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Stepteens at Home on Holiday Break?

Bitter SM's picture

Aren't you going nuts right now? I have two full time SDs who are home for 3-4 weeks on break. OMG. Day off for New Years and I don't even want to be home. One 16 and one 18 home from college. They sleep all day and give attitude if you ask them to pick frustrating. Reading the book stepmonster right now and I cry reading it at night in my room. :?

jumanji's picture

Let me let you in on a dirty little secret... My (bio) kids are both in college. One is a junior, the other a freshman. My oldest only comes home for a few days at a stretch, the youngest is home for the month. And... it can be annoying having them home.

I like my space. I've grown used to being able to eat what I want, when I want to. To watching what I want on tv. Listening to the music I want to listen to. And now... I can't do that as easily.

Yes, the "little one" will be up until all hours, then sleep half the day away. And get annoyed if I make too much noise. Eff that.

So it's not just you SMs who get annoyed. We all do. And we all survive.

Amberelle11's picture

Thanks for posting the article link! I hadn't read it and I found it so useful! Been working on the disengaging! Blum 3

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I like that idea! I like it a lot! Only problem is, my husband doesn't clean up after himself either...which is why my SD doesn't think she has to.

Bitter SM's picture

Yep I know I'm not alone. Even the one in highschool is off for 3.5 weeks. I guess teachers can't take it either and work as little as possible! Certainly can't blame them. I was looking forward to my stepdaughter coming back, but lasted about 2 days and now I'm over it. She thinks because she has to do nothing at her mom's when she visits twice a year and nothing at college, it's gonna be the same way here. OMG the attitude asking her to wash a dish. So much for growing up!

MarriedaBallessWonder's picture

I'm right there with you. OSS has been home for Christmas break from college and the YSS is in HS and is also home for almost a month.

I'm going stark raving bonkers! They also stay up all night gaming, eating and watching TV and then want to sleep all freaking day.

But, I'm off to Hawaii next week for an entire week. Skid free! Yaaa hooooo!