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SD(13) randomly left to BM house..

panta151921's picture

so quick backstory I've been married to my DH for 3 years now, we have 2 children together and 1 on the way. He has 3 children from a previous marriage (SS14, SD13, & SS12). Since about December of last year they started living with us full time, no change of custody (it was just 50/50) but they were living with us full time. SD13 & SS14 showed some interest in still visiting BM from time to time (like once a month) but SS12 wanted nothing to do with BM. All 3 have told me how horrible BM is, from choosing her boyfriends over them, a house with black mold, never washing clothes, only having eggs to eat and BM would buy McDonalds for herself, roaches in the house, buying herself designer items while living in a 3 bedroom trailer with 5 children. The list goes on. BM made SD13 and her other two girls make false accusations against DH, and other family on DH side to try to get full custody (this was post divorce) over Covid we started a relationship with my step kids other two sisters they are 17 & 18. They told us a lot about Eveyrhing that went on about the house and also told us about the mom making up lies to CPS and ect. So as far as we knew all of BM kids hated her. Well about a month ago SD13 took a huge interest in visiting BM. We usually cut the visits short because we usually have plans pretty often. She went on Labor Day and we texted her around 3 and asked if she could get home around 4 because we were having food delivered. She told me she wanted to stay with her mom and that she texted her dad already. Long story short she hasn't came back, has only went to school twice in a month period and her sisters are defending her, talking shit about me, and enabling her to skip school (her sister 17 is a drop out) DH didn't fight to get SD back because SS's were very scared that BM was going to come take them. The following day BM tried saying she was going to come pick up SS's. Usually she asks them if they want to go but this time she didnt ask them, so DH told her no. SS12 wants nothing to do with BM and desperatley wants me to adopt him. SS14 is hurt and feels betrayed by both BM and sisters. SD also was claming she left because of me. which didnt make sense because she had me in her phone under mom, told all her friends she considers me her mom since her mom sucks and hugged me and told me she loves me before she left. my SKids have a completely different life here, we just got a house custom built, everyone has their own rooms, they have iPhones, name brand clothes, their own TVs in their rooms, cupboards full of food and snacks... DH makes pretty good money and puts it all towards our children. Why on earth would SD leave all of that for a place that's literally dirty and BM leaves them all the time to go sleep w random men?????? I treated her like my own daughter and loved her all the same. I feel so hurt. Idk what to think or do, looking for some encouraging words or similar stories. DH is very hurt and told SD she isnt welcome back especially after she stopped going to school and basically told BM that he isn't helping dig out SD when she ruins her life.

aarias's picture

I'ts sad but the same thing happen to me with my oldest SSD. Now she lives with my MIL. My SSD didn't like having rules which were basically  pick up after yourself ,take shower, brush teeth and no phone after 10PM. I found her a few times on facetime at 1am with who knows but she said she didn't want to live with us because she doesnt have privacy. It's hard but from what i learn from here is detach yourself from people that don't want you. It's hard at first but then it's whatever.

panta151921's picture

How is it with her living with MIL?? My DH wants to try to do that too but we visit MIL pretty often, and SD definitely ruined our relationship. So I'm afraid it'll really make me not want to go visit my MIL :/

aarias's picture

honestly is a little akward because she doesn't speak to me unless my MIL tells her too or she wants something and most of the time she gets it from DH.

JRI's picture

There are probably 2 reasons for SD staying there:  it's MOM and most likely very lax standards so she can do what she wants.  It isn't about you at all except that you and DH are running an orderly home with realistic expectations.  Is there a custody order?

We had a similar situation with BM obsessed with a boyfriend so the 3 SKs moved here.  The living conditions there weren't bad like your BM but the kids hated the boyfriend and also BM was very volatile.  Long story short, SD moved back and forth between the 2 houses during her troubled teens.  I think she would have preferred to live with BM for the 2 reasons above but they kept having spats so back she'd come.  The last time, it was because BM was getting married.  At the time, we were in rescue mode, "Poor SD" but I realize now we were just letting her evade consequences with a parent.

I really feel for you.  Like you, our probs were not with the boys but teen girls and their mothers are a diffetent thing.  Good luck.

panta151921's picture

Right now custody is 50/50 but the boys refuse to go to BMs bc they think she will not let them go back which is very possible. She just texted DH and said they need to talk after SS12 won't message her back lol. 

advice.only2's picture

At 13 SD is probably wanting more of that bond with BM especially since this is that difficult age when they have so much going on physically and emotionally...ultimately they want the BM good bad or otherwise.
I know it's hard to process and understand but it's best to just disengage and allow your DH to take it from here.

panta151921's picture

It's sad because I always thought I was her mom to her, she always came to me for everything, girly stuff, her depression, boy issues, ect she came to me and cried in my lap several times. It's crazy how fast things can change

panta151921's picture

Yes I've been thinking the same. She does have a boyfriend and at our house WiFi shuts off at 10:30pm on school nights. SD would sometimes use wifi for 13 hours a day and would straight up skip her schooling (which we had them on online school so it's not even that hard to attend) her brother has my old phone which still somehow has a hotspot on it and she would always beg him to turn it on when she ran out of WiFi.

Dogmom1321's picture

You let SK move in full-time without formally changing the CO. HUGE mistake. It should have been documented and made known WHY the skids were choosing your house. Hate to say it, but nothing you can really do about it if custody is still legally 50/50 and she wants her time. 

Thumper's picture

Hi OP welcome to Step Talk.

Next time you post would you please use a few paragraphs? It makes it easier to read.

How old is sd13 boyfriend? I am always shocked to read when parents allow young girls to have 'boyfriends".

Hope she is not having sex.

Did anyone report her as a runaway. It is scary out there and dangerous.