I want to mount a culinary intervention :)
I swear, these kids -- they are good kids, but their mom brought them up up on a steady diet of hot dogs, Stouffer's macaroni and Hot Pockets, and they hate that I cook real food. I made a carrot cake for July 4, and even if I do say so myself, it was a damn good carrot cake! They said it was "gross".
I want to lock them up for a week and only feed them arugula, whole wheat pasta, and grain-fed beef
Good for you, it has also
Good for you, it has also been proven that children who eat a healthy diet, are happier and calmer. Just say if you don't eat my food there is nothing else. They are sadly used to high salt, hight fat and high sugar food, why anyone would just feed them this type of crap I don't know. They are lucky they have someone to cook them real healthy food. My Sd has to finish her meal, eat her fruit and then she gets a treat.
Thanks, Janey! I'm also
Thanks, Janey! I'm also trying to work on their manners -- it's one thing to sit at my table and say something is gross (which makes me want to bonk them with a spatula, but I refrain), but the first time they go to a girlfriend's house for dinner and pull that crap???
(And trust me, as much as I'd love to blame the BM 100% for this, their dad was around, too, he just didn't want to be, so he let this happen. He shares the responsibility for this.)
Yes I must say that if Sd was
Yes I must say that if Sd was rude about my food her Dad would tell her off, I know I would, its a sad world when someone would rather eat crap than a good home cooked meal.
They like what they are used
They like what they are used to and I don't blame the kids!! Last week younger SS was practically begging for a salad for supper but that meant that SO would have to cook (ever since I've disengaged)... so instead he went out and got "Little Caesars" Pizza!!! Because SO didn't want to chop vegetables, Skids eat unhealthy.... not the first time I've noticed.
Well, making a salad isn't
Well, making a salad isn't exactly cooking! But yeah, I agree with you, the parents are to blame -- even the one that I love. (It doesn't help that in the waning days of their marriage, BM encouraged the kids to make fun of dad for being a "health nut".)
My BIOS are victim to the
My BIOS are victim to the same...but they LOVE that they get good food at my home. BS12 has even gotten to the point where he doesn't openly complain about eating his veggies.
DW rocks in the kitchen. I'm pretty handy myself.
My step kids want something
My step kids want something they can eat in a hurry, period! If it's not microwavable they don't want it. Also, they won't hardly ever eat a sandwich of any kind.
Well, we make them sit down
Well, we make them sit down at the table and eat. We are mean, mean parents
My skids LOVE our dining room
My skids LOVE our dining room table, they literally never ate at one when they're parents were together because their BM hated cooking (and in general being a mom & wife). At our house, I've gotten them to try brussel sprouts even.
Their new mantra, which makes BM NUTS is "if it's from scratch, it's the best." Score one for Stepmom (and my pasta maker)!