Oh boy oh boy!
Went to the dentist today for my regular appointment, and sure enough, DH still hadn't called them to get cost information for take nag care of HHB's cavities! By the way...she actually has 8, not 6 as DH originally told me. When they handed me the treatment cost breakdown....$470 AFTER insurance!!! I called DH and told him the damage, and was sure to tell him that he needs to make BM pay her half UP FRONT...I don't care if he has to short the child support because she has no other means to pay!! I also thought told him he needs to get on this soon, or it would only cost more it the cavities that only require sealants now advance to needing fillings...each sealant is about $40, while each filling is more than $100!
How much you want to bet HHB still isn't brushing? Seriously...HHB currently has more than twice the cavities in her mouth than both my bios have ever had their entire lives BD24 had one found at age 20, which she paid for, and BS20 had 2 in his early teens...and boy did I get on his ass about brushing and flossing)! Girl doesn't realize that mommy and daddy won't pay for her teeth forever! Fillings and stuff don't last forever, and later on she will have to replace all those things on her own! This is the stage DH is at right now! Only, the damage progresses...as DH is now having to get crowns on these teeth that were filled many years ago and it is much more expensive than the original fix!
Oh...HHB and BM have been
Oh...HHB and BM have been pushing for braces! HHB doesn't like the gaps in her teeth. Dentist confirmed they aren't a necessity, and actually stressed against it in light of the cavities! And the fact BD24 had braces is regularly thrown in DH's face. Only problem, DH had nothing to do with those! I took care of that by myself as a single mom before DH and I married!
You crack me up!!!! Don't you
You crack me up!!!!
Don't you know...she is preparing herself for the pole! Dancing, her stripper nickname, now she is into girls? Hair? That's what wigs are for....and then she can have her hair a different color every night! I could say something obscene about no teeth...but I'm sure you are already thinking that one. }:)
And, yes...we can deduct the money from the child support. BM insists on being paid directly. She will cry, "But I have to pay that court fine, and I just got through paying for the damage to the car, and I have to pay gas money for my friend to take HHB to color guard stuff!" Oh well...not our problem! Court order says that she has to pay half, and if she were the one taking the child to get treatment, you can BET she would be demanding half from DH! She told DH to move forward with the appointment he made for HHB before she moved out, and that appointment uncovered the damage. So, if she wants the stuff taken care of...pony up! Otherwise, we will NOT be paying the full thing out of pocket!
DH has his own stuff he needs
DH has his own stuff he needs to take care of, as well. At this point, his is so pissed about how HHB and BM only call him when they want/need something, that he is ready to get his teeth fixed first, and screw hers...lol! This is especially because HHB had been told numerous times a day to brush her teeth when she lived with us, and she still didn't! She may have swished toothpaste around her mouth for 2 seconds, but she didn't brush. He, like me, also wonders why a 15 year old (will be 16 in a few weeks) still needs to be gotten on about brushing teeth...what was BM doing when she was supposed to be teaching the girl hygiene? The child was in her care those years while she hardly ever allowed DH to see the child (every weekend there was some excuse...a birthday party the child had to be at, the child wasn't feeling well, or simply the child didn't want to go and BM wouldn't push the issue). I reminded him that if he did that, HHB's issues would only get more expensive, and you could bet that BM would be demanding his half of the expense if she took care of it...not to mention, her preferred dentist (one her mom works for) is NOT on our insurance plan. Because her mom works for the guy, BM doesn't have to pay hardly anything for this kind of work, but you can bet she would get her mom to write up a bill for what anyone walking in from the street would pay, and BM would demand half of that for free money!
I kind of hope DH makes the call in front of me. I know that BM will throw a fit about having to give us $235 for HHB's teeth, and will probably go on again about when DH is going to get her braces! DH will have to tell her again, what he told her the day he dropped HHB off after the dentist..."The dentist verified that braces aren't medically needed...and he even discouraged braces because of HHB's poor oral hygiene! He feels if she gets braces, all of her teeth will rot out because she doesn't brush properly!"
I was just looking at the
I was just looking at the treatment chart on the quote. BM had sealants put on HHB's teeth once all the baby teeth fell out...got this done at the dentist her mom works at for no charge. I was just looking at the chart, and realized that EVERY tooth that didn't exist in her mouth at the time those sealants were put on (in other words...those typically considered the 10 and 12 year molars) has a cavity on it!! If BM hadn't put the sealants on those other teeth, could you image the mess the girl would have in her mouth.
What makes this even sadder is that I never put sealants on my bios teeth!! The only one ever put on was for BS20's second cavity, as that is the treatment for a cavity that is just starting as to not let it grow further. So, 3 cavities total between my two bios who never had sealants as prevention, and 8 on HHB who had sealants as a preventative measure on all but the 8 teeth in her mouth that she now has cavities in! I don't know...something about that I just find astonishing! Of course, I was always on my kids about hygiene. When it came to brushing, I used to make them use a timer when they were little, and I was teaching them about how to PROPERLY brush your teeth! I made them scrub those things for no less than a minute, and told them 2 minutes to brush the whole mouth (tongue included) was optimal! I also never let them get away with using "good tasting" toothpaste...they used what I used. When I bought HHB real toothpaste when she lived here, she complained that it made her mouth burn (it was an AquaFresh Pure Breath...same one I use as if figured it would help the fowl breath). I told her that burn meant it was killing germs! She went to BM and got her to buy her some kids toothpaste that tasted like bubble gum!
i love the burn....listerine
i love the burn....listerine is heaven to me.
but i also love teh smell of bleach for the same reason - clean!!!
Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! I saw
I saw this yesterday, and thought, "Oh my word...another thing HHB is going to NEED because she likes to wear 3 layers of makeup, and doesn't want to wash her face!"
Could you just see teens all over wearing these things around the house?
She'll look like a frikkin'
She'll look like a frikkin' Storm Trooper from Star Wars bwahahahah!
Me, too! LOL
Me, too! LOL
Still no pics of the hair!
Still no pics of the hair! The curiosity is killing me! I want to see this disaster!
Oh...I feel your pain!
Oh...I feel your pain! Unfortunately for BM, SHE is the one who insisted that she be paid child support directly and in cash. So, if it comes down to it, DH will just short the support, and will give BM the bill and a copy of the court order as a reminder (since she seems to have trouble keeping track of important papers) with the short payment. She tries to argue that she can't afford for it to be done now, well, she will need to be reminded that the problem will only get more expensive the longer it goes untreated...and it won't just be more expensive on us, it will be more expensive on her, as well.
DH and I talked about it again last night, as I reminded him that he needs to talk to her ASAP. He said then the problem would be getting it scheduled, seeing as neither BM nor HHB has called or texted DH in two weeks now! I told him just schedule it, and then go by the house on the way home and inform them both of the appointment...saying they have no choice in the matter as he isn't about to have to pay double or triple for root canals and crowns if those teeth are fixed ASAP. If they will not allow the treatment now, then all we will contribute is half of what it would cost for the treatment now, and the rest will be on them for ignoring the problem! The way he feels these days, he kinda liked that idea...tell BM, "Either you pay your half of $235 now, and the two of you make sure HHB is available for the appointment, or we will ONLY pay $235 later regardless of how much it costs to correct the issues after time passes and it gets worse...leaving you to pay more than that!" I'm pretty sure if DH can document that he made an appointment to get it taken care of quickly, and they didn't make HHB available for the appointment, judges around here would back him on this, and wouldn't order him to pay the full half if the damage gets worse because BM and HHB ignored the cavities.
He pays her CASH?? Does she
He pays her CASH?? Does she sign a receipt acknowledging the amount?