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the hiatus ends today

Calypso1977's picture

SD13 is coming over today and tomorrow and we are supposed to have her this weekend but of course that will turn into just Saturday which is fine with me.

i havent seen her in about a month. im planning on avoiding home today and tomorrow. i hate her guts and want nothing to do with her. i know she will be sticky syrupy sweet fake over the next few weeks too because her birthday is next month and she will of course want gifts. he's told me he's not giving her much this year but i dont know if he will stick to it or not. ive already told him i am not throwing her party this year (last year i bought decorations, made a cake, food, etc.) He said he doesnt want to do a party either - not sure if that's to punish her or because he doesnt want to do the work knowing i wont help. the only highlight of her birthday is its one year closer to 18.

we are moving soon and this is our last weekend to pack. i told my fiance he needs to get her out of the house on Saturday so i can pack up our remaining items. I plan to go exercise when he leaves to pick her up and hopefully by the time i return he's fed her and they've left to go somewhere.

our home has been so happy the last few weeks. i feel like her return brings a dark cloud with it.

Rags's picture

It took my bride and I a number of years to learn to enjoy the times when the Skid was on Sperm Land visitation. Actually it took my bride a number of years to adjust. My adjustment was intantaneouse once we put him on the plane. Not that I did not miss him. I certainly did but I did not struggle with his departure and absence nearly as much as his mom did.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Ahhh...the gym! Such a wonderful escape from the dark clouds! Yesterday, I jumped in the kickboxing class. Pictured SheSloth's face with eyes rolling and eyebrows everywhere on that bag...LOL.

Calypso1977's picture

so i avoided home and didnt lay eyes on her.

as predicted, she's laying it on thick. it was fiance's birthday yesterday and she amazingly got him a very expensive polo shirt. well, of course, his CS paid for it so it was really a gift he got himself.

supposedly she and the boyfriend are finally splitsville so i called that one. waiting for her to flip out, although she probably already has another one that she will keep a secret from us just like the first one.

of course given her twitter account, i can see she was on that damn phone the entire visit she was with my fiance. nothing will ever change. she has not seen her dad in over 3 weeks and she cant put that damn phone down for even a minute. i didnt ask whether or not she got a new one to replace the one she shattered the screen on. im pretty sure she did tho, BM would never want her little darling to have anything less than the best!