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not even a text to say we arrived

12yrstepmonster's picture

When we took the skids on vacation BM would get a play by play on the texting. She takes skid on vacation- we get no itinerary, no this is where we will be, here's the flight number. NOTHING

They flew out today and should already be at destination do you think Skid has reponded to DH text of did u have a good flight? NO...... But will post it on facebook? How sad.

Hey dad just send money........screw communication.


overit2's picture

I guess it depends on the bm in question-but honestly from a standard pov...this REAKS of being control freaks and a waste of time, resources, taxes, legal mess...I would never dream of it.

How can the law demand this anyway??? I mean what a person does w/their kid on their visitation/custodial time is THEIR bsns, vacation or down of itinerary? To suggest such a thing to another poster is just unecessary IMO.

When I go on vacation I do not give a run down to my exh...we don't demand BM does it when she and SD are out of town...and I don't demand it from my exh.

HAPPENS_my exh has only gone once on vac w/my kids-and actually asked to use one of my buddy passes-my kids fly on my benefits so I actually had to set the itinerary up which I honestly really preferred not to do-it was an inconvenience to me to frantically try to find return flights, worry, etc because he decided not to drive. I won't do that again.

BUT-as a courtesy I think since my ex and I communicate more I wouldn't have a problem mentioning we are going somewhere IF he called during that week or asked...otherwise how the hell is that an EX's bsns?? TO say it's beacuse of the kid? Still-way to controlling and the wrong approach.

It's like those divorce decrees that demand no overnights from other parties at their EX SPOUSES house lol.

12yrstepmonster's picture

A9tually DH has no right to know anything_ she has full custody. My issue is not really BM texting but skid is old enough. And I think I would consider it........politeness, consideration, proper treatment of a parent.

I did have a problem with kids giving play by play as if I said anything out of line sd would be texting up a storm.... We did two long weekends with them- in 12 yrs and between the attitude, disrespect, and sd bs we never took a trip again.

I have odd text her dad if we are going on a trip where we will be and when we get to hotel........he's her dad and would be privy to that info if we were still married.

Eyes Wide Open's picture

I think it's just a sign of the times. It's like they are saying, "yes, I know I'm with YOU, but I have more important people to text". Have you looked around a restaurant lately? On a RARE occasion when you see a family eating out together, they will all be texting while they are sitting at the table. I doubt they are texting each other! I've interviewed some "kids" at work (25 and under) and they have virtually NO communications skills because they don't talk to anyone. They text and facebook everything. They have no concept of team work or cooperation because all of their relationships are "cyber". We are in big big trouble, folks!