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How to manage SD20 consistent disrespect

Chalky.hands's picture

I am running out of patience and forgiveness when it comes to SD20 consistently disrespecting me in my home. I am very much a non confrontational person and my caring and forgiving nature sadly has being taken advantage of too many times. I don't know how to break the cycle anymore.

In the 6 years I've been sharing a home with SO and his 2 kids now SS14 and SD20, none of them ever initiate a conversation with me or just a greeting. SS at least doesn't play any power game and replies when being talked to.


The Dinner Talk

Shieldmaiden's picture

Ok everyone, it finally happened. The dreaded dinner talk. It didn't go entirely as expected. I rode home from work with DH, and he said the skids were late, but they arrived that afternoon. He said he "lit into them and told them how much they hurt him when they told him he was a failure." Dh was in a foul mood. I was feeling okay until late afternoon, when my heart started doing the "fight or fight flip". I tried deep breathing, but it wasn't working. 


To divorce or not to?

Gud2bqueen's picture

Ok- only been married for 2 years- am I really ready to call it quits? Possibly. If any relevance, I'm 51, he is 42. Dad doesn't know boundaries with my 2 SDs. One is 9 and the other 22 this week. Little one is a daddy's girl, nothing I say matters, she will go behind my back (or even whisper to daddy) if Ive told her no. Daddy's says I'm mean to her, always telling her no. I witness more than he does. Her momma, (they were never married) basically stalked me when she heard daddy was dating. Messaging me, telling me what a loser he was, etc.
