So far this week has been pretty free of SD15. I was dreading today, because DH picked her up from BM's last night, but I was happy to hear that she was going off with MIL to spend time with her cousin. I hope she stays there the rest of the week.
I've made a strange observation with SD15 gone. She left Thursday it has been about a week that she hasn't been in the house. It is strange, but when she is here, we have drain problems (we have a septic)...our shower doesn't drain very quick, the kitchen sink drains slow. But starting a couple of days after she was gone, all the drains suddenly work without a single issue! I can't help but wonder if her extra long showers and stuff are putting too much water in the septic and causing drainage problems through the rest of the house. It's like the septic finally got a break and had time to process the water through the system to the drain it can't keep up with the amount of water she puts into it with her daily hour long showers, constant toilet flushes after every little thing she eats (yes, I'm pretty sure she is still purging...she eats and disappears to the bathroom for like 10 minutes), etc. Seriously...half the water usage in this house comes from SD15 alone, and that is when she doesn't even do her laundry! Our water bill doubled when she moved in!
So has been bliss around here...outside of the occasional breeze of stupidity that manages to get to DH (i.e., BM's Facebook posts and BS19 seeing SD15 at the dance hall the other night). My house has even stayed clean since I did all that work on Saturday! No crumbs on the counter, no sticky jelly spots...BS19 has been home because his friends have had to work, and they haven't been able to work on his truck (it takes more than him to do the work...transmissions aren't light, one of his friends is the only one in the group that knows how to weld to get that exhaust done, etc.). Just proof that it isn't BS19 that messes up the house!
id shut the water off on her. that's what my dad did to us. he'd tell us 10 minutes for a shower (which was GENEROUS). at 10 minutes we'd get the knock saying time to get out or its getting shut off. and he did it. my sister once had to wait nearly 10 minutes drenched in soap for him to turn it back on! we learned pretty quick.
Oh, I discovered a trick last time she was home and took a shower! She's been given a very generous 15 minutes. At the 15 mark, I turned on all the faucets in my bathroom to hot only. Since it is right next to the hot water heater, stole all of her hot water. She got out instantly! I tried the main in the laundry room, but while water is running, it is a bit difficult to shut off, and I didn't have the right tools. Stealing the hot water seems to have worked.
Hi TGIHB, glad you're lovin' life!!! It's funny how we all have so many problems with the showers and these skids lol. Some are in there too long, some don't shower....Hell, my SDstb13 did BOTH at the same time on Monday!! Played in the bathroom for 30 minutes and had the spray going, but she wasn't in the tub! I busted her later with dry hair, still messy from earlier in the day. LMAO
TGIHB, do you have any stories yet from DH to dish? You know SD16 will be doing laundry at some point when she returns.... }:) Maybe you can toss her short-shorts or another thong bwahahahahaha
I am so glad to be reading this. My fiance's daughter 12 recently has come for the summer and wants to move in FT and I am losing it! With the kids out for the summer I am never alone...ever! We go through 2x as much food and water ect ect . I also have 1 bio son who is 9 that lives with us but taking care of him doesn't bother me...he is mine.. and lets face it dads are not moms! They don't take care of kids like moms do, that said I don't feel like its my responsibility to take care of SD and I feel like its being pushed on me..I AM VERY STRESSED, ALL I DO LATELY IS WORK, CLEAN ,AND BITCH. I feel bad but deep down I want her to go home at the end of summer. I too deal with "piglet"- she is a slob,eats like a damn horse,not in all my shit- all my girl stuff from makeup to clothes to deodorant, my laptop(I dont want to share!).. I find food under the bed, dishes in the bedroom...ect ect. But somehow I am always the bitch at the end of the day, I don't know how to deal with this...! Should I just bitch at her dad and let him discipline her? I just dont seem to get anywhere with that.She lived with us before a couple yrs ago and it was the same thing,I try to be kind but its like I am invisible. Plus I adore my man but his work is not steady and I dont think he should take on SD FT without a steady job. I know I am all over the place in this thread but I am just so happy to hear that my feelings may be shared by other women in the same boat!Im not crazy- I will say something positive..SD can be sweet, she is very smart but I think the best place is with her bm who wants her, but SD is throwing a big stink about living here- probably because her dad is not as strict as her mom !
