Just needing to get it out.
I'm so glad that I found this website for people to come and vent! I have been with this woman for almost a year now she is 29 and I'm 28, not married just dating she has two daughters one is 10 and the other is 4 but I do not have any kids. Everything is great when it is just me and her but when her kids are around it feels like I'm on edge and it's hard for me to enjoy them any at all since they both are way to spoiled the 4 year old is treated as a princess and thinks she is the most beautiful girl on the planet (she definitely is not) and if someone won't tell her she is beautiful she will start crying or if she does her little annoying singing and no one cheers for her or tells her it sounds so pretty she will also start crying, for example she done that 4 times in less than 30 minutes the other day I was almost sick to my stomach! A couple months ago she was upstairs watching tv and all of a sudden she let out a blood curdling scream like she was being killed and it scared us to death so we ran upstairs and she was squalling and crying something awful and when asked what happened she had accidentially changed the channel and turned Dora off! It was ridiculous. I was down in the floor playing with them one day and the 4 year old climbed on my back so I was crawling around with her hanging on to my neck and she decides she would spit on the top of my head... I was so pissed and her mom hardly said a word to her I would of liked to bust her ass for that but of course I wouldn't do that to someone else's kid even though I wanted to. She cannot go to sleep unless she lays on somebody's arm and will cry like a baby if no one will lay down with her, me and her mother can barely sit on the couch and she tries to get between us. I do not treat her like a princess like everybody else does but I'm not mean either I don't applaud her singing or her constant asking if she is beautiful or if she has the prettiest skin than any other little girl. She is way to spoiled by everyone especially her BF and his family when she goes there EOW and one day thru the week when she arrives everything stops and they become servants to her every need. I can imagine when she goes to kindergarten this fall and tells all the other kids in class that she is prettier than them that will be sad but it's gonna happen it will be good when someone brings her back to reality she could use some of it. I really don't like to go anywhere when she is there because she misbehaves and I get embarassed pretty easily.
Now the 10 year old is not to whiney but she has an awful attitude and makes messes like I've never seen before and together it's like a tornado hit! When she comes in the door all her coats and shoes and whatever else she has just hits the floor so her mom has to tell her 5 times before she will pick it up then she just takes it and does the same with it in her room, she the 10 year old has to clean her room just about everyday because she just destroys it, when they get done eating something it just lays where they sit it down at. I don't clean up after them just because I know that they are more than able to do it themselves. Her attitude is awful she is always so hateful and if asked to do something she is tired or her stomach hurts to get out of it or she just rolls her eyes and pouts about it, and she is not asked to do all that much just to help out a little bit. She has this annoying voice she uses when she is being a smart mouth like she is talking down to me or her mother, I think a belt to the ass would help solve that problem but her mother won't do it. I know most of these faults are because of the parents spoiling them but I can't stand bratty kids it's just not fun to be around this and I know I wouldn't be able to live with them for more than 2 weeks and I'd be packing my things and hit the road even though my GF wants me to move in. I just think for my own happiness and sanity I should get out of this relationship so that hopefully I can find a woman with no kids and maybe she will find a man that can stand to be around her kids. These are just some of the things they do to annoy me there is more but this is getting pretty long so I'll leave it at that. Thanks for listening to me vent for awhile it does feel better to get this out for other people to read that has the same problems.
{{{{Hugs}}}} I would give
I would give some serious thought to this relationship. Maybe you are exactly where you need and want to be in this relationship. If you move in and or get married, it will more then likely get worse.
Feels good to vent and be out
Feels good to vent and be out with your true feelings. When you're in a relationship where there are so many unspoken issues, it's as if you're a pressure cooker. The slightest thing will eventually make you snap.
This is how I see things in life. If you date someone for sex or convenience and you know that's the purpose of the relationship, hey ok that's fine. BUT, if you know that she is not the person you could spend forever with, don't freakin do it. You will regret it immediately.
You should run very fast in the other direction. I have been married to someone whose in denial about the flaws of his kid for three years. I love him dearly. He is the perfect man for me in a millions ways. There is only one problem, his son. And to top it off he actually agrees with me now. I'm still full of resentment. So in this almost perfect relationship, it's still hard. The style to which people raise their kids speaks volumes. It tells you what they expect from you. It tells you about their sense of entitlement and superiority also. She is setting this kid up for a life of misery. I feel sorry for that little girl. She has been raised as a dilusional idiot. There are far too many normal people in the world to settle for a freak. Even if she's hot. Hot cools off eventually.
It only gets worst SP have no
It only gets worst SP have no say. There is always that feeling of mo control. I would not move in. I would sit down with GF and tell her that the kids behavior bothers you and in order for ya'll to live together rules need to be set. She GF needs to start inforcing the rules before you move in and you need to be able to see results. I rasied 2 biodaughters by my self and am now helping to rasied a SS it is the hardest thing I have ever done.
It really is hard to be in a
It really is hard to be in a relationship with someone who has kids if you don't have kids. I think it's actually unfair for both sides. Before you have children you want to enjoy life, freedom and love without the drag of "mom/dad what's for dinner?" or crying and screaming and spoiled brats running around ruining your sex life and otherwise normal happiness and sanity. Once you have your own it's a tiny bit easier to take on more of a package deal but of course there are exceptions. My SO's boys are great kids but total slobs. I am a neat freak and there are about 2 days of my month when I am over the top cranky and cannot handle it. Most of the time I keep a lid on it and patiently wait for the day they move out b/c they are older teens now. It's damn hard to love another mother's kids.
That's another thing, we
That's another thing, we actually have had a few talks about their behavior and she told me that she would work on it and try some discipline but I have yet to see her put any effort at all into doing that. She knows how I feel about their behavior and how spoiled I think that they are. She is the type that expects me to love them just as much as I would love a child of my own, little does she know that it is much harder than she thinks! Of course she loves them they are hers. I have a 3 year old nephew that I think the world of he is so pleasant to be around and happy all the time, of course he has his moments but I don't expect any kid to be perfect because we don't live in a perfect world! I'm just afraid that things will never change and it's going to get a lot worse as they get older. Thanks again for listening and the understanding comments it means a lot.
Your young...get out.. sounds
Your young...get out..
sounds like mom has no backbone..
she is probably and over indulgent mother..
GET OUT!!!!!!!!!
Well it's been almost 7 weeks
Well it's been almost 7 weeks since we broke up and even though I still miss my g/f I do not miss her kids any at all. It was very hard at first because I have such strong feelings for her but I'm getting better now and when I am missing her and wanting her back I just think how my life will be much better not having to deal with all the problems that I read about on here that comes with being a stepparent (I knew it would just get worse the older they got) I'm sure that the decision I made was a good one, not just for me but everyone involved. So now I'm gonna make sure to steer clear of women with kids, I'm not putting them down but it's just not for me. I really like this site I still log on everyday to read the new posts.