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so sorry you dont want to be a part of our family

12yrstepmonster's picture

I'm tired of trying to incorporate children into my family that don't want to be. Ss is now 15 not sure I have 3 more years of trying in my bones. They are tired from the last 12 years.

Bm you win. You want our house to be the bad house, you say you want the kids to have a good relationship with their far-reaching but your actions speak different. They scream of PAS.

Keep your kid. Let us go on with our life. Calm boring and in-fun


hismineandours's picture

We are at this point with my ss13. He has spent years making it clear he wants no part of this family-constantly with both his direct words and actions over years have shown us this over and over again. My dh asked him a few months ago to have appropriate behavior so he could move in with us (his bm kicked him out)and his response was to then within the next 48 hours steal from two of my kids, burn holes in my sofa, and sneak alcohol out of fridge and then to repeatedly lie about all of it. So he has moved in with my inlaws-who coddle him and send him the message that I am to blame for him not living here. I would really like to copy the above post so that dh has a "script" to use with ss about his relationships or lack of with all of us. I just dont think dh is there yet-he has alot of guilt for ss living with inlaws-even though it is what ss choose, what inlaws choose and none of them want ss to be a part of our lives.