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Why does she think she's still part of the family?

3xmom's picture

:jawdrop: I'm so sick of my husbands ex-wife. She is continually involved herself in his families life as if she were still a part of their family. My husband's sister just passed away after a long illness. His ex-wife was not even friends with her and she wants to go to the funeral. WTF. No one in my husband's family wants her their except maybe his youngest daughter(age 16). It's unbelievable. How do you ever get past the hate of all the crap that has happened, lawsuits, lies, stealing, etc? I don't think I can ever attend any type of function and be "civil" to her. The woman has attempted to sue us everytime we didn't do things the way she wanted. Enough is enough already. Go ahead woman and make my day.


Last-Wife's picture

In my experience, the BM I deal with still wanted to be involved even after the divorce because she wanted to feel like she "belonged" somewhere. Her own family wanted nothing to do with her; she thought maybe Loghead's family would still take her in.

Timetogiveup's picture

The first year DH and I were together, the ex thought she needed to be apart of things. My MIL came for a visit and the EX insisted she HAD to see her. My MIL was like....I DON'T want to see that woman. Well, Th ex called to ask MIL out to lunch.....MIL said "Who is this? I don't know you!" and hung up the phone. We were rolling on the floor laughing so hard we were crying. The EX called Dh and told him there was something really wrong with his mom because she didn't know who she was and hung up the phone on her...the EX thought my MIL needed medical attention. That was the last time the ex thought she needed to be a part of things......HAHAHAHA!

Eyes Wide Open's picture

Fortunately, I don't have any contact with BM. The one and only time I saw her was when SD popped out her first baby, and BM just had to bring her up here so everyone could praise SD for her personal irresponsibility.

However, I can fully see her showing up at a family wedding or funeral and making a scene. I figure it won't be ME everyone is looking at, so go right ahead!