Week? We have been Skid free for 3 years. Woo hoo!! We are loving the empty nester life. The kid is doing well, self supporting and figuring things out for himself.
We enjoy seeing him for a long weekend several times a year.
I'm with you. I wonder if SD15 will ever leave! A bit ago, they were talking about SD15 in college (this was after the big blow up after they made all nice). DH was trying to say that possibly SD15 could live here if she went to college close by. OH HELL NO!!!! I said she needed to go live in the dorm! They both looked at me like I was crazy, and I spouted off some crap about getting out of the house, speading one's wings, needing to figure out who they are outside of their parents, etc. Of course, I personally don't think that SD15 will make it to college. The way things have been going, I will be surprised if she makes it through high school! I am seriously feeling like SD15 will be moving out before this next school year is even over. Last time she moved back to BM, it started with BM begging for SD15 to come over more and more. Then, the fights between DH and SD15 where SD15 would say she wanted to move back with BM. From here, it is downhill...the fights will start happening more and BM and SD15 conspire to get SD15 moved out of our house. This will go on until BM threatens DH, and he lets SD15 go. She moves back to BM, I will make it clear to DH that she is NOT moving back...flex whatever muscle I need to! At BM's, the girl will certainly not end up in college, and will most likely end up preggers within a year after moving back.
Of course, this is my fantasy at the moment. I know DH will fight tooth and nail to keep SD15 under our roof, and the more he fights, the worse the atmosphere around here gets!
The bug that crawled up his ass at camp is the kid! His daughter is driving him nuts. But he will NEVER admit it, just like my SD13 shits repeatedly on her father but he will never admit to being pissed. He was in a crappy mood too last night. Always in a crappy mood on visitation days! Always!
Id have so much more respect for my fiance if he would simply say "my daughter is an out of control brat and im ashamed and sorry about how she behaves towards us". i know nothing would change about SD, but an admission, for me, would go so far. the denial is getting so.old.
@TGIHB and @Calypso1977...OMG...I know what both of you are saying! Every now and then DH will actually say something about SD15 and the way she treats him, but it isn't often.
i assume you are going to
i assume you are going to time your departure to your house on friday such that you arent around to give them a big homecoming? lol
my fiance could never survive with his kid for a week. hell, most times he barely makes it through a day or weekend of visitation.
leave em with an empty fridge
leave em with an empty fridge too.
SD12 leaves Friday at 5pm for
SD12 leaves Friday at 5pm for our skid-free week!!! Counting down the hours...
So far this week has been
So far this week has been pretty free of SD15. I was dreading today, because DH picked her up from BM's last night, but I was happy to hear that she was going off with MIL to spend time with her cousin. I hope she stays there the rest of the week.
I've made a strange observation with SD15 gone. She left Thursday it has been about a week that she hasn't been in the house. It is strange, but when she is here, we have drain problems (we have a septic)...our shower doesn't drain very quick, the kitchen sink drains slow. But starting a couple of days after she was gone, all the drains suddenly work without a single issue! I can't help but wonder if her extra long showers and stuff are putting too much water in the septic and causing drainage problems through the rest of the house. It's like the septic finally got a break and had time to process the water through the system to the drain it can't keep up with the amount of water she puts into it with her daily hour long showers, constant toilet flushes after every little thing she eats (yes, I'm pretty sure she is still purging...she eats and disappears to the bathroom for like 10 minutes), etc. Seriously...half the water usage in this house comes from SD15 alone, and that is when she doesn't even do her laundry! Our water bill doubled when she moved in!
So has been bliss around here...outside of the occasional breeze of stupidity that manages to get to DH (i.e., BM's Facebook posts and BS19 seeing SD15 at the dance hall the other night). My house has even stayed clean since I did all that work on Saturday! No crumbs on the counter, no sticky jelly spots...BS19 has been home because his friends have had to work, and they haven't been able to work on his truck (it takes more than him to do the work...transmissions aren't light, one of his friends is the only one in the group that knows how to weld to get that exhaust done, etc.). Just proof that it isn't BS19 that messes up the house!
id shut the water off on her.
id shut the water off on her. that's what my dad did to us. he'd tell us 10 minutes for a shower (which was GENEROUS). at 10 minutes we'd get the knock saying time to get out or its getting shut off. and he did it. my sister once had to wait nearly 10 minutes drenched in soap for him to turn it back on! we learned pretty quick.
