I have been trying to get my SD to wear socks since she was 9. Yesterday I go to pick her up from school. She walks right by my car with *boots* on and no socks. I drive to where she went and her stuff is there and she is gone. she returns with tights on and boots and says "sorry i just had to go to the bathroom". I'm letting her dad deal with it but christ, can't her biomom enforce this rule too? She is going to get fired for smelling like feet or something when she is older. She can't make the connection between how bad she smells and her ongoing social difficulties. its the main cause of it, because her mom doesn't make her do these things.
Naw, she is actually
Naw, she is actually hyper-aware of other people's emotional states because she has to walk on eggshells around her abusive mom. Her mom just never taught her/never followed through on teaching her, so now she is 14 and like "why do I have to change now?" She stank through my whole pregnancy even though I had horrible nausea the entire time. it was awful.
I'm pissed at biomom for not doing her job. 14 year olds are hard to teach.