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People Overload

AJanie's picture

Ever want to just shut off your phone, shut down social media, and just ignore basically everyone in your life?

I have parents who travel constantly and send shallow "xo, wish you were here" texts once in awhile with the latest photo of them sipping a cocktail at some now location.

I have a long time friend who still lives with her parents at close to 40 because she cannot seem to stop sleeping with her on again off again ex or gather the courage to get her own place. I can't really seem to keep listening to her tell me about it lately...

I have an extended family on DH's side who are volatile and uneducated. An actual circus troupe of trashy people. My nieces and nephew have seen too much in their lives and aren't well cared for.

I have a high achiever sister who is vegan, gluten free, organic everything and doesn't bother to associate with anyone who isn't "on her level."

I work RIGHT next to the most angry, miserable cow of a woman, who is always barking orders and making the office environment negative.

I live in a building with several neighbors. We are actually friends with about half of them, great people. The other half are forever looking for something to complain about. Parking spots, dogs, people by the pool, whatever these people can find to be angry about. I feel like I am always being watched when by the pool by the miserable hag on the 3rd floor, who actually TAKES PHOTOS of people she sees "breaking rules."

Then there is the mere existence of BM, enough said.

Yeah, sometimes I want to just shut off the phone and be with ONLY my dogs for very extended periods.

Does anyone else feel like escaping their reality at times? What do you do?


Maxwell09's picture

Yes. All the time here lately but mostly when I am over doing it. It's boils down to me not having time or the patience for people who are waisting my time.

AJanie's picture

Time is precious... smart to not have time for the BS. Now only to remember that on a daily basis instead of falling into the trap.

moving_on_again's picture

Yes. I think the way the holiday broke up this week was tough on me, too. I thrive on consistency.

Vacation starts in 30 days 7 hours 38 min and 54 seconds. I have an app.

moving_on_again's picture

I am kicking myself for not taking off Monday. I think we are going to try to plan our vacation over the 4th next year.

Acratopotes's picture

Yes - I switch my phone off 6pm and only on 7am..... I do not care who tries to get a hold of me lol
I never open the front door and being half blind, no need for me to switch on lights in my house, thus people think I'm not at home...

in the office, I simply close my door not to hear DEbbie in the passage complaining about her husband and how wonderful her little boy is...

AJanie's picture

I feel like there is no privacy in my home, because there isn't! I wish to own a house surrounded by woods, Acra. Also... no door to close because I do not have my own office. I sit in a common area with 2 others... one girl is a sweetheart, the other a beast! Bah!

AJanie's picture

I bite my tongue and do my best to ignore the co-worker. Couldn't ignore family yesterday - holiday party.

For the most part I keep to myself. I just let things get to me sometimes. My phone is off for the work day!

ESMOD's picture

Yes... I do. I am even sad to say that sometimes I want to leave behind even people I care about. It's all very selfish thoughts of course.

With my DH's latest health issue.. on top of several in the recent years.. plus the financial strain we have been under in large part due to things that have to do with HIM.. I certainly entertain the fantasy of just whisking away to a sunny local with crystal clear

In reality, I find that sometimes we have to figure out how to shut out the "noise" and deal only with those things that really NEED dealing with.

Definitely, carve time out of your day.. just for you. Take a walk at lunch, invest in some noise canceling ear phones so your coworker melts away.

Ignore the biddy.. believe me, with as many things as she likely complains about, the management is likely to give her very little serious thought. For the thoughtless and callous family members? Sometimes we have to accept that is just how people ARE.. it's not personal, but a defect on THEIR part. Do what you need to protect your heart. Feel free to not go out of your way to allow people to hurt you.

AJanie's picture

The strain with DH due to issues caused by HIM -- oh yes, ohhh yes. Relatable, haha.

Skids are gone for 5 beautiful days and I will be carving out time to clean and organize my life, take care of myself and spend time with my dogs. I cannot wait.

AJanie's picture

That is really tough. My parents are very self absorbed - do not get me wrong - I am happy they are enjoying life together. But they can't really be bothered and sometimes I wish I had more time with them.

Tuff Noogies's picture

yes, Yes, YES. but then again, dh and i are like hermits, loners, home-bodies. he says "i don't hate everyone, i just hate...... OTHERS....."

i get very irritable around people, and it gets worse the older i get. dh and i just want to be left the h3ll alone!

Aniki-Moderator's picture

AJanie, I hear you!! 'Quiet Time' is a must for me. It's easy for me to do that right now as I am too broke to have anything more than a limited-minute cell phone plan. Regardless, there are times I absolutely refuse to answer the phone (unless it's DH or my Dad).

I put in a relaxation DVD (waves crashing on a beach), pour some wine, and escape into a good book.

moving_on_again's picture

monkey - the friend that I just broke up with was similar. If I told her I didn't have anything to do, she'd want to hang out or want me to babysit so she could go out. It got to where I couldn't post anything on Facebook or she would take it as an invite to come over. Some people just don't care about others. One time I told her that SO and I were having a night off together and she was mad I wouldn't babysit her one year old because, "You said you weren't doing anything!" Btw, she's divorced now. Teen drama for sure.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

Every. Goddamn. Day.

I'm a serious introvert, and a social worker, and I can only handle so many crises in one day.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

INFJ here, too!

It is VERY unusual for me to be relaxed around people - especially in a large group. I constantly feel the need to be "ON". Subsequently, I am physically and mentally exhausted and need alone time to recuperate.