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Just realized the time of the year it was

12yrstepmonster's picture

For the past 12 years we have fought tooth and nail for Skids to come during their extended summer visits.

For the past 11 years my stomach would knot up, my palms would sweat, my heart would race as we constructed the schedule and ask for the time. IT was always always always be a fight.

This year we aren't even sending the email. SS doesn't even come for his eowe visit, why would he come for any time during the summer. (and why would we take him on our mini vacation?)

The only part that bites about all of this is we are up for CS reevaluation and it ticks me off at the amount of support we will pay for just SS - just because he doesn't want to come our support is uped. SD20 will emancipate at 21- and hopefully support will stop on her, however it only goes down by 40.00 and I think that SUCKS.....


Rags's picture


Rags's picture


Rags's picture

And this is exactly why you don't ask for visitation, you force the toxic blended family opposition and Skids to follow the CO'd visitation schedule to the letter no matter what. No asking, no discussion. They do it or they all can answer to the court.

If they even think about deviating you drag the oppostion to court for an ass kicking by the judge. File every motion and charge that can be even considered to be relevent and you continuously beat them (the oppostiona dn the skids) about the head adn shoulders with the court order.

We learned this while dealing with my SS's SpermClan. My wife tried for years to work with them and to consider their rediculous requests in the interest of cooperationa nd keeping them from loading our son up with a bunch of PASin toxic bullshit while on visitation. All that accomplished was to teach them that the more they were a PITA the more my wife would agree to and they loaded the kid up with toxic PAS bullshit any way.

I finally put my foot down and insisted that my wife follow the CO to the letter and not allow the SpermClan to deviate from it at all. That tactic worked the best for us.

Good luck.