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CantKeepDoingThis's picture

All summer, all we heard about anytime SheSloth opened her mouth around us was her guard solo this, and her guard solo that. Well, said guard solo has yet to be seen or heard of since the season started, until last night! SheSloth comes bouncing out saying that she got her solo back. DH commented that he was never aware that she ever lost it (while I'm thinking that I was never aware that the solo was actually real...LOL). SheSloth goes on in her most stuck up voice, saying that apparently her guard solo was taken away from her because the position she is in at that part of the song puts her too close to one of the flutes (and I'm thinking..."Oh, because you are not as good as you think you are, they were afraid you would smack the poor girl in the face?"). Her voice gets even snootier as she talks on about how the captain and the lieutenant got to keep their solos, and when hers was taken away she was just like "Whatever!" She then says that she went and complained to the percussion director (note...NOT the guard coach), and he told her today that she has he solo back. Not only that, but when he told her that, the captain and the lieutenant were standing right there and made some sort of face of disbelief and disgust! At this statement, SheSloth lets out one of her most annoying giggles!

Seriously...PLEASE...let her grade report come in with at least one failing grade so she loses her spot altogether on the field....PLEASE!!! I swear it seems the only reason that girl is even still in guard is because she thrives on the drama that she helps stir up by treating everyone like crap and talk crap about everyone behind their backs!

As for the camp? Still $0 raised. MIL is saying that she plans on giving SheSloth the $150 tryout fee. I cringe! I pray that there are plenty of people there to try out for the guard, and that SheSloth doesn't get into this camp by some default because there were hardly any people there. I'm not trying to be mean, but she seriously is not all that good!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

$150 is ONLY the tryout fee! If she gets past tryouts, then another $2500 needs to be found for the camp this summer! Oh hell no! And the camp is only like 2 weeks. Yeah...would love to get SheSloth out of my hair, but there are plenty of other ways to get her out of my hair for 2 weeks that don't cost near $2500! And SheSloth is not lifting a finger to even help raise this money! She is 15, and perfectly capable. Of course, we are talking about the girl who doesn't even pick up after herself! She doesn't do jack around this house but treat people like they are to be her servants and leave her crap laying around everywhere!

Oh, and last night...she needed money for when they stopped for dinner tonight. I don't have an issue with this. BD23 was in band, BS19 was in football...this is normal. But, instead of going to DH and asking if she could please have some money for her dinner tonight, she says, "I need MY money for tomorrow!" DH actually did get her on this one, "Um...last I checked, you didn't work for it, so it isn't YOUR money! Now, it is money I am providing to you for a meal, because as a parent it is my responsibility to see to it that you are fed...but it is still MY money!"

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

I can mail you a few bucks, lol. Why does SheSloth need dinner money if she doesn't eat? Tell her to take some of the bread that she dropped on the floor the other night. }:) It seems as if she is absolutely thriving on all of the attention she is getting. SD19 is like that and it's annoying as hell. Go away already.

Let's hope she takes the flute right out of that girl's hands with her smooth moves. Then we'll see how good she is! LOL }:)

~ Moon

CantKeepDoingThis's picture do not understand! They are stopping for junk food! There is always room for junk food! That is what purging is for!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Bwahahahaha! Yeah, in the old days that would have been the case. About 8 years ago, there was an "incident" on one of the band buses, so now they are separated boys bus and girls bus!

So...did a little snooping today...I do have fun with that. I peeked at SheSloth's Facebook, and saw a post from the emo friend from yesterday saying something like SheSloth broke her heart. So, I click over to the emo friend's Facebook (wide open)...OMG! Emo friend is a lesbian (lots of stuff on her Facebook, and her "bio" section plainly says that she is interested in women)! DH let this girl spend the night at our house! DH let SheSloth go to this girl's homecoming dance (which I thought was really strange...but now it makes sense why the emo friend wanted SheSloth to go so bad). This girl has been spending a whole lot of time at our house...and now this post when SheSloth now is supposedly dating a guy! Makes me wonder...could dear SheSloth be swinging both ways? Could SheSloth be trying to be with both of them? Is the boyfriend merely be SheSloth's "beard"? Oh my! Now, if it were my child, not something I would have an issue with...even being a Christian. My child's happiness is important to me, and I will love them regardless. Still too many questions in my mind about the whole thing (like is there any medical precedence, etc.). But DH would have a FIT!!! So would MIL! They are VERY anti-gay!

Am I reading too much into it? Some things posted on emo friend's Facebook referencing SheSloth...

"Nothing scares me more than the thought of losing her...."

"When I'm crying, all I want is your and around me do I know you truely care......"

"I need her right now"

"Just wanna hear your voice. Is that tooo much to ask?!"


CantKeepDoingThis's picture

While lesbian girls are not girls can very well be! LOL Maybe SheSloth led her on or something. Wouldn't surprise me as much of an attention whore SheSloth can be! Hmmmm...I need to stock up on popcorn tomorrow while at the store! Things could be getting really interesting around here! I mean, I know before SheSloth's aunt passed away, her and her husband were "swingers" and proud of it...and didn't care which way! Then there has always been BM's gay guy friend who has been a very prominent fixture in SheSloth's much he has always been called "aunty", and he and SheSloth used to do each other's makeup in pure drag queen style (those pictures...oh my word...Mimi from the Drew Carey show about describes it). Wonder what Robbie would think of it all?

BarkAtTheMoon's picture

Sounds like emo is smitten with SheSloth, and I bet she loves the attention! Does emo even come around anymore? Maybe it was just a fleeting weekend romance.....? Followed by church the next morning.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

She went to church with us last weekend...stayed the night here after the homecoming dance! After we got back to the house, she and SheSloth left to her bedroom to get her stuff, and emo friend left in s huge huff! She was back over Tuseday night, and haven't seen her since.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

@aniki...Seriously, I do wonder! I mean, when SheSloth was dating the ex-boyfriend last school year, that is all she talked about, and she made every excuse to spend time with him...dragging him to church with us every single Sunday so he could then hang around the house all afternoon. She started doing this with emo friend...every time I turned around, the girl was at our house...picking SheSloth up from school, bringing her stuff from Sonic, etc. Then, more ever since emo friend stomped out of the house last Tuesday! Funny thing is, I hardly ever hear about the current boyfriend...Robbie! Not a peep! Seems really strange to me, based on SheSloth's history! I would expect after being at the game with him on Friday nights (since he is supposedly in band) you would hear about this thing that he did that was funny, or that thing he did that was sweet. But...NOTHING! I really wonder if the girl goes both ways...whoever pays attention to her!

Emo friend (or I'm guessing ex-friend at this point) is still posting sad things on her Facebook directed at SheSloth, including something about taking girlfriend applications! Man, it will be interesting if SheSloth adds my fake account to her Instagram! Wonder what gems will be there!