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The return of the underachiever

steponmeagain's picture

Well, SS18 has been back for awhile now and things haven't changed much. The one plus side is that now that he is off his ADHD medications he doesn't get as angry as often with his mother. He is still lazy and clueless though and still does not contribute to the house, or to anything really. We always had an agreement if the kids weren't in school they were paying rent. Well the rules change always when he is involved as due to the guilty feelings from his mother. Plus, you would actually have to have money or seriously look for a job in order to pay rent. Oh well, he says he is going back to high school at the end of the month. Would be good if he graduated at least to have something in his life that he actually completed.

Anon2009's picture

You said he's off his ADHD meds that were screwing him up. That's good. Is he also getting new professional help? That may be the place to start. His pediatrician could recommend a new therapist who is trained in helping people with ADHD.