope your situation resolves itself also. Somehow "park it" doesn't sound so incendiary!

Exjuliemccoy's picture

Hello, Lee.

Texting is such a limited form of communication, isnt it? And if someone CHOOSES to be offended by a text, it's hard to smooth things over.

I find it strange that your son-in-law (SIL), beating his chest and agressively picking a fight while claiming to be standing up for his wife, finds it offensive that you would stand up for yours. His interference is neither appropriate nor helpful. Does he have some ulterior motive in seeking to alienate his wife from her family?

All of this could have easily been avoided if you daughter had only bothered to call you and share whatever is allegedly bothering her. I would give this hyper-sensitive couple what they're asking for and leave them be.

And regarding the cookies - what kind if Christmas present is it if it still hasn't arrived at this late date? Evidently your daughter and her husband didn't care enough about you or your wife to mail the gift in a timely manner. It seems they did not bother with a gift for you at all until after receiving gifts from you and your wife. Perhaps they're attempting to distract from their thoughtlessness by creating a strong offense?

Lastly, I do think it ill mannered to tear into the Christmas gifts you sent before the holiday. But nothing you've shared about these two indicates that they have much in the way of class or manners. Enjoy your respite from them.


Lee In Florida's picture

True, in a text you can't hear the tone in the other persons voice, how fast or slow they are talking, or if the voice is raised unless you reveal that with caps. So I think you are right that being offended by a text is at least partly a choice of how you wish to react. Thanks for your comments!

Although I don't get to respond right away, I much appreciate these remarks from you and all the others on this forum. I just mentioned this on another reply, but you all help me gain perspective on my situation. I may have fumbled my way into this, but hopefully I will do better going forward.

Lee In Florida's picture

There seems to be two ways of looking at this, maybe it is generational, maybe not. Our way, is that the wrapped gift becomes yours to open on the holiday or occasion that the gift is meant for, such as birthday or Christmas. A Christmas gift goes under the tree until Christmas morning, then it is yours and you get to unwrap it.

The other way is that once the package gets left on your porch by UPS or whoever, and it has your name on it, then it is yours at that moment to do with as you please. Open it now or later, it is up to you.

There is an old saying that to assume makes an ass out of you and me. Both parties have made assumptions about the 'correct' way to do things and misunderstandings have blown up in surprising ways.

I have several rather nebulous reasons for thinking this, but I think that something was brewing before the text that ignited the current confict. SOMETHING would have set it off sometime. It was just a matter of time.

In the meantime, I'm giving the DD and SIL time to cool their heels a bit and hopefully we can all move forward in the new year.

Lee In Florida's picture

Christmas cookies. Much ado about nothing. Except all the fuss and bother surrounding the holiday season. My daughter and I have had some texting back and forth, she seems to be okay with her husband swearing at me, and neither DD or SIL are behaving as I would have expected. I am seeing very different sides of them than I've seen before. But...

The cookies finally arrived. Long story short, they were sent to a different post office than I expected, as DD was too frightened of me to ask for my current address. Good grief, I'm SO scary. She must not have liked my last text yesterday because she hasn't answered me yet. So it goes. At least my wife is talking to me!

The cookies were addressed to both of us, and I thanked her for that. My wife and I are enjoying the somewhat stale cookies, and wondering if there might not be arsenic in them. Just kidding, I think.

disrestep's picture

I hope either your DD or SIL have apologized to you by now and that they still aren't expecting an apology from you. (Which you don't owe them IMHO)

It is sad DD is okay with her husband swearing at you. My adult skids' spouses treat me, and at times my DH not so nice, while DH's own adult children are okay with it also. Just another form of disrespect.

 DH said the same thing of his adult brood - that he is seeing a different side of them. I guess sometimes with adult skids, the pent up hostility comes out eventually and especially when their bio parent remarries and they realize it's no longer all about them and the gskids. They need to blame someone. So, why not the spouse first and then the bio parent next. They cant seem to get over having a bio parent happily married to someone and sharing their life with someone other then them.

Good luck going forward.

Lee In Florida's picture

No, no apologizes yet. I messaged my DD on Friday afternoon about some things that I thought were building up over the last year and may have intensified this blow-up. I saw that she read it Friday evening, and here it is Monday evening and no response yet. So I guess she doesn't want to talk about it. Maybe I should start a new thread about that. 

I agree that they owe us both an apology, but I'm not holding my breath. I have a feeling that this could take a LONG time to resolve. So it goes.

Rags's picture

I would suggest that you quit the email communication and go with direct conversation.  Emails are too easily misinterpreted and too easily ignored.

Just my thoughts on it.  I have never regretted a face to face conversation but I sure have regretted emails that are misinterpreted.