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In love with her, NOT him

Reluctant1980's picture

I'm 39 years old and very much in love. My girlfriend is three years younger than me, the coolest woman on the planet, and I adore her in a way I haven't adored a woman since I was in high school and not so cynical. She brings out the best in me, encourages me to try new things, gets me out of my shell. I love, love, love this woman.


No Victory

jrpartner's picture

It finally happened.  Anyone who has read my previous entries knows that things have not been good at home for a long time.  SS17 has clearly been very unhappy for years, and cannot get along with others in this house.  After the episode last week, where SS17 became physically aggressive toward DD14, I had more than enough.  I've had enough of this stuff for a very long time, and tolerated way more than I should have.  Luckily no one was injured last week, but I knew serious changes had to be made.  


All time worst

jrpartner's picture

Rant here about SS17,

Yesterday there was less than a 2hr gap between when his mother SO left for work, and I arrived home from work.  That was too long for SS17 and DD14.  SS17 decided he wanted coffee from our Keurig.  We don't allow kids to drink coffee, especially a kid with hyperactivity issues (SS17 for clarity).  We have resorted to tracking the count of our kcups with a sharpie on the kcup boxes so we know when some "go missing".  
