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Ex wife issues and Boyfriend won’t do anything!

Lizzy77's picture

Bf and I have been together 6mths. He has 4 kids with ex wife. Before I came in the picture him and ex wife were still doing things together with the kids and still having sex. The first month we were together she was still goin to his house and just making herself at home and they were still doing family things together. It took him almost 2 months to tell her that he had a gf and what my name was bc his past girlfriends she would stalk and even slashed the tires of one of them.


Cue the Holiday Anxiety

blessedwithstress's picture

BM messaged me today with a proposed Christmas holiday schedule. Actually, she messaged me to say she would be sending a proposed holiday schedule. Translation: she's sending us a copy of the only schedule she will accept without turning into a flaming c*nt. And of course she only sends it to me. Not DH. No, apparently I'm supposed to be the messanger. 

Cue a mini anxiety attack. Pounding heart. Shaky hands. Headache growing at the base of my skull. Something like adrenaline radiating in my chest. Fun stuff.
