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SS total disrespect of me

paintedwings's picture

Well I am here to vent and I know all of you can certainly understand that!

My ss is 17. I cannot stand him. He has lived with my husband and I for 10 years with his sister (We had to kick her out last year for refusing to work, go to school, and just total disrespect, she is 20 now and pregnant living with her mother and aunt)

Since sd got kicked out my ss has been horrible to me. He has not talked or said 1 word to me since June! I used to try and communicate but I have stop.
When my sd left it hurt me a lot because I really did care for these kids since I came into their life. I was depressed for a while but my mom and some good friends helped me snap mostly out of it. I have no contact with the sd.

Anyway ss last Friday got his drivers license. He does no work, he refuses to get a job (We live in farm land so most people here are farmers, our mall is about 45 mins away), my ss see's farm work as beneath him. (even though my husband was in farming for 20 years till he hurt his back). My ss does no chores here. He will not help with anything (And I mean it, one of the dogs had an accident and he just walked over it and left it there! thats how lazy he is) thats when he is home, typically he never is home, after school he will go to friends houses, and on weekends he will stay with friends from Friday till Sunday night.

Back to him driving, we got a call him his BM yesterday and she told us he called her and told her he needed a car, that we wont let him drive our car, and that we wont take him to look for a job and we wont take him to and from work! My husband was shocked!
When SD lived here she worked her senor year of high school and he took her to and from work almost daily, all he asked was for $20 of gas a week.
My husband told him he was not allowed to drive our car because he does not work, and we own 1 car, if he got in a crash or broke something he wouldnt fix it, and he has no gas money! And our van is our only car, we cant not have it, what we should start wondering when he will come home so we can go out? And he wont pay for insurance for himself. So we told him no car.

Plus we feel that he should work for a car, he might take care of it a bit more.

So his BM said she isnt working so she is loaning him her car and she will pay for his insurance! My husband said whatever, he wants no part of it, dont call him when he wrecks the car, dont call when he has no gas money and is stuck somewhere. Just dont call!

So ss is pretty proud of himself. Last night he came home and I have a webcam in the kitchen (its where we crate our dog and he has been getting out so I put the webcam up to see how he is doing it, well I forgot about it and left it running all day and evening, I was playing online and the cam picture was in the background and I guess my ss in his wisdom figured I was spying on him which I wasnt I saw a flash of someone walking by so I looked and he flips off the camera and mouths "fat Bitch")!

Urg I was sooo mad! At first I didnt know what to do, I felt like I shouldnt of been looking I mean I didnt really mean too, but then I got so mad I got up and ran to the kitchen and he wasnt there, so I walked upstairs and I just started yelling! My husband came to calm me down thankfully but URG!!! I wish he would just stay away!
I dont know what I did to these kids for them to hate me so much now.

I dont think I ever had my temper flare up so badly, it was kinda scary to see someone push my buttons so right you know?
Now today he was back to ignoring me this morning, but he avoided me (he always does usually), I probably will see him tonight and I just want to still yell at him! I will do better at not this time Wink

tiredout's picture

Im telling you right now if that happened in my house the kid would be out. For real ...and DH would support that. My SD called me a name in a voicemail once to her Dad and wasn't allow back in our home for more than a year. Still has never apologized but i have allowed that she come to parties her grandmother will be at. i just cordially ignore her. thankfully i only have to deal w/her once/twice a year.

ddakan's picture

my 17 yo ss is a whiney little brat who blames everyone for his problems and thinks he is smarter than everyone else. he hates me and i have helped him for 10 years. he has to take responsibility for himself and stop the whining. we'll wake up someday and these boys will be grown. all i can say is THANK GOD!

when he asked me to get him an axe body puff....i just lost it......i was like "that kid should move back in with his bm, they could share panties"