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tired of the games they play

12yrstepmonster's picture

SD20 was a fulltime college student for the year 2011. She got a part time job in June and turned around and claimed herself on her taxes! After she vowed she didn't.

Like we wouldn't find out? MY TAX return was rejected SD, and I now have to pay almost 2k in taxes.

In the meantime, DH is still paying full support on your sorry butt and carries you on his insurance and we are paying your Rx that goes thru mail order.

Well, we WERE.......Guess what? Come Monday morning he's dropping your insurance (you have coverage at work), he's filing for emancipation, you will make over 15k this year in wages.

And don't expect anything for Christmas and Birthday.....matter of fact, I have just decided to quit trying to make time and effort into building you into our family.

GRRRR......just needed to vent.


stepmonster_2011's picture

No. Only 1 person can claim the "child" on the tax forms. Period.

I didn't get to claim myself on my tax forms until I was out of college (even though I paid my own way thru college and was working 2 part-time jobs for almost 40 hours a week!) it is the way the tax code works...

OP - Can you not appeal it? I *think* the IRS would allow you to re-submit her, then she would get rejected/audited. I would make an appointment with an Tax Attorney to see if there are options. Not because the $2k, but because she's being such a pain in the hinney. damn kids...

Oh and one question - if she's 20 why do you have to file emancipation paperwork? Is that because of the CO? because I thought 18 was the age for that?

12yrstepmonster's picture

SD checked out of our family 5+ years. She made sure to let him know at 18 she didn't have to visit any more. Dh sees her about 5 times a year, receives about one or two text messages.

The issue here is he told her you can't claim your dependency you could ruin me. And she assured him and me she didn't.

SD doesn't like me much. I held her accountable to her actions and pushed her to see it isn't about her wants, but she is part of a family.

As for no longer extending the olive branch..... It is me that sends texts to her about her younger sisters activities, invitations to dinner, etc.

Jsmom's picture

A person can only be claimed one time. She can't claim herself if she is a full-time student and getting support.

I would dispute it with the IRS...Then cut her off completely. Wait until she sees how much better her insurance was with her Dad compared to her part time job.