OMG! Are you Serious???
So last school year my SS charged nearly $200.00 in school lunches before the school made DH & I aware. DH & I provided everything at home for the children to make/take their lunches everyday.
So, this year the school sends home a letter asking parents "Is your child allow to charge lunches?" The school system we are in, provides FREE breakfast & am alternative lunch should a child forget or lose their lunch/lunch money from home. DH & I agreed that SS13 would not be allowed to charge a meal, if he forgot, didn't make, or lost his lunch from home he could have the alternative lunch, Free of charge.
FIRST ISSUE: Yesterday DH gets a call from Cafeteria Mgr, that SS charged a regular lunch & when told he wasn't allow he took off with the lunch anyway. By the time the cashier could leave her post, SS had already finished eating the lunch. *I was in the kitchen yesterday morning, when SS made his lunch*
SECOND ISSUE: When DH got home from work he asked SS about it. SS lied and said "No, I didn't actually get a lunch. I only went through the line to ask if I had any charges on my account." DH explained that we would be calling the school to verify rather they saw him take the lunch. We knew he did, but wanted him to admit it. After lying for about 20 minutes & sitting in his room alone (in trouble for something else) he finally came back to DH to talk about it. ONLY TO LIE A DIFFERENT LIE HE MADE UP WHILE SITTING ALONE! He told DH "Well, I did get an alternative lunch, because I didn't want my ham sandwich, I wanted a PB&J sandwich...and they don't charge for those."
I called the school, spoke to the cafeteria mgr who then proceeds to tell me "Not only did he take a regular lunch meal & was charged to his account for it yesterday, he also has accumulated $10.25 in charges so far this year." YES, I told the Mgr...I am not responsible for the Mgr's staff not doing their job and allowing him to charge $10.25 so far (they've only been in school 8wks, which means he has charged once a week thus far). I also spoke to the assistant principal, who agreed with me, saying if DH & I filled out the form that SS was not allowed to charge, it's the staff's responsibility to make sure there are no charges. I AM NOT EXCUSING SS, he has basically stolen these lunches. The assistant principal and I agreed the SS will (in some form the asst. principal finds fit) pay restitution for the "stolen lunches". DH & I will not be held responsible for the charges thus far this year. I have also requested that his teacher during lunch time, not allow him to go thru the lunch line FOR ANY REASON. If he needs a alternative lunch, another student or staff member can bring it to him (at silent lunch for the remainder of the school year).
NOW we have to figure out a punishment for the (NOT ONE BUT TWO) lies he told about the lunch!
It's something everyday with this SKID! DH said it's like living with his ex-wife all over again. There can never be a day that he gets to come home and not have an issue with something SS has done. I feel bad for DH, but at the same time, if we don't deal with every little thing this skid does, he just gets worse!
I like the soup kitchen for 2
I like the soup kitchen for 2 months and 2 more months for lying. It won't be fun but hopefully he'll learn not to steal and lie ever again.
We live in a VERY SMALL (329
We live in a VERY SMALL (329 people in the family is 6 of 323). I'm not sure we have a soup kitchen. PLUS that means DH or I would have to take him, and we sacrifice our time with the other children having fun. I like the idea of him seeing where his life is headed (see my post "What would you do?" in "Blended family Issues forum yesterday, as to what this skid is trying to achieve)...Just don't think we have those types of scenarios to put him in, in our small community. I will look into it though, because if there is & he can be dropped off and picked back up, this is a great idea.
I never considered two for
I never considered two for two...Thank You!
Electronics aren't his thing so that's not going to work. HOWEVER, he is lazy and hates to do chores so two months of extra chores without being paid an allowance would be absolutely miserable for him! Any other chore ideas? He actually loves to be outside doing the landscaping, so that is not an option. His current chores are as follows: Monday - wash/dry/put away one load of HIS laundry. Tuesday - take out the trash. Wednesday - unload/reload dishwasher Thursday - clean the main bathroom Friday is a chore free day for the entire family.
I need tedious chore ideas that make him want to NEVER have to "pay back restitution" again.
Clean floorboards, dust,
Clean floorboards, dust, clean light fixture (take them down and wash in the sink), clean light switches and sockets, wash kitchen floor on hands and knees, vacuum, cobwebs, windows and windowsills, wipe down couches and treat with scotch guard (if fabric), clean microwave, clean out fridge (and take all the shelves out and wash them in the sink... I could do this for days.
OMG, all these need to be
OMG, all these need to be done! YES!!! Thank you!
he can't have a chore free
he can't have a chore free Friday for 2 months. One month for each lie. Keep lying? Add a month for each lie. Allowance goes to pay school back.
Honestly, if he likes to be
Honestly, if he likes to be outside doing landscaping why would you take that off the table?
I know it's something he likes and it might not feel like chores or punishment but so what? If he does it and you don't have to do it then that's a good thing.
Don't make this an ego thing, you don't HAVE to prove that you can make him do things just because you're the parent.
Him doing something that he likes and may be good at might build a sense of accomplishment and make it easier to get him to do the things he doesn't like.
Oh that reminds me. Polishing
Oh that reminds me. Polishing the kitchen sink and the kitchen, bathroom sinks, shower and tub facets. Barkeeper's Friend is a great product for this.
Love these! Thanks!!!
Love these! Thanks!!!
Absolutely! At least these
Absolutely! At least these lies didn't involve anyone else in our home...usually he is lying on my DS. He has a real bad jealousy towards my DS & for the first year SS & SD lived with DH, me, & my bios we didn't know who to believe when he lied on DS. Once we realized SS was lying about other things I realized he was lying on DS just to make himself look better. It took my DH longer to open his eyes, two years into skids living with us he finally realized it. However, it was too late. Damage was done to the relationship DH had built with my DS. Also causing my DS to hold resentment towards SS. Thankfully DS is maturing and things are getting better between him and DH, but that causing SS to try harder to push them apart (ie: more lies, tattling about ANY & EVERYTHING possible on DS). Although DH doesn't fall for it, it creates tension in our home! SS is a terror! Shipping him back to BM (pre-script pill addict - off & on) is not an option, but that's SS's ultimate goal to live with whomever will give him the whole and have no expectations of him with regards to responsibilities or plain and simple morals!