Oh, I discovered a trick last
Oh, I discovered a trick last time she was home and took a shower! She's been given a very generous 15 minutes. At the 15 mark, I turned on all the faucets in my bathroom to hot only. Since it is right next to the hot water heater, stole all of her hot water. She got out instantly! I tried the main in the laundry room, but while water is running, it is a bit difficult to shut off, and I didn't have the right tools. Stealing the hot water seems to have worked.
Hi TGIHB, glad you're lovin'
Hi TGIHB, glad you're lovin' life!!! It's funny how we all have so many problems with the showers and these skids lol. Some are in there too long, some don't shower....Hell, my SDstb13 did BOTH at the same time on Monday!! Played in the bathroom for 30 minutes and had the spray going, but she wasn't in the tub! I busted her later with dry hair, still messy from earlier in the day. LMAO
TGIHB, do you have any stories yet from DH to dish? You know SD16 will be doing laundry at some point when she returns.... }:) Maybe you can toss her short-shorts or another thong bwahahahahaha
Enjoy your evening!!
~ Moon
I bet he's got his hands full
I bet he's got his hands full with piglet, that's for sure! I just snorted when I read "somethong.....!!!" LMAO
I am so glad to be reading
maybe he'll leave her at the
maybe he'll leave her at the camp. or maybe she'll go home with another relative...forever.
id knock off work early today and just enjoy home.
Week? We have been Skid free
Week? We have been Skid free for 3 years. Woo hoo!! We are loving the empty nester life. The kid is doing well, self supporting and figuring things out for himself.
We enjoy seeing him for a long weekend several times a year.
This is working out quite well for his mom and I.
I'm with you. I wonder if
I'm with you. I wonder if SD15 will ever leave! A bit ago, they were talking about SD15 in college (this was after the big blow up after they made all nice). DH was trying to say that possibly SD15 could live here if she went to college close by. OH HELL NO!!!! I said she needed to go live in the dorm! They both looked at me like I was crazy, and I spouted off some crap about getting out of the house, speading one's wings, needing to figure out who they are outside of their parents, etc. Of course, I personally don't think that SD15 will make it to college. The way things have been going, I will be surprised if she makes it through high school! I am seriously feeling like SD15 will be moving out before this next school year is even over. Last time she moved back to BM, it started with BM begging for SD15 to come over more and more. Then, the fights between DH and SD15 where SD15 would say she wanted to move back with BM. From here, it is downhill...the fights will start happening more and BM and SD15 conspire to get SD15 moved out of our house. This will go on until BM threatens DH, and he lets SD15 go. She moves back to BM, I will make it clear to DH that she is NOT moving back...flex whatever muscle I need to! At BM's, the girl will certainly not end up in college, and will most likely end up preggers within a year after moving back.
Of course, this is my fantasy at the moment. I know DH will fight tooth and nail to keep SD15 under our roof, and the more he fights, the worse the atmosphere around here gets!
What is skid free weekend or
What is skid free weekend or day for that matter? Yes-im jealous!
The bug that crawled up his
The bug that crawled up his ass at camp is the kid! His daughter is driving him nuts. But he will NEVER admit it, just like my SD13 shits repeatedly on her father but he will never admit to being pissed. He was in a crappy mood too last night. Always in a crappy mood on visitation days! Always!
Id have so much more respect for my fiance if he would simply say "my daughter is an out of control brat and im ashamed and sorry about how she behaves towards us". i know nothing would change about SD, but an admission, for me, would go so far. the denial is getting so.old.
@TGIHB and
@TGIHB and @Calypso1977...OMG...I know what both of you are saying! Every now and then DH will actually say something about SD15 and the way she treats him, but it isn't often.