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Inappropriate Halloween Costume

dfwmam61's picture

New to this site..and as I was searching for a site to try and help me understand and deal with my frustrations..well here I am. I just want to know if I am the only stepmother/mother out there that feels it is inappropriate to make a 15 yr old girl a Halloween costume designed to be cat woman where nothing but a black bra is worn,leather straps as a dominatrix would wear, stilettos,and a whip? This child does not live with us. Mommy moved around the corner from us..and last night her (stepdaughter) Halloween party plans with her peers apparently got cancelled so Daddy decided to take her with him to an adult party dressed this way.Her mother made this costume and everyone but me felt it was sooo cool? Hello..when she walked up to my door as I was passing out candy I thought I was going to have a heart attack. This is the same woman who allows this 15 yr old's boyfriend to spend the night and sleep in the same bed with her daughter.As I am typing this I am answering my own questions...This is also a woman who's 18 yr old daughter is pregnant because she also allowed that child to have sex. And the cat woman 15 yr actually the product of her sleeping with her step son who was 13 at the time....And I'm the prude?

Disneyfan's picture

Wait a minute. Your SO is BM's former SS??

Forget mom, why did dad take her to a party dressed that way? Both parents are out of their minds.

skylarksms's picture

My SD18 was 16 when she got pregnant and had her baby. Just like her BM...

Sounds like your SD is on the same path. It is sick. I would call CPS.

Doubletakex3's picture

Ouch. It's not you. My ex-H let his 16yo daughter go trick or treating dressed as one of the bartenders from the movie Coyote Ugly. WTF? I told him she looked like she was the "trick" part of the equation. I just don't get the mentality of men who think it's okay for their 'little girl' to be overtly sexy for all the world to see. Reeks of child endangerment to me. Sick.

alwaysanxious's picture

Oh there is a lot going on here.

Are you saying that SD15 is your husband's daughter that he had with his stepmom when he was 13?

You aren't a prude about the costume. I would have had to tell DH that he should be embarrassed to walk around with his developed daughter in a sexy costume at her age. She isn't grown. he needs to teach her what is proper to wear. It disturbs me when am man is not taken a back by his own daughter not being covered up.

Carley's picture

Most of the Halloween costumes these days are way too provacative for my tastes. Even the childrens costumes are too skimpy to wear outdoors. No you're not being a prude. I also do not agree with letting the boyfriend sleep over, either. The teens are rushing way too fast into relationships they are not mature enough to handle.