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SD finaly got caught!

rozylady2's picture

H is on his way out to the beach to bust her. she lied said she was at a friends house having dinner and that was two hours ago.its now 10:30 pm at night and we checked her location on the phone and she is at the beach! H was livid and to boot she got a friend spending the night and i cant even get her mom on the freaking phone!H asked me to call.I told H i dont want her here anymore if her mother cant be reached in a sure her mother dont even know where her daughter is.

rozylady2's picture

well typical normal fashion he catches them coming back grabs her from her friends because they were going to stop by there which means it would have been midnight by the time she got home. anyway he grabs her and her little friends and bought them here.he didnt say anything to them. the friends mother(since we pay for her daughter`s cell phone: they don't make much money and the girls conned him into it)left it up to him to decide punishment.they get home.SD stayed quiet the whole night,did not bother him and even did the frying pan that i had sitting soaking for easy cleaning.H says he going to let her stew for a while.i`m thinking yup thats teaching her.(rolls eyes). so badly wanted to say told you so and she go and do it again.oh well not my kid not my problem.i did however told him to make sure he tells me what he decides to do so i would know she doesn't go and pull a scam and get me in trouble with him and to make sure she doesn't go thinking i`m the one who got her caught . he was. i stayed out of it. he was the one who checked the life360 and located her so far away.

rozylady2's picture

H told me what he plans to do. so far he going to let her stew a little while longer then tell she grounded to the house for a week. he is also considering taking the phone away but he isnt sure thinking yes you should take the phone away. yup she suffers sitting here in the ac watching tv all week.not my child not my problem

rozylady2's picture

:? omg she just asked if that same boy who drove her around last night could take her somewhere. told to ask your father. leave me out of it plz.

Not my kid Not my Problem

rozylady2's picture

a update H told her no so she just hung out in her room.he still hasnt dealt with her. oh but last sunday when she flipped on me, i had seen four comments on her facebook page saying my step mom is a fing b****, want to cuss her out and want her out my life. i wrote a calm email asking her to chill and we need to talk things out like adults. she seem to calm down. well today those comments are still there and she changed her password so i posted on her wall for the whole world to see asking her to remove those comments.she did.h i dont think knows she changed her password again.

momof5_1969's picture

I would have printed out that page and let my DH read them, and say "see what your little angel is saying about your wife (me)!" That's nice. What a little jerk. I've often asked my husband what he would do if a stranger talked to me a certain way, and he always responds he wouldn't put up with it. Then I ask him "then why do you let your children talk to me and treat me the way they do?" :sick:

rozylady2's picture

oh i sent every word to him.he didnt do anything. i even said the same things you said to him but to no avail