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Step teenage broodiness makes me crazy!

sandra1's picture

I'm sure I'm not alone in dealing with this. My SS18 was irritated he had to go to a family picnic this weekend. OMG I wanted to smack the teen broodiness right out of him.

He was so rude! He LITERALLY spoke 3x and each time he was spoken to, he answered with one word. Then he just sat there and stared sullenly at his phone.

Damn, that's annoying.

He was asked, "Aren't you hungry?"
Him: No

Relative: "Did you get your license yet?"
Him: No

Relative: "How's your mom doing?"
Him: Fine.

His one relative even finally said to him, "so, you don't talk much do ya?"

just RUDE!

DH just lets it go.

Cover1W's picture

I think this will reflect most on your SS and your DH.

My SD13 is getting an attitude (well, has had one for a while, but is generally good around other people, unless she's off on some tangent rant)...and it just makes her look bad, and DH if he's there and not saying anything.

Just let it roll off.
I do believe I was like that sometimes as a teen too.

notasm3's picture

He sounds like a total ahole. Why did he have to go? Did his presence enhance anyone's experience?

Is he still a dependent - not yet out of high school? If not just write him off and let him go be "independent" on his own.

If he wants to be an "out of touch ahole" with no regard for others - just let him. But make it be a two way street. No one does anything for him ever.

He's legally an adult. If he wants to go thru a period of "no one in my life is worth speaking to" - let him. But also let him know the consequences of it - which should NOT include chasing him and begging him to speak to you.

Acratopotes's picture

Not only skids do this, bio's between the age of 15-22 are the same...

What's he suppose to do on a family picnics, there's not allot of people his age, most people are old in his eyes and the smaller kids are simply just brats....

I never forced my bio to attend, cause I knew he would trip over his on bottom lip, I simply tell him, going on a family picnics, there's car keys, if you get hungry come and get food..... He would always pitch up half an hour after I have left the house, then he will greet every one, talk a bit, stuff his face and say good bey..... even if his cousins are there, they are all the same age... they will all simply leave with him and go and do their own thing...

then every one is happy...