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It's the little things in life

over step's picture

When DH told me that SD14 would not be coming for her regular EOW visit at the end of the month, inside I jumped for joy. A whole 4 weeks of peace and normalcy. SD throws everything out of wack when she is here so I never complain when she doesn't come. Now I just have to get through the next 2 1/2 days.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yes...the little things are such a blessing! Like...leaving for BS19's school tomorrow evening for new student/parent orientation, and knowing we will not be back until Sunday evening...AND SD15 IS NOT GOING! Nice little break!

over step's picture

It's official! I AM the wicked step mother! Found a wet washcloth on SD's bedroom floor. Told DH about it and he pretty much blew it off. I went in SD's room while she is watching a movie downstairs with DH and put the wet washcloth on her bed so she'll have a wet spot to sleep in tonight.

Thinking about it still makes me chuckle a bit.