How did your relationship change after having your own biokids?
I'm not SD yet, but in 3 years we plan to be married and have a child of our own on the way, and I'm really curious about what I should be expecting when that baby arrives. I've seen lots of posts from SM's perspectives on having biokids, but I haven't seen much from the stepdads and how having children of their own affected their relationship with SO, SKs, and BKs.
How was your relationship with your SO before and after having a child of your own?
SD-2 and our future BK will at least be 5-6 years apart. What was the age difference between your SK's and BK's, and how has/did it affect their relationship?
It changes with both your SO and SK. SO will have two bio children and you will have one. They will see them as the same and perhaps you will too but many of us do not and will not ever as they are not our bios. Good luck with it all. Hopefully you don't need this site in about 10 years or so and everything works out for you.
This is an N/A for me.
i am going to be in the same exact position.. “hopefully” ... SO has 6 yr old soon trying for our own. Gluck!