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I'm Starting to feel like a terrible person always looking for something to be wrong...

khellendros50's picture

Everyday I come home from work, I find myself thinking about how will the boys have destroyed the house today? Either they take all their school clothes off in the living room and leave them in the middle of the floor, or they raid the kitchen eating everything they can find. I do mean everything, I have seen them polish off two boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk in one evening. Me and my SO have been living together for over a year and this is the usual way the house looks when we get home. My Gf works just as hard as I do and it just kills me that when she gets home her evening is spent picking up after them. Any of you more experienced steps have any methods for correcting this behavior or at least dealing with it.

Ommy's picture

I would recommend chores, either they do them or they loose certain items that they have (electronics are always good so is TV - you can always remove the cable and take it to work with you). They need to be shown som responsibility and accountability for their actions.

Dragonflyo226's picture

I have recommended this more than once & borrowed it from a friend of mine. Give them X amount of time to get their junk cleaned up, anything that's left, or overlooked goes into a box that will collect throughout the year, at christmas, wrap up the box of forgotten items, and return them. Merry Christmas!
As for the general mess, give them chores that cover the messes that they make & if they don't do them they lose a privledge.
When I was a kid I had to clean my room every Tuesday, if it didn't get done I was stuck in the house until the next Tuesday. My parents started that when I was 5 & by the time I was 8 or so it was a non-issue, I didn't want to be grounded so I did what was expected of me.

smileygirl's picture

This is awesome! I love this. It's amazing. So much better than my just throwing them out. Wonder if I could do the same with the crap covered undies and dirty socks they hide everywhere - that would be the first gift I've ever been happy to send psycho BM! Biggrin

Dragonflyo226's picture

I haven't had to go as far as socks & dirty undies, but I know that the friend that began it did.

Roarin1's picture

lol AWESOME! Maybe I can start doing that with the dryer sheets my SS14 always hides under his bed...

Auteur's picture

Heh! I pulled in the driveway after a very long week to find GG's brats starting to spray paint the vehicles and the side of my house bright orange with very expensive tractor restoration spray paint.

Of course ZERO supervision from GG. Brainiac (SS at the time 12, now 15) hacked off all of my raspberry bushes to the ground with a weedeater, Prince Hygiene (SS at the time stb 7 now stb 9) literally SHITTED all over the house b/c he didn't get his way.

I could go on for WEEKS! Ask me why I'm NOT sad that all three have PASed out.

Dragonflyo226's picture

Shit all over the house? :sick: Good GAWD! I hope he spent the rest of the day cleaning up his mess. I can't even imagine...
Must be all the hormones that are being put into food, I can't fathom my parents reaction had I ever done such a thing.

Auteur's picture

He did it on purpose b/c he was angry that daddykins wasn't popping out of bed at 4 a.m. on a Saturday to web surf together. This was a BAAAAAAD habit that GG was getting Prince Hygiene (at the time not yet 7) to get into.

I pleaded with GG that KIDS NEED THEIR SLEEP!! Especially since they have no set bedtime at the Behemoth's house. GG would give me the "hand wave" "BAH!!! my kids don't need that much sleep; they're a chip off the ol' block" blah blah.

Well the first time GG tried to break this bad habit, PH purposely vomited for attention. Of course GG bought this. I'm a light sleeper and could hear PH wake up and start play talking to himself, right as rain, and then kept peeking into our room to check to see if daddykins was going to give him a session of web surfing at 4 in the morning. I told PH that he needs to go back to bed as it is too early.

Well he vomited for attention. He pretended to be sick only when around me too, so I told him he can knock it off; I know what he's doing. His eyes got as big as saucers.

The next time this happened, once again, play talk in the bedroom, peeking in a few times, I tell PH to go back to bed and then the terrible smell of DEFECATION comes sailing in. Then I hear fake crying and GG gets up to discover that he has crapped all over the house and rubbed it into every piece of furniture we own. GG was disgusted, but he was rewarded the day after with a toy.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I feel your pain on this 100%. My SD21 is messy enough on her own, but we also have her 2 yr old son living with us. While she sleeps, her son is allowed to run around our house destroying everything in sight. Mind you this is a BRAND NEW house that is not even 1 year old, and it looks like we've been there for 5 years. Crayon on the walls, chipped screen on our plasma TV, kool-aid powder all over our carpet (which will require professional cleaning) just goes on and on.

There have been days where I will go to the library after work just to keep from coming home.

ms.blessed.n.distressed's picture

Well, my only advice is for you all to make these kids clean up after themselves and to do chores. My SS does it because I make him. If your SO doesn't back u up then print them up some info on how it really benefits the kids, its a parents JOB to teach their kids valuable life skills and this is one of them.

Pooping all over and rubbing it in? I would've smashed his face in it like the dog he is. And took pictures and I would've showed them to his mom, friends and family right infront of him. Bet u the embarrassment would've been enough to make him never do it again. Then I would've put him outside and made him pull weeds for the rest of the day after HE cleaned up every single drop.