Have been living with my partner for 2years, i have 4 kids, he has 3 teenagers. from day one SC have refused to have anything to do with our family. they demand he visits them in their own house, at a time that suits them!. usually when their BM is also in. BM is in daily contact with OH sometimes about the children, mostly idle chit chat, asking how he is or for more money. i got sick of the texting so she now emails him instead :? SC are 14, 16, and 19 he pays cs for all of them, yes even the 19yr old.
should i be worried about any of this situation?
you should be worried about
you should be worried about ALL of this situation. Is he even divorced yet? because nobody is behaving as if that's happened.
Exactly what are you
Exactly what are you suspicious of - what do you think you should worry about?
Ex sex is best they say - I don't know personally - but if he's visiting when his kids are home that's not likely. His ex is not being a bitch so that's good - believe me you don't want it that way so his relationship with her is good if a little heavy on the idle communication.
Until you have some specific reason to suspect your husband - oops boyfriend - of infedility I wouldn't act the jealous possessive one.
And by the way you don't want his kids over anyway. Nothing good would come of such a meeting. Count your blessings and leave things alone.