The reason for a vasectomy
The reason for a vasectomy after raising a child at a young age is so that, instead of having fun and enjoying being an empty nester, you get so deal with someone else's problems!
And the reason for getting a Phd, not having other basic job skills, and deticating your life to something isn't what you thought either. Run your own business in a nice upper middle class city where people appreciate what you do and pay you for your services which are very good at? No, if course not. The reason for that is so you can throw your life away suck in a rust belt town teaching English, working in ghetto schools, working at Amazon, etc.
Why live in such a crappy place? Because the biological father is a miserable hillbilly and you have to live there so the step kid can see his dad? No, no, no. That is just on paper. You are the one suck with him.
Merry Christmas.
As bad as that sounds it is a
As bad as that sounds it is a no way as terrible as being a stepMOM with a guilty/disney dad on her hands.
I didnt grow up a hillbilly,
I didnt grow up a hillbilly, but I did grow up on a part of Brooklyn, NY that many considered the ghetto. But, thanks to gentrification :sick::sick::sick:,people like us now. :O :O Like Merry, I found your comments extremely condescending.
You aren't stuck. You are free to walk away at any time.
Chances are, the kids stuck in your home and in your classes would all be better off if you did.
Bssed on the OP's name, I'm going to assume, there are some race/class issues going on hete as well. If so, I hope those kids give you hell as long as you're there.
It seems you are really
It seems you are really unhappy with how your life has turned out. If this is not want you want, then make a change. Move, get divorced, start your own consulting service... Pick a lane instead of driving all over the road and the sidewalk!
You have chosen this for yourself. As harsh as this may sound, you have chosen to marry someone with a (minor?) child who still needs visitation with their father. You have chosen to live in or move to the middle of no-where. You have chosen to teach and not work in your professional field that you trained for. You ask: "Why live in such a crappy place?" Because you HAVE chosen this all for yourself. Every single decision you made or didnt make, led you this place.
Part of being an adult and responsible person is owning your choices and NOT blaming others or your circumstances. Sure, it may turn out sh!tty, but it DOES matter as to how YOU deal with the hand you are holding. You can UN-CHOOSE this. Together with your wife, you may choose to move. You could choose to change the visitation schedule/arrangement. You could choose to leave this all behind you and get divorced. This post - I am sorry to say - makes you sound like a sorry-for-yourself, resentful victim. If you are, you chose it. For yourself.
As much of a mess my own life has become, I dont refer to my husband and his (imo disappointing) children or my circumstances as "problems". If they are PROBLEMS -they at least DO have a solution. You need to work out what your solutions are - or choose to not do anything and be sorry and resentful. Still boils down to what you choose.